Child Health Check-Up (formerly EPSDT) - Herman & Associates ...

Child Health Check-Up (formerly EPSDT) - Herman & Associates ...

Child Health Check-Up (formerly EPSDT) - Herman & Associates ...

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<strong>Child</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Check</strong>-<strong>Up</strong> Coverage and Limitations HandbookDevelopmental AssessmentDescriptionThe developmental assessment consists of a range of activities to determinewhether the child’s physical, cognitive and emotional developments are withinthe normal range for the child’s age and cultural background.RequiredThe provider must assess the child’s developmental status and document thefindings in the child’s medical record.RecommendedBased on the provider’s medical discretion, the following elements, asappropriate for the child’s age and cultural background, should be considered:• Gross motor development--focusing on strength, balance, and locomotion;• Fine motor development--focusing on eye-hand coordination;• Communication skills or language development--focusing on expression,comprehension and speech articulation;• Self-help and self-care skills;• Social-emotional development--focusing on the ability to engage in socialinteraction with other children, adolescents, parents and other adults; and• Cognitive skills--focusing on problem solving or reasoning.If the child needs additional objective testing, the provider should use adevelopmental assessment tool that is appropriate for the child’s age andcultural background.Emphasis forYoung <strong>Child</strong>renFor school-age children, the provider should focus on visual-motor integration,visual-spatial organization, visual-sequential memory, attention skills, auditoryprocessing skills, and auditory sequential memory.Emphasis forAdolescentsFor adolescents, the provider should focus on areas of special concern, such aspotential learning disabilities, peer relations, psychological issues, psychiatricproblems and vocational skills.Recipients WhoNeed FurtherAssessmentThe provider should refer a child who needs further assessment to the EarlyIntervention Program through the local <strong>Child</strong>ren’s Medical Services office or thelocal Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS). FDLRS canbe contacted through the local school system.RequiredFrequencyThe provider must assess and document the child’s developmental status ateach <strong>Child</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Check</strong>-<strong>Up</strong>.2-8 October 2003

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