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Catalog - Sage Products Inc.

Catalog - Sage Products Inc.

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THE INTERVENTIONALPATIENT HYGIENE COMPANYBorn from a core belief in prevention, Interventional Patient Hygieneis a nursing action plan focused on fortifying patients’ host defenseswith evidence-based care.By promoting a return to the basics of nursing care, our advancedpatient hygiene products and programs help healthcare facilitiesimprove clinical outcomes by reducing the risk of hospital-acquiredinfection and skin breakdown.Visit our FREE Clinical Education Website!www.sageproducts.com/education<strong>Sage</strong>’s unique site provides FREE informationthat can help your facility improve care—including Performance Improvement Plans,Evidence-Based Protocols, Clinical Studies,Customizable Posters and more!Customizable Programs For:■ Reducing HAP/VAP Risk Factors■ Reducing Threats to Skin Integrity■ Preventing <strong>Inc</strong>ontinence-Associated Dermatitis (IAD)■ Preventing Heel Pressure Ulcers■ Reducing an SSI Risk Factor3909 Three Oaks Road Cary, Illinois 60013www.sageproducts.com www.shopsageproducts.com800-323-222020299J © <strong>Sage</strong> <strong>Products</strong> <strong>Inc</strong>. 2010

Simple Interventions. Extraordinary Outcomes.®PREPACKAGED BATHINGPRODUCT CATALOG

THE BASIN BATH:A PATIENT SAFETY RISKThe basin has been proven time and time again to beinferior to other methods of bathing. The basin itself can bea reservoir for contamination, 1 and the hospital watersupply may be contaminated as well. 2 One study foundthat 98% of basins tested at different facilities nationwidewere contaminated with some form of bacteria includingthe multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) MRSA andVRE. 3 A 2010 study goes even further to prove a linkbetween basin bathing and catheter-associated urinarytract infections (CAUTIs). 4ARE YOUR BASINSCONTAMINATED?FIND OUT WHAT’S IN YOUR BASINS!1 www.sageproducts.com

BASINS: PROVENLINK TO MDROs, CAUTIsPublished studies prove the basin is contaminated and cancause nosocomial infection. One study that tested basins atdifferent facilities nationwide found that 98% of basinswere contaminated with bacteria, including MRSA and VRE. 3In a study presented at APIC 2010, two medical/surgicalunits looked at the incidence of catheter-associated urinarytract infections (CAUTIs) in relation to the bath basin.When infection control practitioners noted an increase inCAUTIs, they eliminated the basin from the bedside ofcatheterized patients and instituted Comfort Bath ® alongwith new protocols. Within a month, the incidence ofCAUTIs was reduced to zero. 4THE COST OF CAUTIsCAUTIs are the most frequent type of infection in acutecare settings, comprising 36% of healthcare-associatedinfections. 5 CAUTIs can lead to increased length of stayand additional healthcare costs.DESPITE KNOWN RISKS, NURSESSTILL USING BASIN BATHSAlthough 86% of infection controlprofessionals said they recognize that thebath basin is a potential patient safetyrisk, 68% said their facilities still use thebasin, according to a survey conducted atthe Association for Professionals inInfection Control and Epidemiology(APIC) 2010. In addition, 81% of thosesurveyed said they are aware thatUTI-causing pathogens can originate fromthe bath basin. 95% consider prepackagedbathing to be a cleaner and potentiallysafer method than basin bathing. 7■ <strong>Inc</strong>reased length of stay of up to 7 days 6■ Additional average expenses of $3,803 to $4,687 5,6THE PROCESS IS FREE & SIMPLE:■ A <strong>Sage</strong> representative will assist you in swabbing 10 of your basins.■ The swabs will be sent to an independent, third-party testing lab.■ You’ll receive your confidential results within 1 to 2 weeks.Call 1-800-323-2220, or log on tosageproducts.com/basintestingto learn the truth about your basins.REFERENCES: 1. Shannon RJ, et al., J Healthcare Safety, Compliance & Infection Control. Apr 1999;3(4):180-4. 2. Anaissie EJ, Penzak SR, Dignani C, Arch Intern Med. 8 Jul 2002;162(13):1483-92. 3. Johnson D, Lineweaver L, Maze L. Patients’ bath basins aspotential sources of infection: a multicenter sampling study. AJCC Vol 18, No 1, Jan 2009. 4. Stone S, et al., Removal of bath basins to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Poster presented at APIC 2010, New Orleans, LA, July 2010. 5. Guide to theElimination of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTIs), APIC, 2008; 5, 40. 6. Chen Y, Chou Y, Chou P. Impact of nosocomial infection on cost of illness and length of stay in intensive care units. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 26(3):283.7. Survey conducted by <strong>Sage</strong> <strong>Products</strong> in conjuction with the Assoc for Prof in Inf Control (APIC), July 2010. Data on file.800-323-22202

WATER: OVERLOOKEDSOURCE OF HOSPITAL-ACQUIRED INFECTIONAt least 29 studies incriminate the hospital watersystem as the source of serious waterborne hospitalacquiredinfections. 1 Patient exposure occurs whileshowering, bathing and drinking. Reports recommendminimizing exposure to tap water for all patients whoare immunocompromised, have fresh surgical wounds,or are at higher risk for infections. 1,2 Another study findsbiofilm-forming pathogens can create potent biofilms inhospital pipes, hot water tanks, sinks and eventouchless faucets, contaminating water on contact. 3REFERENCES: 1. Anaissie EJ, Penzak SR, Dignani C, Arch Intern Med. 8 Jul 2002;162(13):1483-92. 2. Clark AP, John LD, Clin Nurse Spec. May - June 2006; 20(3):119-23.3. Lineweaver, L, et al., Bugs Be Gone: Identify Potential Source of HAIs, the Basin. Poster presented at Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Orlando, FL, Dec 2007.4. Shannon RJ, et al., J Healthcare Safety, Compliance & Infection Control. Apr 1999;3(4):180-4. 5. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for environmentalinfection control in health-care facilities: recommendations of CDC and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). MMWR 2003;52 (No. RR-10):5,14. 6. Bryant RA, Rolstad BS, Ost Wound Mgmt. June 2001;47(6):18-27. 7. Amlung SR, Miller WL, Bosley LM, Adv Skin & Wound Care 2001;14(6):297-301. 8.Folkedahl BA, Frantz R, Prevention of pressure ulcers. Iowa City IA: univ of Iowa Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, Research Dissemination Core; May2002. 9. Robinson C, et al., Ost Wound Mgmt. May 2003;49(5):44-51.3 www.sageproducts.com

SKIN: AT RISK,YET OVERLOOOKEDPatient bath water is a proven, significant source ofhigh-level bacteria contamination. In fact, the highbacteria count in bath water is similar to the numberin urine from patients with UTIs. 4 Other basin uses,including emesis and incontinence cleanup, increasethe risk. Nurses frequently make contact withequipment, including sink handles, wherecontaminated water is disposed. This can exposeeveryone in the room to potential contamination.CDC GUIDELINESFor Environmental InfectionControl in Healthcare Facilities 5,*Recommendations - WaterI. Controlling the Spread of WaterborneMicroorganismsB. Eliminate contaminated water or fluidenvironmental reservoirs wherever possible(e.g., in equipment or solutions). Category IBCategory IB. Strongly recommended for implementation and supported by certainexperimental, clinical, or epidemiologic studies and a strong theoretic rationale.A QUADRUPLE THREATOne peer-reviewed paper states,“traditional bathingpresents a quadruple threat to the skin.” 6 The fourthreats cited are:■ Cleansers that are often drying and can alterthe skin’s pH■ Harsh, rough washcloths■ Hot water’s drying effect on the skin■ Bathing is often performed with force and frictionin an attempt to achieve cleanliness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MISSED OPPORTUNITIES FORSKIN INSPECTIONNearly half of all pressure ulcers develop in the hospital. 7In high risk patients, they can develop in a matter ofhours. 8 Still, stage I and II pressure ulcers—the mostnurse-sensitive skin injuries—are often not documented. 9Although non-licensed staff are often most likely to givebed baths, they may not be trained to recognize changesin skin condition. Each bath could be a missed opportunityto thoroughly inspect skin, communicate problems andapply preventative measures.* Excerpt from recommendations of CDC and HICPAC.800-323-22204

COMFORT BATH ® :REPLACE THE BASIN WITHPREPACKAGED BATHINGComfort Bath Cleansing Washcloths eliminate thecontamination risk from bath basins and help facilitiescomply with CDC infection control guidelines. 1 All ComfortBath products feature Skin Check. This peel-off guide helpsfacilities improve skin monitoring and reporting, all whileaddressing CMS reimbursement mandates 2 and otherimportant patient safety initiatives, including The JointCommission. 3 With over 75% of the market, Comfort Bathproducts are trusted by more hospitals than all otherprepackaged bathing products combined! 4PROVEN HYGIENICAND COST-EFFECTIVEComfort Bath’s formula contains USP purified water, 5so you never have to worry about contaminated tap water.These disposable washcloths also eliminate crosscontaminationbecause each body area is cleansed separately.As an AJCC study found, Comfort Bath effectively cleanedwhile offering fewer opportunities to recontaminate the skin. 6pH close tohealthy skinComfort Bath’s pH mirrorsthat of healthy skin, andour dematologist-testedformula is proven gentleand non-irritating. 7Comfort Bath4.7 - 4.9 pHAcidNormal Healthy Skin4.5 - 5.5 pHDeodorant Bar Soaps9.5 - 12.0 pHAlkalineREFERENCES: 1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities: recommendations of CDC and Healthcare InfectionControl Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC). MMWR 2003;52 (No. RR-10):5,14. 2. Federal Register Vol. 72 No. 162, 2007 Aug: 47201-47205. 3. 2009 Hospital/Critical AccessHospital National Patient Safety Goals. Joint Commission, 2009. 4. GHX Trend Report (Dollars), 1st Quarter, 2010 Hospital. Annualized markets based on last 4 quarters data. 5. Meetsstandards set by the United States Pharmacopeia (USP). 6. Larson EL, et al., Am J Crit Care. May 2004;13(3):235-41. 7. West DP, Scheman A, 21-day cumulative irritancy patch test:Comfort Bath ® Cleansing System. Northwestern Univ Dept of Dermatology, Chicago IL,May/June 1998. 8. Stone S, et al., Removal of bath basins to reduce catheter-associated urinarytract infections. Poster presented at APIC 2010, New Orleans, LA, July 2010. 9. McGuckin M, Shubin A, Interventional Patient Hygiene (IPH): case study at the bedside. University ofPennsylvania, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehab, Philadelphia, PA. Presented at the American Professional Wound Care Association National Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April2007. 10. Skiba B, Comfort Bath Cleansing System from <strong>Sage</strong> <strong>Products</strong> vs. the basin bath: patient preference. Chicago, IL 2000. 11. Kron-Chalupa J, et al., The basinless bath: a studyon skin dryness and patient satisfaction. Iowa City VA Medical Center.5 www.sageproducts.com

REMOVAL OF BASINSPROVEN TO REDUCE CAUTIsA study on two medical/surgical units targeted reductionof catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) byremoving bath basins and implementing new protocols.Basins were completely eliminated from the units, andComfort Bath was instituted. The incidence of CAUTI wasreduced to zero within one month and remained at zerofor five months. 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SKIN-FRIENDLY ANDCOMFORTABLEComfort Bath’s premoistened, rinse-freewashcloths deliver hygienic cleansing in onestep. And it’s been found to be more comfortableand easy to use than the basin bath.USE OF BATH BASINS CAN BE COSTLYAnother study focusing on the importance of InterventionalPatient Hygiene found that in addition to increasinginfection risk, the basin bath can be extremely costly. Afterone facility stopped using Comfort Bath and returned toComfort Personal Cleansingthe basin bath to save money, it saw 23 additional UTIs,®Ultra-Soft Washcloths151 additional hospital days and a cost of $107,741! 9■ One hospital study found 94% of patients who received abasin bath said it was neither warm nor comfortable. 60% saidthey didn’t even feel clean afterward, compared with 96% ofpatients who said they preferred Comfort Bath over the basin.After using Comfort Bath, 100% felt clean afterward, 96% saidtheir skin felt soft,and 97% said itwas warm,comfortable andeasy to use. 10Laundered HospitalHarsh Washcloths■ Another studyshowed ComfortBath was preferredby 100% of nurses,who stated itsaved time, waseasy to administerand left theirpatients feelingclean andsatisfied. 11 800-323-2220 6

A HISTORY OF INNOVATIONSince the launch of our Comfort Bath ® cleansing system,<strong>Sage</strong> <strong>Products</strong> has worked to educate clinicians andpatients about this better way to bathe. From our firststudy identifying patient bath water as a proven source ofcontamination to a recent study showing the bath basin asa source of UTIs, <strong>Sage</strong> has led the charge in helping toeliminate the basin bath, a proven patient safety risk.2004<strong>Sage</strong> launches ComfortBath Skin Check Guide.Developed to empower staffto observe and communicatepotential pressure ulcer riskfactors to the patient’s RN.2002<strong>Sage</strong> developsDeodorant ComfortBath ® with advancedodor elimination.2006IHI’s 5 Million LivesCampaign includes arecommendation to inspectthe skin any time staff isassisting a patient, forexample while bathing.1996<strong>Sage</strong> launches the Comfort Bath ®Cleansing System. It quicklybecomes the leading prepackagedbathing system in U.S. hospitals.1999<strong>Sage</strong> launches ComfortRinse-Free ShampooCap, the first rinse-freeshampoo and conditionerin a disposable cap.7 www.sageproducts.com

2010Sue Stone presents astudy poster at APIC2010 proving that thebath basin can be asource of infection,specifically UTIs.Comfort Bath productsnow available to consumersfor use at home atshopsageproducts.com2009Deb Johnson publishesa study finding that98% of basins testedat different facilitiesnationwide werecontaminated withbacteria, includingMRSA and VRE.Traptex FlushingCompliance Device isdeveloped to help solveflushing issues inhealthcare facilities.Launch of new ComfortPersonal Cleansing ® Warmerwith improved features.2008<strong>Sage</strong> begins offering free basinsampling to find out if a facility’sbasins are contaminated withmulti-drug resistant organisms.800-323-22208

SKIN CHECK GUIDEPromote Daily Skin InspectionBathing provides one of the best opportunities tomonitor skin condition. Our Skin Check guide onevery Comfort Bath ® product empowers staff toobserve and communicate potential pressure ulcerrisk factors to the patient’s RN. The convenientpeel-and-stick labels allow caregivers to indicatewhich part of the body needs to be checked forpotential skin problems.PROVEN EFFECTIVE■ One study showed use of Skin Check helpedreduce the rate of hospital-acquired pressureulcers by 67%. 1■ In another study, Skin Check helped reduce pressureulcers to zero in one facility. 2 The same study alsofound that Skin Check improved non-licensed staff’sknowledge about pressure ulcer development“resulted in enhanced communication betweennonlicensed staff and RNs.”JOINT COMMISSION 2009National Patient Safety Goals 3Improve staff communication“Create steps for staff to follow when sending patientsto the next caregiver. The steps should help staff tellabout the patient’s care. Make sure there is time to askand answer questions.”* Excerpts from The Joint Commission’s 2009 Hospital National Patient Safety Goals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IHI 5 MILLION LIVES CAMPAIGN 43. Inspect Skin Daily“Adapt documentation tools to prompt daily skininspection, documentation of findings, and initiation ofprevention strategies as needed.”*“Educate all levels of staff to inspect the skin any time theyare assisting the patient, for example … while bathing.Upon recognition of any change in skin integrity, notify staffso that appropriate interventions can be put in place.”**Processes that “can be put in place to ensure daily inspection of the skin.”REFERENCES: 1. Bayerl K, Boushley G, Effective utilization of nurse assistants for skin inspection and rapid response resulting in improved staff communication and patient outcomes. Poster presented at IHI’s National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care,Orlando, FL, Dec 2006. 2. Carr D, Benoit R, The role of interventional patient hygiene in improving clinical and economic outcomes, Advances in Skin & Wound Care, Feb 2009;22(2):74-78. 3. 2009 Hospital/Critical Access Hospital National Patient Safety Goals. JointCommission, 2009. 4. Getting started kit: prevent pressure ulcers: how-to-guide. Protecting 5 Million Lives from Harm Campaign, Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 2006.9 www.sageproducts.com

DEODORANT COMFORT BATH ®Odor Eliminating Rinse-Free Cleansing WashclothsThe best of the best! Comfort Bath cleansing isalso available with advanced odor elimination!It’s the ultimate cleansing solution for anypatient—especially those with problem odor.■ Exclusive, water-based ingredient—Exopheryl OdorEliminator—surrounds and entraps odor molecules,instead of masking them with fragrance.■ Powerful, proven deodorizing action!Over the course of eight hours,Exopheryl was found to be twiceas effective as standarddeodorant alone.* Eliminatesthe need for additionaldeodorizing hygiene products.■ <strong>Inc</strong>reases satisfaction. Helps makeEncapsulates odorthe healthcare environment more molecules on contact.pleasant for patients, staff andvisitors by eliminating offensive odors.■ Rinse-free cleansing and moisturizing with aloeand vitamin E.■ Dermatologist-tested formula; proven hypoallergenic,gentle and non-irritating.■ Latex-free product; contains USP purified water.■ Your choice of commercial-grade hardware includingcarts, microwaves and warmers.* data on filePRODUCT DETAILS:DEODORANTCOMFORT BATH ®8 heavyweightwashcloths/package44 packages/caseReorder #7942. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEODORANTCOMFORT BATH ®8 medium weightwashcloths/package60 packages/caseReorder #7818. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEODORANTCOMFORT BATH ®5 medium weightwashcloths/package84 packages/caseReorder #7815. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DEODORANTCLEAN-UP3 medium weightwashcloths/package100 packages/caseReorder #7943800-323-222010

COMFORT BATH ® PREMIUM HEAVYWEIGHTRinse-Free Cleansing WashclothsComfort Bath ® cleansing—the most trustedname in basinless bathing—has set the standardfor total body cleansing and moisturizing.■ Our finest heavyweight washcloths are as thick as thelaundered kind. With the softness of fine fabric, they feelgood even to fragile skin, yet have superior strength anddurability.■ Maximum amount of rinse-free cleansing solution andmoisturizers. Enriched with aloe and vitamin E, theythoroughly nourish and soften skin.■ Dermatologist-tested formula; proven hypoallergenic,gentle and non-irritating. Can be used on all areas of thebody, including the face. Available in a refreshing, cleanscent or fragrance-free.■ Fully insulated, resealable packaging. Washcloths staywarm throughout the bath when warmed in ourcommercial-grade microwave or warmer.■ Latex-free product; contains USP purified water.■ Your choice of commercial-grade hardware includingcarts, microwaves and warmers.PRODUCT DETAILS:COMFORT BATH ®8 premium heavyweightwashcloths/package44 packages/caseReorder #7900. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMFORT BATH ®5 premium heavyweightwashcloths/package48 packages/caseReorder #7955. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMFORT BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE8 premium heavyweightwashcloths/package44 packages/caseReorder #7903. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMFORT BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE5 premium heavyweightwashcloths/package48 packages/caseReorder #7956. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BABY COMFORT BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE4 premium heavyweightwashcloths/package110 packages/caseReorder #790711 www.sageproducts.com

ESSENTIAL BATH ® MEDIUM WEIGHTRinse-Free Cleansing WashclothsThe economical choice for rinse-free, full-bodycleansing and moisturizing—without sacrificing<strong>Sage</strong> quality.■ High-quality, medium weight washcloths are ultra-softand very durable.■ Generous amount of rinse-free cleansers andmoisturizers to bathe and soften skin.■ Dermatologist-tested formula; proven hypoallergenic,gentle and non-irritating. Can be used on all areas ofthe body, including the face.■ Fully-insulated, resealable package. Washcloths staywarm throughout the bath when warmed in ourcommercial-grade microwave or warmer.■ Latex-free product; contains USP purified water.■ Available in a clean, fresh scent or fragrance-free.■ Your choice of commercial-grade hardware includingcarts, microwaves and warmers.PRODUCT DETAILS:ESSENTIAL BATH ®8 medium weightwashcloths/package60 packages/caseReorder #7800. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ESSENTIAL BATH ®5 medium weightwashcloths/package84 packages/caseReorder #7855. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ESSENTIAL BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE8 medium weightwashcloths/package60 packages/caseReorder #7803. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ESSENTIAL BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE5 medium weightwashcloths/package84 packages/caseReorder #7856800-323-222012

IMPREVA BATH ® STANDARD WEIGHTRinse-Free Cleansing WashclothsOur lowest-cost, rinse-free alternative to thebasin bath brings basic, full-body cleansing andmoisturizing to any budget.■ Quality, standard weight washcloths are softer thanlaundered washcloths and thicker than flimsy wipes.■ Provides adequate cleansing and moisturizing forhead-to-toe bathing.■ Dermatologist-tested formula; proven hypoallergenic,gentle and non-irritating. Can be used on all areas of thebody including the face.■ Resealable package. Washcloths stay warm throughoutthe bath when warmed in our commercial-grademicrowave or warmer.■ Latex-free product; contains USP purified water.■ Your choice of commercial-grade hardware includingcarts, microwaves and warmers.PRODUCT DETAILS:IMPREVA BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE8 standard weightwashcloths/package60 packages/caseReorder #7988. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IMPREVA BATH ®FRAGRANCE-FREE5 standard weightwashcloths/package78 packages/caseReorder #7987BATH CLOTHS8 standard weightwashcloths/package88 packages/caseReorder #7982. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BATH CLOTHSFRAGRANCE-FREE8 standard weightwashcloths/package88 packages/caseReorder #7989. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .BATH CLOTHSFRAGRANCE-FREE5 standard weightwashcloths/package78 packages/caseReorder #795913 www.sageproducts.com

COMFORT RINSE-FREE SHAMPOO CAPAll-In-One Shampoo plus ConditionerThere’s never been an easier way to help yourpatients look and feel better! Comfort Rinse-Free Shampoo Cap cleans and softens hairwithout the mess and aggravation oftraditional methods.■ Maximum comfort, fabric-lined cap is premoistenedwith a gentle, rinse-free shampoo and conditioner.Effectively removes EEG gel, blood, iodine and more toleave hair clean and fresh.■ Eliminates the need to move patients to running water.No more sloppy rinsettes, other hair washing methodsor bottled shampoos and conditioners.■ The ultimate in nursing convenience! Simply warm thecap in our commercial-grade microwave or warmer, andit’s ready for use. Entirely self-contained, it eliminatesmess, cleanup and the need to change wet bed linens.■ Enhances patient satisfaction. Helps nurses provide awarm, soothing shampoo and improves the waypatients feel.■ Latex-free product; contains USP purified water.PRODUCT DETAILS:COMFORT RINSE-FREESHAMPOO CAP1 cap/package40 caps/caseReorder #7909800-323-222014

Change Flushing Behavior and EffectivelyPrevent Serious Plumbing ProblemsTraptex eliminates the risk of foreign objects,including <strong>Sage</strong> Comfort Bath ® washcloths, ComfortShield ® Barrier Cloths and <strong>Sage</strong> ® 2% CHG Clothsfrom ending up in hospital and municipalwastewater systems.Traptex uses small hooksto snag wipes and cloths,holding them inside thebowl and serving as avisual reminder for staff,patients and families not toflush inappropriate items.When Traptex is installed,maintenance receives fewer calls because nursingstaff either removes the captured clothsthemselves—or better yet, doesn’t flush them atall. When cloths are caught, they’re easily removedwith our retrieval device for proper disposal.■ Small metal hooks prevent non-flushable cloths andforeign objects from entering hospital and municipalplumbing system.■ Open design does not obstruct toilet paper ortypical solid waste.Traptex serves as a visualreminder not to flush cloths orother inappropriate objects.■ Multiple sizes conform to most toilets or hoppers.■ Sizing tool allows easy adjustment and installation.■ Easy to clean with standard toilet brushes. No needto remove device.■ Durable plastic and stainless steel design—lasts aminimum of 1 year in standard hospital toilets.15 www.sageproducts.com

SEE WHAT OTHERS ARESAYING ABOUT TRAPTEX:“When I first saw Traptex, I was a bit skeptical and didn’t thinkit was going to work. But once we installed it, we really sawthat it did its job. Calls to us started decreasing, we aren’tgetting called off other projects to fix toilet clogs, and thefacility is saving money because we don’t need outsidecompanies to come in and fix major plumbing issues.”Ivan Caraveo Plant Operations,Ft. Worth, Texas“It’s a great product. It’s a quick, easy process to install them,and they do work. Plus it’s changing behavior when it comesto flushing. Nurses don’t want to constantly have to removecloths or other items from the toilet after Traptex catches them.It’s like a radar trap on the freeway. Once you get caught, youwon’t usually do it again.”Robert Michel Director of Materials ManagementFt. Worth, TexasView Traptex online at:www.sageproducts.com/products/traptexDO NOT FLUSH!AWARENESS CAMPAIGNTraptex can be used in conjunction with our Do Not Flushcampaign, which helps educate staff, patients and familymembers about the importance of proper disposal.Learn more atwww.DoNotFlush.comPRODUCT DETAILS:Non-JetAssistToiletsJetAssistToiletsX-SMALL20 packages/caseReorder #7101. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SMALL20 packages/caseReorder #7100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .LARGE20 packages/caseReorder #7102. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FOLDAWAY (ICU)20 packages/caseReorder #7105JET ASSIST20 packages/caseReorder #7103One blue sizing tool included with each box.CLOTH RETRIEVAL HOOK60 packages/caseReorder #7104800-323-222016

HARDWAREOur exclusive hardware provides convenientstorage, delivery and preparation of ComfortPersonal Cleansing ® products. Commercial-grademicrowaves and warmers meet UL ® andinternational standards for safety for medicalelectrical equipment. They’re designed to meet thecontinuous demands of busy healthcare facilities.Comfort Personal Cleansing Microwave■ Preprogrammed to warm Comfort Personal Cleansingproducts in just seconds for maximum patient comfort.Comfort Personal Cleansing Warmer■ Utilization tracking feature allows you to keep better trackof product inventory. See how many packages are beingused, and record when a product is removed for use.Convenient, point-of-use workstation and storage solutionaccommodates one warmer ormicrowave and four dispenserboxes of Comfort PersonalCleansing products.■ Adjustable temperature range of 100°F to 125°F keepsproducts at just the right temperature. Warm product to aconsistent, reliable temperature in accordance with protocolspecifications and patient comfort.■ Recordable audio cues allow you to alert staff to properproduct use and more. Record clinical reminders, restockinginformation, Do Not Flush reminders and more.■ Lighted indicators automatically show which products arewarm and ready and which are not, promoting efficient“first in/first out” stock rotation.■ Front-loading, see-through doors give a clear view ofproducts and indicators. Easy to see if the warmer is fullystocked and if products are ready for use.PRODUCT DETAILS:28-COUNT WARMER19.625”(H) x 27.5625”(W) x 15.375 (D)1/caseReorder #7938MICROWAVE1/caseReorder #7931CART1/caseReorder #792017 www.sageproducts.com

EFFECTIVE SUPPORT TOOLS<strong>Sage</strong> provides unmatched resources including:Customizable protocol■ Ready-to-use or customizable to meet yourpatients’ unique needs.Education and training■ Pressure ulcer prevention presentation to educateall levels of staff on changes to skin integrity.■ Personalized inservicing for all shifts.■ Online training videos, presentations, educationalposters, instructions and more.Implementation plan■ Step-by-step checklist for easy transition.■ <strong>Inc</strong>ludes clinical practice assessment, staff education,product evaluation, inservice conversion, protocolutilization tool, etc.SEE CLINICAL OUTCOMESAND OTHERS AT:sageproducts.com/education/hyindex.aspPerformance improvement plan (PIP)■ Assess the effectiveness of Comfort PersonalCleansing ® vs. the basin bath for bed-bound patients.■ Easy-to-use template makes it easy to documentobjectives, protocol, clinical evaluation and results.LET US HELP YOU VALIDATE YOUR SUCCESS!CustomerOne is a unique program offered by <strong>Sage</strong> toreinforce your decision to bring products from <strong>Sage</strong> intoyour facility. It tracks performance and compliance anddemonstrates improvement in outcomes.<strong>Sage</strong> provides customized measurement and analysis, andthen compiles your results into valuable, actionable reportsthat can be shared with other decision-makers in your facility.It’s guaranteed confidential, with your reports hand deliveredby a <strong>Sage</strong> sales representative. CustomerOne is all about yourneeds and expectations. If there’s anything you need tomeasure, we can help.Call your <strong>Sage</strong> Sales Representativeto learn more about CustomerOne.1-800-323-2220800-323-222018

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