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PHOTO FMark the ramrod at the muzzle.Use a marking pencil to mark the ramrod.This will allow you to ensure that eachcharge is seated to the same depth. Eraseand remark each time you adjust the chargeor change shot charges. When you arrive atthe desired charge, cut a clean notch in theramrod so you will have a permanentreference mark. This reference mark will serveas an indicator only with the powder chargeand shot charge used when it was marked.When the powder charge and/or shot chargechange, the reference mark will also change.Once the shotgun is charged (wads and shot column firmly seatedagainst the powder charge as shown in the illustrated insert Photo “E”), it isnecessary to carefully mark your ramrod at the muzzle. A reference mark onthe ramrod will ensure that all future charges are seated properly. See Photo“F”. Remove the ramrod before priming the firearm.Never fire a muzzleloading shotgun unless you are sure that the entirewad and shot column is properly seated firmly against the powder chargeand the ramrod has been removed from the bore. Shooters should bear inmind that the muzzleloading charge is not crimped into position as is thefixed cartridge. If wads do not fit tightly then jarring or movement of thefirearm can cause wads to move forward. If the shotgun is fired with thewad and shot column (or part of it) off the powder charge, or the ramrodis still in the bore, the wadding or the ramrod may act as a bore obstruction.THIS CAN CAUSE A RUPTURED OR BURST BARREL RESULT-ING IN POSSIBLE INJURY AND/OR DEATH TO THE SHOOTER ORBYSTANDERS AND DAMAGE TO PROPERTY. Mark the ramrod as directedand always use the ramrod to check that the charge is properlyseated before priming and firing the shotgun. If, due to fouling, a chargeof shot becomes lodged part way down the barrel, the shotgun must bedisassembled and the charge removed. See section on “Cleaning”. Alsosee section on “Pulling a Charge”.Priming Your Charged Muzzleloading Shotgun. If you have followedthe preceding instructions, your muzzleloading shotgun will now be chargedwith FFG Black Powder or an approved Black Powder substitute, such asPyrodex® and the wads and shot charge will be firmly seated against the powdercharge as illustrated on page 45. Your ramrod will be marked to the exactseating depth ensuring that all following charges are seated in the same carefulmanner. The hammer on your firearm will be in half-cock position.48

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