Level 1 Introductory Umpire Program Participants ... - Softball Australia

Level 1 Introductory Umpire Program Participants ... - Softball Australia

Level 1 Introductory Umpire Program Participants ... - Softball Australia


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Fail and Foul BallsPic 1Pic 2Pic 3Pic 4Pic 5Pic 6Pic 7Pic 8Pic 9Pic 10Pic 11Pic 12The ball first bounces in Fair Territory, then spins into Foul Territory beforepassing 1 st base, and comes to rest in Foul TerritoryThe ball curves over the Foul portion of the Double Base then bounces into FoulTerritoryThe ball first bounces in Foul Territory then turns and bounces into Fair Territoryand is touched or comes to rest before passing 1 st baseA line drive hits the pitcher’s plate without touching a player, veers into FoulTerritory between home and third and comes to restThe ball bounces in Fair Territory then crosses directly over the 3 rd base and landsin Foul TerritoryThe ball is touched by the Fielder in Fair Territory, and deflects into Foul Territoryand comes to rest in Fair TerritoryA Fielder touches the ball in Foul Territory or the Batted Ball hits a Runner whilehe takes a lead off third base in Foul Territory, and the ball goes deflects into FairTerritoryA Batted Ball rolls directly along the Foul line, touches 1 st base and then rolls Foul,never passing the baseA Batted Ball rolls bounces toward 1 st base first contacting the foul portion of thedouble base and going into Foul TerritoryA Batted Ball bounces toward 1 st base contacting the corner of 1 st base and thedouble base at the same timeThe Batted Ball first lands in outfield Fair Territory beyond the base and bouncesand settles FoulThe Batted Ball passes over 3 rd base and first lands in Foul Territory beyond 3 rdbase before turning a settling in Fair TerritoryFoulFoulFairFoulFairFairFoulFairFoulFairFairFoulPic 13 The Fielder first touches the Batted Ball while the ball is over Foul Territory FoulPic 14Pic 15Pic 16The Batted Ball hits left field Foul pole and bounces into the stands in FoulTerritoryThe Batted Ball first lands in Foul Territory then spins bouncing back directly over3 rd base and comes to rest in Fair TerritoryThe Batted Ball first lands in Fair Territory then spins bouncing into Foul Territorybeyond 1 st base and comes to rest in Foul TerritoryFairFairFairSAL <strong>Level</strong> 1 <strong>Introductory</strong> <strong>Participants</strong> Manual. November 2010 v1.1 Final Page 16

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