Child Health Check-Up (formerly EPSDT) - Herman & Associates ...

Child Health Check-Up (formerly EPSDT) - Herman & Associates ...

Child Health Check-Up (formerly EPSDT) - Herman & Associates ...

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<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Check</strong>-<strong>Up</strong> Coverage and Limitations HandbookINTRODUCTION TO THE HANDBOOKOverviewIntroductionThis chapter introduces the format used to prepare the MedicaidReimbursement and Coverage and Limitations Handbooks and tells the readerhow to use the handbooks.BackgroundThe Coverage and Limitations Handbook explains covered services, their limitsand who is eligible to receive them. It is to be used with the ReimbursementHandbook, which describes how to complete and file claims for reimbursementby Medicaid, and the General Handbook, which describes the Florida MedicaidProgram.Legal AuthorityThe Medicaid program is authorized by Title XIX of the Social Security Act andTitle 42, Code of Federal Regulations. The Florida Medicaid program isauthorized by Chapter 409, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 59G, FloridaAdministrative Code (F.A.C.).Federal Regulations, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Administrative Code,which deal with the purpose, implementation, and administration of eachMedicaid program, are cited for reference in each service-specific Coverage andLimitations Handbook.In This ChapterThis chapter contains:TOPICHandbook Use and FormatCharacteristics of the HandbookHandbook <strong>Up</strong>datesPAGEiiiiiiiiOctober 2003i

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