part 2 - Western Cape Education Department

part 2 - Western Cape Education Department

part 2 - Western Cape Education Department


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ST401 PUBLIC SPECIAL SCHOOL EDUCATION - Key trendsPAYMENTS BY SUB-PROGRAMME (R’000)4.1 Schools 345,224 366,447 386,038 389,1124.2 Professional services 0 0 1 04.3 Human resource development 0 0 1 0TOTAL 345,224 366,447 386,040 389,112PAYMENTS BY ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION (R’000)Current payment 275,434 294,556 309,150 312,419Compensation of employees 273,315 291,577 305,235 307,469Educators 216,114 225,010 235,550 236,750Non-educators 57,201 66,567 69,685 70,719Goods and services and other current 2,119 2,979 3,915 4,950Transfers and subsidies 69,790 71,735 76,890 76,489Payments for capital assets 0 156 0 204TOTAL 345,224 366,447 386,040 389,112STAFFINGNumber of Educators (publicly employed) 1,480 1,480 1 544 1,538Number of Non-educators (publicly employed) 904 905 906 904ENROLMENTUp to and including Grade 7 10,791 9,444 - 9,536Grade 8 and above 4,031 4,411 - 4,812INSTITUTIONS & INFRASTRUCTURESchools 76 70 70 70►PERFORMANCE MEASURES►PM401: Percentage of children with special needs aged 6 to 15 not enrolled in educational institutions Historical data not available 2% 23.2%*Source: * StatsSA 2005 General Household Survey - This is the percentage of disabled children of compulsory school-going age not enrolled in any educational institution compared to the total number of disabled children ofcompulsory school-going age in the province. Previously the number of disabled children of compulsory school-going age not enrolled in any educational institution was compared to the total number of all children of compulsoryschool-going age in the province.2004/05Actual2005/06Actual2006/07Target2006/07Actual44Part 2

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