Catalog - Sage Products Inc.

Catalog - Sage Products Inc.

Catalog - Sage Products Inc.

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BASINS: PROVENLINK TO MDROs, CAUTIsPublished studies prove the basin is contaminated and cancause nosocomial infection. One study that tested basins atdifferent facilities nationwide found that 98% of basinswere contaminated with bacteria, including MRSA and VRE. 3In a study presented at APIC 2010, two medical/surgicalunits looked at the incidence of catheter-associated urinarytract infections (CAUTIs) in relation to the bath basin.When infection control practitioners noted an increase inCAUTIs, they eliminated the basin from the bedside ofcatheterized patients and instituted Comfort Bath ® alongwith new protocols. Within a month, the incidence ofCAUTIs was reduced to zero. 4THE COST OF CAUTIsCAUTIs are the most frequent type of infection in acutecare settings, comprising 36% of healthcare-associatedinfections. 5 CAUTIs can lead to increased length of stayand additional healthcare costs.DESPITE KNOWN RISKS, NURSESSTILL USING BASIN BATHSAlthough 86% of infection controlprofessionals said they recognize that thebath basin is a potential patient safetyrisk, 68% said their facilities still use thebasin, according to a survey conducted atthe Association for Professionals inInfection Control and Epidemiology(APIC) 2010. In addition, 81% of thosesurveyed said they are aware thatUTI-causing pathogens can originate fromthe bath basin. 95% consider prepackagedbathing to be a cleaner and potentiallysafer method than basin bathing. 7■ <strong>Inc</strong>reased length of stay of up to 7 days 6■ Additional average expenses of $3,803 to $4,687 5,6THE PROCESS IS FREE & SIMPLE:■ A <strong>Sage</strong> representative will assist you in swabbing 10 of your basins.■ The swabs will be sent to an independent, third-party testing lab.■ You’ll receive your confidential results within 1 to 2 weeks.Call 1-800-323-2220, or log on tosageproducts.com/basintestingto learn the truth about your basins.REFERENCES: 1. Shannon RJ, et al., J Healthcare Safety, Compliance & Infection Control. Apr 1999;3(4):180-4. 2. Anaissie EJ, Penzak SR, Dignani C, Arch Intern Med. 8 Jul 2002;162(13):1483-92. 3. Johnson D, Lineweaver L, Maze L. Patients’ bath basins aspotential sources of infection: a multicenter sampling study. AJCC Vol 18, No 1, Jan 2009. 4. Stone S, et al., Removal of bath basins to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Poster presented at APIC 2010, New Orleans, LA, July 2010. 5. Guide to theElimination of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs), APIC, 2008; 5, 40. 6. Chen Y, Chou Y, Chou P. Impact of nosocomial infection on cost of illness and length of stay in intensive care units. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 26(3):283.7. Survey conducted by <strong>Sage</strong> <strong>Products</strong> in conjuction with the Assoc for Prof in Inf Control (APIC), July 2010. Data on file.800-323-22202

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