Level 1 Introductory Umpire Program Participants ... - Softball Australia

Level 1 Introductory Umpire Program Participants ... - Softball Australia

Level 1 Introductory Umpire Program Participants ... - Softball Australia


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Module 4 - On Diamond MechanicsThis section provides a guide to the basic on diamond umpire mechanics required to achieve<strong>Level</strong> 1 accreditation.The Ready PositionThe Ready Position is the body position of a base umpire pre pitch, during and prior to the pitchreaching the batter and/or catcher.As the pitcher assumes the Set Position (hands together), the umpire should step into the readyposition, stopping just prior to the start of the pitch with his feet a comfortable distance apart (atleast shoulder width), staying relaxed but still.Before the pitcher releases the pitch, the umpire should adopt the ‘ready’ position by unlockingthe knees slightly, with the weight resting lightly on the balls of the feet and the hands drawn inclose to the belt line in front of the body, or with relaxed open hands and arms bent at the elbowsapproximately 45 degrees.Note: In this stance the umpire’s upper body should be relaxed and the umpire should not be in asemi sitting position. A good example of this is the fielders; they go into a Ready Position everypitch with the pitcherThe umpire should stay in this position until the ball reaches the catcher or is hit by the batter.If the pitch is hit or the catcher throws the ball to a base, the umpire pushes off on the balls of hisfeet and moves to position for a potential play.All umpires should assume the position simultaneously. This is best done by the umpire at eitherfirst or third base.<strong>Umpire</strong>s at second base should take the timing from the umpire at either first or third base.SAL <strong>Level</strong> 1 <strong>Introductory</strong> <strong>Participants</strong> Manual. November 2010 v1.1 Final Page 40

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