Stacey Gillman Wimbish Stacey Gillman Wimbish - Media ...

Stacey Gillman Wimbish Stacey Gillman Wimbish - Media ... Stacey Gillman Wimbish Stacey Gillman Wimbish - Media ...
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An Interview WithChairman of the BoardStacey Gillman WimbishDescribe your background.What did you study incollege? Have you alwayslived in Texas?I had the opportunity to attendNADA’s Dealer Candidate Academy.My study dealership wasFrank Gillman Pontiac, establishedby my grandfather in 1938. It was alarge store with wonderful history,once the largest Pontiac dealershipin the country.Dad decided to send me to Car College,the old GM dealer son school.I spent 30 days in “somewhere”Georgia learning about a GMfinancial statement, (every line ona GM financial statement). DavidAlderson was my classmate.Tell us about your family.My children are my greatest job andlife’s work. I have a daughter 13and a son who is 9. I am so thankfulfor them, precious gifts from God.A lot of dealers get into the business by chance or by default.Did you always aspire to be part of the automotive industry?I really wanted to be an international cruise director exploring the world. To bea cruise director you have to be fluent in at least 2 languages, so I went to studySpanish in Spain.After a fun-filled college experience, I asked dad for a job. I did not know anythingabout cars. I loved the hours - noon to 9 p.m., and loved the “commission”.I enjoyed it so much.What’s your favorite way tospend your free time? Anyunusual hobbies?My spare time is spent trying tostretch the quality time with mykids. No cell phones – avoidingscreen time. We like to go to bookstores,going for sushi, having lotsof play dates and sleepovers. We tryto spend either Friday or Saturdaynight at Chequers, our little countryplace. We build campfires and haveoutdoor adventures.Do you have past experiencesthat will help you lead TADAthrough 2012?To lead you must be accountable,16

involved and engaged. Most importantly, you haveto surround yourself with great people that feel thesame way.I have worked for Gillman Companies in our executiveoffices for 20 years. I served on HADA’s board for 13 yearsand I have served on TADA’s board, AFIT’s board, andseveral franchise dealer councils.The staff at TADA works efficiently and with smoothcoordination. The dealers who volunteer their time topush a healthy pro-dealer agenda are honorable andinspiring. Ramsay Gillman always told me that if thecar business was going to be my career that I needed toinvest time in shaping our industry for all dealers. Beinga part of our association is a privilege, and I am thankfulfor this opportunity.What do you think makes TADA membershipinvaluable?TADA is invaluable because the association provides aplatform for a united voice for all dealers.To keep us ahead of the game we play:Offense – Being aware of our challenges & proactivelyseeking the best route. TADA’s legal, legislative, andeducation departments are ready for 2012 and planningfor future generations now.Defense – Curve balls are expected. TADA is very keenon not letting the “camel’s nose under the tent.” Lawyersand legislators, brokers and bureaucrats will alwaysbe there trying to squeeze our margins. Defending ourposition on the field is just as important as making thebig plays.Where do you think the auto industry isheaded in the short term, and the long term?Our auto industry is outpacing the national economicrecovery. I see this steady climb (sans earthquakes andtsunami’s) continuing over the next 10 years. Being adealer in Texas right now is a fabulous place to be.Inventories are back, lenders have stabilized, sales areup, and state tax revenues are up. We are slowly, cautiouslyrehiring. As dealers we are part of making ourstate great!Is there any pertinent legislation on the tablethat’s on your mind?Not anything specific at the moment. The last legislativesession was a major victory for us. John Zwiacher and thelegislative committee presented a bill that will protect ourproperty and facilities from manufacturer strong-arming.Milton Greeson Jr. is our new legislative director. In thenext session in 2013, I think we will have to watch out forproposed increases in taxes, fees and regulation. We havewonderful allies in the capitol.What keeps you involved in TADA? Whatinspired you to serve as a leader in theAssociation?What keeps me involved is that I see value in the association.The time investments I make come back to ourdealership. I can attribute real dollars that fall straight tothe bottom line to many of TADA’s initiatives. I can see,touch, and feel a return on my investment.The dealers make it happen. Never under-estimate theinfluence that a dealer has in his community. With aunited voice we have shaped our state laws and regulatoryoffices, earning us an enviable position amongst all otherstate associations. It is important to keep us together.The big dealers cannot do it without the smaller dealers– the rural can’t do it without the metros. United we willstand - tall and proud.What’s in store for the membership this year?Our April conference will be in Austin, the hub of politicalpower. The Welcome Reception and Chairman’sDinner will be held on Sunday, April 15 at the Bob BullockTexas State History Museum with entertainmentby Stephen Smith, son of Mike Smith. The conferencewill be held on Monday, April 16 at the newly updatedDriskill Hotel. Highlights will include an informativesession led by Glenn Mercer regarding his NADA whitepaper on facility requirements by manufacturers. Wewill honor our 2012 legend, Robert H. Hoy, Jr. fromEl Paso.What’s in store for TADA in the future?The future of TADA lies with the young people that willlead us 10 – 30 years from now. I am so appreciativethat TADA had a “future dealers” group when I was 22years old. Steven Cavender was a “future dealer” withme. Thankfully we grew up and matured enough forTADA to invite us back. The next generation, the TexasDealer Academy, is being led by Tim Crenwelge. Timhas amassed a huge group of close to 60 young men andwomen that will have the same opportunity that I had.They have already survived recession, bankruptcy andearthquakes. I think these young men and women willbe strong and fit for the challenges ahead. The TexasDealer Academy conference in June will be in held inThe Woodlands. 2012 SPRING 17

involved and engaged. Most importantly, you haveto surround yourself with great people that feel thesame way.I have worked for <strong>Gillman</strong> Companies in our executiveoffices for 20 years. I served on HADA’s board for 13 yearsand I have served on TADA’s board, AFIT’s board, andseveral franchise dealer councils.The staff at TADA works efficiently and with smoothcoordination. The dealers who volunteer their time topush a healthy pro-dealer agenda are honorable andinspiring. Ramsay <strong>Gillman</strong> always told me that if thecar business was going to be my career that I needed toinvest time in shaping our industry for all dealers. Beinga part of our association is a privilege, and I am thankfulfor this opportunity.What do you think makes TADA membershipinvaluable?TADA is invaluable because the association provides aplatform for a united voice for all dealers.To keep us ahead of the game we play:Offense – Being aware of our challenges & proactivelyseeking the best route. TADA’s legal, legislative, andeducation departments are ready for 2012 and planningfor future generations now.Defense – Curve balls are expected. TADA is very keenon not letting the “camel’s nose under the tent.” Lawyersand legislators, brokers and bureaucrats will alwaysbe there trying to squeeze our margins. Defending ourposition on the field is just as important as making thebig plays.Where do you think the auto industry isheaded in the short term, and the long term?Our auto industry is outpacing the national economicrecovery. I see this steady climb (sans earthquakes andtsunami’s) continuing over the next 10 years. Being adealer in Texas right now is a fabulous place to be.Inventories are back, lenders have stabilized, sales areup, and state tax revenues are up. We are slowly, cautiouslyrehiring. As dealers we are part of making ourstate great!Is there any pertinent legislation on the tablethat’s on your mind?Not anything specific at the moment. The last legislativesession was a major victory for us. John Zwiacher and thelegislative committee presented a bill that will protect ourproperty and facilities from manufacturer strong-arming.Milton Greeson Jr. is our new legislative director. In thenext session in 2013, I think we will have to watch out forproposed increases in taxes, fees and regulation. We havewonderful allies in the capitol.What keeps you involved in TADA? Whatinspired you to serve as a leader in theAssociation?What keeps me involved is that I see value in the association.The time investments I make come back to ourdealership. I can attribute real dollars that fall straight tothe bottom line to many of TADA’s initiatives. I can see,touch, and feel a return on my investment.The dealers make it happen. Never under-estimate theinfluence that a dealer has in his community. With aunited voice we have shaped our state laws and regulatoryoffices, earning us an enviable position amongst all otherstate associations. It is important to keep us together.The big dealers cannot do it without the smaller dealers– the rural can’t do it without the metros. United we willstand - tall and proud.What’s in store for the membership this year?Our April conference will be in Austin, the hub of politicalpower. The Welcome Reception and Chairman’sDinner will be held on Sunday, April 15 at the Bob BullockTexas State History Museum with entertainmentby Stephen Smith, son of Mike Smith. The conferencewill be held on Monday, April 16 at the newly updatedDriskill Hotel. Highlights will include an informativesession led by Glenn Mercer regarding his NADA whitepaper on facility requirements by manufacturers. Wewill honor our 2012 legend, Robert H. Hoy, Jr. fromEl Paso.What’s in store for TADA in the future?The future of TADA lies with the young people that willlead us 10 – 30 years from now. I am so appreciativethat TADA had a “future dealers” group when I was 22years old. Steven Cavender was a “future dealer” withme. Thankfully we grew up and matured enough forTADA to invite us back. The next generation, the TexasDealer Academy, is being led by Tim Crenwelge. Timhas amassed a huge group of close to 60 young men andwomen that will have the same opportunity that I had.They have already survived recession, bankruptcy andearthquakes. I think these young men and women willbe strong and fit for the challenges ahead. The TexasDealer Academy conference in June will be in held inThe Woodlands. 2012 SPRING 17

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