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<strong>Thompson</strong>/<strong>Center</strong>Lead Bullet MouldsWhen using T/C moulds, follow the instructions supplied with the mould block.Lead is a potent, systemic poison that serves no known useful function once absorbedby your body. Lead can be absorbed into your body by inhalation (breathing)and ingestion (eating). Taken in large enough doses, lead can kill you in amatter of days. Even in small quantities, lead dust, fumes or mist can be inhaledor ingested and cause serious injury in the respiratory system. Children are especiallyvulnerable to this.Never allow children to be present in the room where you are casting bullets.Ensure that your work area is well ventilated so that hazardous vapors are portedaway from you.Lead can also be absorbed through your digestive system if lead gets in yourmouth and is swallowed. If you handle food, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, ormake-up which have lead on them, or handle them with hands contaminated withlead, this will contribute to ingestion. Always be sure to wash your hands afterhandling lead.No eating, drinking or smoking should take place in any area you are workingwith lead.When casting lead bullets, use only pure lead (PB). Wear long sleeves, safetyglasses, gloves, and a canvas apron to protect you against lead splatters. Moltenlead will react violently if it comes into contact with water or other liquids. Themolten lead can erupt with steam and hot lead spewing in all directions. Keepyour bullet casting furnace away from possible sources of water such as the condensationfrom overhead pipes. Be certain that any new lead being added to theold lead is absolutely dry.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN INJURYAND/OR DEATH TO THE BULLET CASTER OR BYSTANDER, AND DAM-AGE TO PROPERTY.Muzzleloading projectiles must be cast from pure lead. Most lead alloyscommonly found in Linotype and wheel weights contain antimony. Whilesuch alloys are very desirable for fixed cartridge projectiles, they are impracticalfor muzzleloading use. Alloys containing antimony are harder and lighterthan pure lead. Consequently, projectiles cast from such materials will be overlyhard (depending on the amount of antimony present) and somewhat lighterthan the bullet weight listed for the mould. The biggest problem, however, is22

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