Ysgol Gyfun Gymunedol Penweddig

Ysgol Gyfun Gymunedol Penweddig

Ysgol Gyfun Gymunedol Penweddig

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PENWEDDIG<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> <strong>Gymunedol</strong> <strong>Penweddig</strong>Ffordd Llanbadarn, Llangawsai, Aberystwyth, SY23 3QNT: 01970 639499F: 01970626641E: ymholiadau@penweddig.ceredigion.sch.ukPennaeth / Headteacher: Mr Gwenallt Llwyd IfanCadeirydd Llywodraethwyr / Chair of Governors: Mr Roy JamesClerc y Corff Llywodraethol / Clerk to the Governing Body: Mr J E EvansAdran Addysg / Education Department, Canolfan Rheidol,Rhodfa Padarn, Llanbadarn Fawr, Aberystwyth SY23 3UEADRODDIAD BLYNYDDOLANNUAL REPORTMEDI 2011-AWST 20121

Cyfarfod Blynyddol Rhieni 2011 Annual Parents’ Meetinga gynhelir yn / will be held at<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> <strong>Gymunedol</strong> <strong>Penweddig</strong>nos Iau 8 Tachwedd 2012 / Thursday evening 8 November 2012am / at 7.00pmBydd aelodau o’r Corff Llywodraethol yn y cyfarfod i ateb unrhyw gwestiynau ynglŷn â’r <strong>Ysgol</strong>.Os yw’r rhieni am wneud penderfyniadau yn y cyfarfod bydd angen i nifer y rhieni sy’n bresennolgyfateb i o leiaf 20% o nifer y disgyblion cofrestredig yn yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>.Gobeithiaf y gallwch fod yn bresennol.Yn gywirJ E EVANSCyfarwyddwr Addysg a Gwasanaethau CymunedolMembers of the Governing Body will be at the meeting to answer any questions regarding theSchool. If parents wish to pass resolutions at the meeting it is necessary for the number of parentspresent to equal at least 20% of the number of registered pupils at the School.I hope that you will be able to attend.Yours sincerelyJ E EVANSDirector of Education and Community ServicesAGENDADerbyn ymddiheuriadau / Receive apologiesYstyried penderfyniadau (os y bu rhai) o Gyfarfod Blynyddol Rhieni a gynhaliwyd yn Nhymoryr Haf 2012 /Conisder any resolutions (if any) from the Annual Parents’ Meeting held during the SummerTerm 2012 Ystyried Adroddiad y Llywodraethwyr i’r Rhieni a derbyn cwestiynau /Consider the Governors’ Report to Parents and receive questions2

Pwy yw pwy : Who’s who:Rhestr law o Lywodraethwyr 2011/2012:Full list of 2010/2011 Governors:ENW / NAMESTATWS / STATUSTYMOR YGWASANAETHYN CYCHWYN /TERM OFOFFICECOMMENCETYMOR YGWASANAETHYN GORFFEN /TERM OF OFFICEEXPIRESCyng / Cllr C Davies AALL / LEA 05/2008 05/2012Cyng / Cllr G Davies AALL / LEA 05/2012 05/2017Mr W P James AALL / LEA 07/2012 07/2016Cyng L Jones-Southgate AALL / LEA 05/2012 05/2017Cyng A Lloyd Jones AALL / LEA 05/2012 05/2017Ms C Moseley AALL / LEA 04/2009 04/2013Cyng / Cllr A Williams AALL / LEA 05/2008 05/2012Cyng / Cllr DJ Pritchard Cymunedol Ychwanegol /Additional Community01/2009 01/2013Mr M Birtwistle Rhiant / Parent 11/2009 11/2013Ms C M S Davies Rhiant / Parent 01/2012 01/2016Mr D Evans Rhiant / Parent 02/2009 06/2012Mr M Rees Rhiant / Parent 09/2008 09/2012Mr R Tudor Rhiant / Parent 12/2011 12/2015Mr R Wells Rhiant / Parent 02/2009 02/2013(lle gwag / vacancy)Mr D Creunant Cymunedol / Community 03/2010 03/2014Ms S Howys Cymunedol / Community 04/2011 04/2015Mr R James Cymunedol / Community 03/2010 03/2014Mr A Thomas Cymunedol / Community 12/2011 12/2015Mr J Turner Cymunedol / Community 12/2009 12/2013Miss J Howells Athro / Teacher 01/2011 01/2015Mrs P Thomas Athro / Teacher 01/2011 01/2015Mrs L Rice Staff Atodol / Support Staff 02/2011 02/2015Mr Rh Davies Cyngor <strong>Ysgol</strong> / School Council 09/2011 08/2012Mr Ll Thomas Cyngor <strong>Ysgol</strong> / School Council 09/2011 08/2012Mr G Ll Ifan Pennaeth / Headteacher Dd.y.G. / N.A. Dd.y.G. / N.A.3

Dawns cyfansoddiad cymysg bl 7 a dan 19 oed-1af Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd Eryri 2012Mixed composition dance yr 7 and under 19 - 1st Urdd National Eisteddfod Eryri 2012Sioe Ffasiwn Dylunio a Thechnoleg / Design & Technology Fashion Show5

Cynhaliwyd cyfarfod blynyddol diwethaf rhwng y Llywodraethwyr a’r rhieni ar17/07/12Yn y cyfarfod blynyddol diwethaf ni chafwyd cworwm o rieni yn bresennol ac felly nichymerwyd unrhyw benderfyniadau.The last annual meeting between governors and parents was held on 17/07/12In the last annual meeting there wasn’t a quorum of parents present, therefore no decisionswere taken.A ydych wedi ystyried bod yn RHIANT LYWODRAETHWR?Hysbysebwyd am enwebiadau ar gyfer dau Rhiant Lywodraethwr yn ystod mis Medi2012. Ail etholwyd Mr M Rees yn ddiwrthwynebiad am dymor ychwanegol o 4 blyneddac ail hysbysebwyd am Rhiant Lywodraethwr yn mis Hydref 2012.Ar hyn o bryd nid oes yna sedd wag ar y Corff Llywodraethol ar gyfer Rhiant Lywodraethwr.Hysbysebir rhieni drwy lythyr neu e-bost pan ddaw sedd yn rhydd.Have you considered being a PARENT GOVERNOR?Nominations for two Parent Governor was advertised during September 2012. Mr MRees was re-elected unopposed for a further period of 4 years and the remaining ParentGovernor vacancy was re-advertised during October 2012.Currently there are no vacancies for a Parent Governor on the Governing Body. Parentswill be informed by letter or e-mail when a vacancy arises.PROPECTWS NEWYDDNid yw prospectws yr ysgol wedi newid ers ycyfarfod diwethaf . Serch hynny, diweddarwydy prospectws ar gyfer y chwecheddosbarth. Mae’r ysgol yn ddiolchgar iawn i MrArwel Thomas am ei gyngor a’i waith caled iwella’r ddogfen bwysig hon.NEW PROSPECTUSThe school prospectus has not beenchanged since the last meeting. However,the school’s sixth form prospectus was updatedand the presentation improved. Theschool thanks Mr Arwel Thomas for his helpand hard work in improving this very importantdocument.6

MAE’R CYNLLUN DATBLYGU YSGOL I’W WELD AR WEFAN YR YSGOLY penawdau yn y cynllun datblygu ysgol yw: meithrin a datblygu pobl ifanc sy’n medru cyflawni eu dyheadau trwy ennill cymhwysterau ardderchoggan ystyried eu gallu a photensial meithrin disgyblion sy’n meddu ar sgiliau rhagorol mewn meysydd amrywiol yn gwricwlaidd boedhynny yn academaidd neu yn y meysydd galwedigaethol sicrhau bod y disgyblion yn datblygu sgiliau dysgu trosglwyddiadwy a fydd o ddefnydd iddynt yn ybyd cyflogaeth darparu cyfleoedd eang i ddisgyblion ddatblygu eu medrau yn allgyrsiol rhoi gofal a chyfarwyddyd ardderchog i bob disgybl yn ddiwahan ennyn balchder a bri mewn Cymreictod a’r Gymraeg sicrhau adnoddau a gweithlu ardderchog sy’n flaengar ac yn arwain yn eu maes datblygu Cymuned yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> a’r <strong>Ysgol</strong> yn y Gymunedwww.penweddig.ceredigion.sch.ukTHE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN CAN BE SEEN ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE nurture and develop young people who will be able to fulfil their aspirations by gaining excellentqualifications in accordance with their ability and potential nurture pupils who possess excellent skills in a variety of curricular areas, both academically andin vocational areas ensure that the pupils develop transferable skills which will be useful in the world of work provide extensive opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in extra-curricular areas provide excellent care and guidance to all pupils alike foster pride in Welshness and the Welsh language provide excellent resources and a progressive workforce to lead forward develop the school’s community and the school in the community.Prif Swyddogion 2011-12 Head PupilsO’r chwith/from the left: Katherine Botting, Gerallt Tawy, David Phillips, Llyr Thomas (Prif Fachgen/Head Boy)Rhianna Davies (Prif Ferch/Head Girl), Eoin Mahon, Catrin Howells, Aoife Mahon7

CYNNYDD / PROGRESS Mae <strong>Penweddig</strong> yn ysgol Band 2 Presenoldeb 2011/2012 - 94.5% Absenoldebau 2011/2012: 4.5% gyda chaniatad 1.0% heb ganiatad A* - C TGAU 2012 - 84% A* - C Safon A 2012 - 78.65% Lefel 5+ DPC Cyfnod Allweddol 3 - 85% 57% lleihad yn y ddyled ariannol Lleihad yn y nifer o ddyddiau a gollwyd i waharddiadauo 106 i 6 diwrnod dros 4 blynedd Cyfwlynwyd ail flwyddyn y cwricwlwm newydd <strong>Penweddig</strong> is a Band 2 school 2011/2012 Attendance - 94.5% Absences 2011/2012: 4.5% authorised absences 1.0% unauthorised absences A* - C GCSE 2011 - 84% A* - C A Level 2011 - 78.65% Key Stage 3 CSI Level 5+ - 85% 57% reduction in the financial deficit Reduction in the number of days lost to exclusionsfrom 106 to 6 days over 4 years Second year of new curriculum introducedIfan LlywelynAelod o Gerddorfa Plant Prydain /Member of National Children’s OrchestraTREFN Y DIWRNOD YSGOL / THE SCHOOL DAYRhiannon HincksAelod o griw yr Urdd a ymwelodd â rhif 10Downing Street fel rhan o ddathliadau’rUrdd yn 90 oed /Member of the Urdd group who visitied no10 Downing Street as part of the Urdd;s90th birthday celebrations8.40 Cyhoeddiadau Staff / Staff meeting8.50 Cofrestru / Registration8.55 Gwasanaeth/Cofrestru Assembly/Registration9.10 Gwers 1/Lesson 110.00 Gwers 2/Lesson 210.50 Egwyl/Break11.05 Gwers 3/Lesson 311.55 Gwers 4/Lesson 412.45 Cinio/Lunch13.45 Cofrestru/Registration13.50 Gwers 5/Lesson 514.40 Gwers 6/Lesson 615.30 Diwedd y Dydd/End of the Day8

Cysylltiadau CymunedolCommunity LinksOnly Kids AloudGwion Morgan-Jones, Emily Jones, Jordan Lloyd-JonesRace for LifeDiwrnod dillad eu hunain / Own Clothes DayDewi DaviesCFFI Cenedlaethol Diogelwch a Thrin Beic dan 16 /NFYFC under 16 Cycling ProficiencyYmweliad Eurig Salisbury, Bardd Plant Cymru /Vistit by Eurig Sailsbury Children’s BardDatblygu Cysylltiadau Cymunedol YmhellachMae’r Corff Llywodraethol yn unol â’i gweledigaeth ‘i ddatblygu cymuned yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> a’r <strong>Ysgol</strong> yn yGymuned’ yn falch iawn o gynlluniau diwrnodau Addysg Bersonol a Chymdeithasol yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> sy’n rhoicyfle unigryw i ddisgyblion a staff gyfarfod â chynrychiolwyr o’r gwasanaethau brys gan gynnwys yr heddlu,y gwasanaeth ambiwlans, gwasanaeth tân a gwylwyr y glannau yn rheolaidd. Mae’r cyflwyniadau ynrhai amrywiol a diddorol ac yn ddieithriad mynega’r disgyblion a’r ymwelwyr gymaint o fudd a mwynhad ymaent yn cael o’r cyflwyniadau. Mae’r cyswllt hwn ynghyd ag ymweliadau rheolaidd i’r ysgol gan ySwyddog Heddlu Cymunedol wedi arwain at berthynas gadarnhaol iawn rhwng yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> a’r Gymunedehangach.Developing Community LinksIn accordance with the Governing Body’s vision ‘to develop the school community and the school in thecommunity’ we are very proud of the Personal and Social Education days which offer pupils and staff aunique opportunity to meet regularly with representatives from the emergency services including the police,ambulance service, fire service and coastguard. The presentations are varied and interesting andpupils and visitors have expressed their satisfaction and enjoyment of the presentations. These links togetherwith the regular visits by the Police Community Links Officer have led to very positive relationshipsbetween the school and the wider community.9

Ymhlith cysylltiadau cymunedol niferus yr ysgol mae: Profiad gwaith blwyddyn 10 a 12 Gwasanaeth a gweithgareddau dyngarol Eisteddfod yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> yng Nghanolfan y Celfyddydau Nifer o siaradwyr gwadd o fyd busnes ac academaidd megis Prifysgol Cymru Aberystwyth Cysylltiadau rhyngwladol gyda Siapan Cystadleuthau Rotari Gwasanaeth Nadolig yng Nghapel Bethel Eisteddfodau yr Urdd a’r Genedlaethol Chwaraeon NASUWT a Chymru yr UrddAmongst the numerous community links are: Work experience for years 10 and 12 Fundraising for numerous causes The school eisteddfod in the Arts Centre A number of speakers from industry and academia such as the University of Wales Aberystwyth International links with Japan Rotary Competitions Chrstmas Service in Bethel Chapel Urdd and National Eisteddfod NASUWT games and Urdd Wales GamesCyflwyno sieciau elusennau 2012 / Presenting money to charities 2012Yn ystod y flwyddyn adolygwyd a diweddarwyd y polisiau canlynol: Polisi Derbyn Disgyblion 2013/14 Polisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Polisi Llawlyfr Staff Polisi Diogelu & Amddiffyn Plant Polisi Cyfrinachedd a Rhannu Gwybodaeth Polisi & Phrosesau Asiantaethau Cofnodion Troseddol (CRB) Polisi Cwnsela mewn <strong>Ysgol</strong>ion Uwchradd CeredigionDuring the year the following policies were reviewed and updated: Pupil Admissions Policy 2013/14 Health & Safety Policy Staff Handbook Policy Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) Policy & Procedures Secondary School Based Counselling Policy for Ceredigion Confidentiality & Sharing Information Policy10

DEFNYDDIO’R GYMRAEGCrëwyd <strong>Penweddig</strong> er mwyn cyflwyno addysg Gymreig a chyfrwng Cymraeg i blant gogledd Sir Ceredigion.Un o brif nodau’r ysgol yw cynnal cymuned Gymreig. Ym Mhenweddig rhoddir statws uchel i’r iaith Gymraeg ac iddiwylliant ein gwlad.Ni wneir hynny mewn awyrgylch ynysig, mewnblyg, ond o fewn fframwaith ysgol gyfan ac ystod o weithgareddausy’n ymestyn gorwelion y disgyblion ymhell tu hwnt i ffiniau’r ardal a ffiniau Cymru. Rhoddir lle amlwg i ddysguieithoedd tramor ac i deithiau sy’n rhoi profiadau o wledydd eraill yn Ewrop a thu hwnt. Gwneir pob ymdrech i feithrindealltwriaeth y disgyblion o ddiwylliannau a ffyrdd o fyw pobl o bob cenedl.Daw dros hanner disgyblion yr ysgol o gartrefi lle siaredir dim, neu ond ychydig o Gymraeg. Oriau ysgol yw prif gyfle’rdisgyblion hyn i ymarfer eu Cymraeg. Mae’r ysgol, felly, yn disgwyl i bob disgybl siarad Cymraeg yn hollweithgareddau’r ysgol ac yn erfyn ar rieni i roi pob anogaeth iddynt.Yn gynyddol gwelir bod yr iaith Gymraeg a dwyieithrwydd yn fanteision economaidd yn eu hunain. Mae’r galw amwasanaethau a gweithwyr dwyieithog yn cynyddu’n ddramatig ac yn parhau i wneud hynny. Felly, mae cael caffaelda ar y Gymraeg a sicrhau graddfa uchel o ddwyieithrwydd, neu hyd yn oed amlieithrwydd, yn gymwyseddaugwerthfawr a all hyrwyddo ansawdd bywyd unigolion.Ar gyfer Medi 2011 mae polisi cyfrwng dysgu pynciau a sefyll arholiadau allanol fel a ganlyn :Dysgir ac arholir Saesneg yn SaesnegDysgir ac arholir Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg neu’r Saesneg yn ôl dymuniad yplentyn a’i rieni. Anogir y plant sydd wedi astudio’r pynciau hyn trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ym Mlwyddyn6 i barhau i wneud hynny ym Mlwyddyn 7.Dysgir ac arholir pob pwnc arall trwy gyfrwng y GymraegDyma’r polisi cyfrwng ar gyfer pob disgybl a gychwynodd ym Mhenweddig ym Medi 2011 a bydd hyn ynparhau trwy gydol gyrfa ysgol y disgyblion hynny.Y GANOLFAN IAITHMae cyfle i blant sy'n bwriadu trosglwyddo i Benweddig fynychu cwrs Pontio Ieithyddol yn y Ganolfan Iaith sydd wediei lleoli ar safle'r ysgol. Serch hynny, gall ddisgyblion sy’n newydd i’r Iaith Gymraeg ymuno â Chynllun Trochi’r ysgola fydd yn eu galluogi i gael mynediad llawn i’r cwricwlwm. Cynhelir y cwrs ym Mlwyddyn 6 ar ôl hanner tymorChwefror ac yn ystod tymor yr haf. Mae'r cwrs hwn ar gyfer plant sydd angen cymorth ychwanegol gyda'r iaith Gymraegcyn iddynt drosglwyddo o'r ysgol gynradd i Benweddig.THE USE OF WELSH<strong>Penweddig</strong> was created to provide a Welsh learning environment and Welsh medium education for the children ofnorth Ceredigion.One of the school’s principal aims is to be a Welsh community. At <strong>Penweddig</strong> the Welsh language and Welsh cultureis given a high profile.This is not done within an insular, inward-looking environment but within a whole school framework and a range ofactivities that broaden pupils’ horizons far beyond the boundaries of Ceredigion and Wales. Learning foreign languagesand providing visits that give pupils experiences of Europe and beyond are given a prominent place in theschool’s activities. Every effort is made to develop pupils’ understanding of other cultures and the ways of life of otherpeople.More than half of <strong>Penweddig</strong>’s pupils come from homes where little or no Welsh is spoken. The school day is themain opportunity that they have to practise their Welsh. The school therefore expects pupils to speak Welsh in alltheir school activities and urges parents to give them every encouragement.Increasingly, the Welsh language and bilingualism are an economic asset in their own right. The demand for bilingualservices and employees has increased dramatically and continues to rise. Therefore, acquiring a command ofWelsh and attaining a high degree of bilingualism and, indeed, multi-lingualism, are valuable and life-enhancingcompetencies.The school’s policy on the medium of teaching and sitting examinations in September 2011 is as follows: English is taught and examined in English Mathematics and Science are taught through the medium of English or Welsh according to the child andparent’s choice. Pupils who have studied these subjects through the medium of Welsh in Year 6 are encouragedto continue to do so in Year 7 All other subjects are taught and examined through the medium of WelshThis was the policy for every pupil who commenced in Year 7 in September 2011 and will remain the same throughoutthose pupils’ career at <strong>Penweddig</strong>.THE LANGUAGE CENTREPupils who intend to transfer to <strong>Penweddig</strong> have an opportunity to attend a transitional language course held duringYear 6 in the Language Centre which is situated in <strong>Penweddig</strong>. However, pupils new to the Welsh language mayjoin in the school’s immersion project which enables them to access the full curriculum. The course, which is heldafter the February half term and during the summer term, aims to give pupils additional help with their Welsh beforethey transfer to <strong>Penweddig</strong>.11

DATGANIAD AR Y CWRICWLWMYm mlwyddyddoedd 7 i 9 mae’r disgyblion yn astudio’r pynciau canlynol:MathemategGwyddoniaethY GymraegSaesnegYm mlwyddyn 9 caiff disgyblion ddewis eu pynciau i’w dilyn ym mlynyddoedd 10 ac 11 o nifer o flociaudewis.Ym Mlwyddyn 10 ac 11 cynigir tri math o gwrs:1. Cyrsiau craidd, gorfodol di-arholiad : cyfeirir yn y fan yma at ABCh (addysg bersonol a chymdeithasolsy’n cynnwys addysg rhyw), addysg gyrfaoedd, addysg grefyddol ac addysg gorfforol.2. Craidd gorfodol sy’n arwain at arholiad: cyfeirir yma at wyddoniaeth, mathemateg, Saesneg aChymraeg. Mae’r mwyafrif o ddisgyblion yn sefyll arholiadau iaith a llenyddiaeth yn y ddwy iaithgraidd.3. Cyrsiau dewisol sy’n arwain at arholiad: cyfeirir yma at gyrsiau TGAU a galwedigaethol canolraddYn y Chweched Dosbarth (Blwyddyn 12 a 13) cynigir pump math o gwrs fel rhan o Fagloriaeth Cymru.Mae pob myfyriwr yn dilyn y “Bac” gan ddewis o blith y cyrsiau dewisol fel rhan ohono. Bydd y nifer amathau o gyrsiau yn ehangu i gynnwys mwy o gyrsiau yn sgil cyflwyno cyrsiau ychwanegol ym Mlwydyn10 ac 11 dros y blynyddoedd nesaf.1. Craidd gorfodol diarholiad: cynhwysir addysg grefyddol, addysg gorfforol a rhaglen Addysg Bersonola Chymdeithasol (ABCH) eang.2. Astudir Cymhwyster Bagloriaeth Cymru gan bob myfyriwr. Mae’r cymhwyster uwch yn gyfwerth âgradd A safon uwch.3. Cyrsiau galwedigaethol canolradd ac uwch.4. Cyrsiau uwch gyfrannol (AS) a safon uwch (lefel A) mewn 30 o bynciau.5. Cyrsiau mewn Sbaeneg a Siapanaeg/Mandarin. Ar hyn o bryd gall disgyblion astudio hyd at chwechwrs iaith gwahanol ym Mlwyddyn 12.Mae yna lu o weithgareddau gwirfoddol sy’n caniatáu cyfleoedd da i fyfyrwyr chweched dosbarth ddatblygueu sgiliau personol ac i feithrin eu gallu i gymryd cyfrifoldeb ac i arwain.TREFNIADAU ARBENNIG O FEWN Y CWRICWLWMDeinyddiau Gwrthiannol, Tecstilau, Technoleg Bwyd, TechnolegGwybodaeth, Drama, Ffrangeg ac Almaeneg, Hanes,Daearyddiaeth, Addysg Grefyddol, Cerddoriaeth, Celf, AddysgGorfforol a Chwaraeon, Sgiliau Hanfodol (Cyfathrebu a Rhif).Ym Mlwyddyn 7, rhoddir disgyblion mewn dosbarthiadau cofrestru cymysg yn bennaf yn ôl grwpiau cyfeillion.Ceisir sicrhau hefyd bod plant yn gwneud ffrindiau newydd o ysgolion cynradd eraill ac o ran cefndirieithyddol. Byddant yn aros yn y dosbarthiadau cofrestru hyn am bum mlynedd, gyda'r un athro/athrawes pan fo hynny'n bosibl.Ar gyfer Blwyddyn 7, 8 a 9 dysgir hwy mewn grwpiau gallu cymysg am y rhan fwyaf o'u gwersi. Ffurfir ygrwpiau dysgu Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth yn ôl dewis cyfrwng y disgybl a setio wedyn yn ôl gallu. Ystyrircymhwysedd ieithyddol yn y Gymraeg wrth drefnu grwpiau dysgu Cymraeg, Hanes, Daearyddiaeth acAddysg Grefyddol ym Mlwyddyn 7. Hefyd, caiff y disgyblion a fynychodd y Ganolfan Iaith ym Mlwyddyn 6a disgyblion sy’n newydd i’r Gymraeg gymorth ychwanegol ym Mlwyddyn 7 8 a 9 gan athrawes ychwanegoly Ganolfan Iaith am hanner yr amserlen.Gall disgyblion newid setiau yn dilyn ymgynghoriad gyda rhieni, y Pennaeth Adran a’r Tîm Rheoli.Ym Mlwyddyn 10 ac 11, gosodir disgyblion mewn setiau yn ôl eu gallu mewn Cymraeg, Saesneg, Mathematega Gwyddoniaeth. Caiff y dosbarthiadau Mathemateg a Gwyddoniaeth eu dysgu'n ddwyieithogyn ystod y blynyddoedd hyn.Ym Mlynyddoedd 12 a 13, dysgir Mathemateg, Bioleg, Cemeg a Ffiseg yn ddwyieithog gyda'r disgybl yndewis cyfrwng yr arholiad.Lle y mae angen cynhaliaeth arbennig neu ychwanegol ar ddisgybl, trefnir rhaglen addas yn ôl angen yrunigolyn.12

A CURRICULUM STATEMENTIn Years 7 to 9 the pupils study the following subjects:MathematicsScienceWelshEnglishResistant Materials, Textiles, Food Technology, Information Technology,Drama, French and German, History, Geography, ReligiousEducation, Music, Art, Physical Education and Games, Essential Skills(Communication and Numeracy).In year 9 pupils will get to choose their subjects to follow in years 10 and 11 from a number of optionblocks.In Years 10 and 11 three kinds of courses are offered:1. Compulsory, core, non-examination courses: these include PSE, (personal and social educationwhich includes sex education), physical education, careers education, and religious education.2. Compulsory, core courses leading to examinations: these include science, mathematics, Englishand Welsh. The majority of pupils sit both language and literature examinations in both core languages.3. Optional courses leading to examinations: these include GCSE and intermediate vocational coursesIn the Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13), five kinds of courses are currently on offer as part of the Welsh Baccalaureate.All students follow the “Bac” and choose from a number of optional courses as part of it. Thischoice will be extended in line with the additional courses provided in Years 10 and 11.1. Compulsory, core, non-examination courses: these includes religious education, physical educationand a wide-ranging personal and social education (PSE) programme.2. The Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification is studied by all students in Years 12 and 13 and the advancedqualification is equivalent to an A grade at A level.3. Intermediate and advanced vocational courses.4. Advanced Supplementary (AS) and A level courses in 30 subjects.5. Spanish and Japanese/Mandarin courses. Currently, Year 12 pupils can study up to six differentlanguages.There are a host of voluntary activities that give Sixth Form students ample opportunities to develop theirpersonal skills and to develop their ability to take on responsibilities and to exercise leadership.SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS WITHIN THE CURRICULUMIn Year 7, pupils are put into registration classes mainly according to friendship groups. Efforts are alsomade to ensure that pupils make new friends from other primary schools and from different linguisticbackgrounds. They remain in these registration classes for five years, as far as possible, with the sameform-teacher.In Year 7, 8 and 9 they are taught most of their lessons in mixed ability classes. The teaching groups forMathematics and Science are formed on the basis of the pupil’s choice of medium of study (Welsh orEnglish) and then set on the basis of ability in that subject. Pupils’ capabilities in Welsh are taken intoconsideration when grouping pupils for Welsh, History, Geography and Religious Education during Year7. Also, the children who attend the Language Centre or are new to the Welsh Language will be supportedin Year 7, 8 and 9 by the Language Centre teacher during half the lessons on the timetable.Pupils may change sets following consultation with parents, Head of Depatment and the Senior ManagementTeam.In Years 10 and 11, pupils are set according to ability for Welsh, English, Mathematics and Science. Inthese years Mathematics and Science sets are taught bilingually with the pupils choosing the medium ofthe examination.In Years 12 and 13, biology, chemistry, physics and Mathematics are taught bilingually with pupils choosingthe medium of the examination.Appropriate provision is made when a pupil needs special or additional support.13

ADOLYGU STRATEGAETHAU’R YSGOL / REVIEWING THE SCHOOL’S STRATEGIESAdolygwyd Cynllun Datblygu’r ysgol a thargedau’r ysgol gan y Llywodraethwyr a chynhaliwyd adolygiadllawn gan yr adrannau a’r Llywodraethwyr gan gynhyrchu adroddiad hunan arfarnu cynhwysfawr. Maecopïau o’r dogfennau hyn i’w gweld ar wefan yr ysgol.The school reviewed the School Development Plan and the school targets. The departments and theGovernors carried out a thorough review producing a comprehensive self evaluation document. Bothdocuments can be seen on the school website.ANGHENION ADDYSGOL YCHWANEGOLMae yna 1 athro a thîm o gynorthwywyr dysgu yn yr Adran Gynnal. Hefyd, cyfloga’r ysgol wasanaeth cwnselyddannibynol.Mae gan yr ysgol bolisi addysg arbennig sy'n diffinio sut mae'r ysgol yn ceisio cwrdd ag anghenion arbennigpob disgybl. Lluniwyd y polisi yn unol â gofynion Côd Ymarfer Addysg Arbennig. Ymatebir i sefyllfadisgyblion unigol trwy wahanol ddulliau megis tynnu allan o wersi penodol neu trwy roi athro/cynorthwywrcynhaliol i mewn i wersi.Mae yna Ganolfan Ddyslecsia Ddwyieithog ac fe ddefnydir pecyn cyfrifiadurol integredig Successmaker’ ihybu sgiliau llythrennedd a rhifedd. Hefyd, gwneir defnydd o gynllun Dyfal Donc ar gyfer cryfhaumedrusrwydd darllen yn y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg. Hefyd, trefnir gwersi i wella llawysgrifen rhai disgyblion.Dadansoddir anghenion disgyblion unigol gyda'r teulu er mwyn sicrhau partneriaeth gref ac effeithiol erbudd y disgybl. Ar hyn o bryd mae 9 disgybl yn destun Datganiad Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig acmae tua 160 o blant ar Gofrestr Addysg Arbennig yr ysgol.Mae gan un o'r Llywodraethwyr gyfrifoldeb am oruchwylio gwaith yr ysgol yn y maes hwn. Sefydlwyd cydweithrediadda rhwng yr ysgol a'r Sir gan gynnwys y gwasanaeth seicolegol addysgol a chydag asiantaethaueraill.Mae’r adeilad ysgol wedi ei ddylunio’n briodol ac yn fwriadus er mwyn hwyluso mynediad a symudiad poblanabl ac mae proses o fonitro rheolaidd gan y Pennaeth. Adolygir polisi hygyrchedd yr ysgol yn flynyddolgan y Pennaeth a’r Llywodraethwr sy’n gyfrifol am Iechyd a Diogelwch.ADDITIONAL LEARNING NEEDSThe Learning Support Department comprises 1 teacher and a team of learning assistants. The schoolalso employs the services of an independent counsellor.The school's special education policy sets out how the school endeavours to meet each pupil's specialeducational needs. The policy reflects the requirements of the Code of Practice. There is a range of provisionto meet individual needs ranging from withdrawal from certain lessons to providing a support teacher/assistant within lessons.There is a Bilingual Dyslexia Unit and ‘Successmaker’, an integrated computer package to support literacyand numeracy, is used. The ‘Catch Up’ programme is used to develop reading skills in Welsh and in English.There are also classes to help pupils improve their handwriting.During the process of identifying and analysing a pupil's specific needs the school works closely with parentsso that a strong and effective partnership is established. At present 9 pupils have Statements of SpecialEducational Needs and there are around 160 children on the school’s special needs register.One of the Governors has been nominated to take a specific interest in special needs. Good links havebeen established between the school and the County including the Educational Psychology Service andother external agencies.The school site and building have been designed to fully meet the needs of disabled pupils and adults anda process of monitoring is in place and run by the Headteacher. The school’s accessibility policy is reviewedyearly by the Headteacher and the Governor responsible for Health and Safety.14

Dulliau Dysgu yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>Yn ystod 2011/12 adolygodd Staff yr<strong>Ysgol</strong> ei pholisi Dysgu ac Addysgu gan ymgynghori gyda disgyblion.Adnabuwyd y nodweddion sy’n gwneud gwersi da a chrynhoi y nodweddion hynny ynghyd â’r dulliaumae’r athrawon yn medru eu defnyddio mewn poster a pholisi gyffredin i’r <strong>Ysgol</strong> gyfan. Bellach mae’r <strong>Ysgol</strong>gyfan wedi mabwysiadu y dull hwn o weithredu.The School’s Teaching MethodsDuring 20122/12 the Staff in consultation with the pupils reviewed the school teaching and learning policy.The characteristics and techniques which make up good lessons were summarised in a poster and awhole school policy. This way of working and presenting lessons has been adopted by the whole school.A lesson will always have the basic elements of Lesson objectives Refer to previous learning A variety of learning activities including group or paired work, written tasks, peer assessment, etc. Timed tasks Will be pupil centred Will include open ended tasks Have elements of Assessment for Learning Revisit the lesson objectives at the end of the lesson15

Yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>, adeilad a gwasanaethau eraillMae <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> <strong>Gymunedol</strong> <strong>Penweddig</strong> yn <strong>Ysgol</strong> a godwyd o dan drefniadaeth Public Funded Initiative.Symudodd yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> i’r adeilad hwn yn Ionawr 2000.Rheolir yr adnoddau gan Gwmni SODEXO sy’n gyfrifol am gynnal a chadw yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> o ddydd i ddydd.Mae’r pennaeth yncyfarfod gyda’rcwmni a’r rheolwrsafle yn rheolaiddac yn cynnal awditIechyd a Diogelwchdyddiol o’r <strong>Ysgol</strong>cyn i’r disgybliongyrraedd. Mae’rLlywodraethwrCyswllt dros Iechyda Diogelwch hefydyn cyfarfod gyda’rpennaeth i adolyguanghenion yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>.Cynhelir y gwasanaeth arlwyo gan gwmni Chartwells sy’n gweithredu fel is-gontractwyr i SODEXO.Mae cwmni MITIE yn gyfrifol am gynnal a chadw y tiroedd, eto o dan is-gontract i SODEXO.Darperir adnoddau toiledau niferus a chyfleus o fewn yr adeilad ac ar bob llawr a phob coridor unigol.Mae’r cwmni ULTIMA yn gyfrifol am lanhau yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> a’r toiledau yn ddyddiol o dan is-gontract i SODEXO.Caiff cyflwr y toiledau eu monitro yn ystod y dydd gan staff yr <strong>Ysgol</strong> a SODEXO a gweithredir i gynnal ysafonau uchaf posibl yn narpariaeth a chyflwr adnoddau yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>.The school, buildings and other services<strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> <strong>Gymunedol</strong> Penwdddig was built under a Private Finance Inititive. The school moved to thisbuiling in January 2000.The facilities are managed by SODEXO who are responsible for the day to day management of the buildingand facilities. TheHeadteacher meets regularlywith the site manager andcarries out a daily Health andSafety audit before the pupilsarrive. The Governor with responsibilityfor Health andSafety also meets with thehead to review the needs ofthe school.The catering is provided byCHARTWELLS who are asub-contracted by SODEXO.The grounds are maintainedby MITIE who are also subcontractorsto SODEXO.The school has god toilet facilitieslocated on each floorand on each corridor. ULTI-MA a responsible for the daily cleaning the school and the toilets and are sub-contracted by SODEXO.The condition of the toilets are monitored by staff and SODEXO and the school acts to maintain the highestpossible standards of facilities in the school.16

CHWARAEON / SPORTYn ogystal â’r gweithgareddau a drefnir gan yr Adran Addysg Gorfforol yn yr <strong>Ysgol</strong>, mae’r ysgol yn rhedegcynllun 5x60.In addition to the activities arranged by the Physical Education Department in the school, <strong>Penweddig</strong> runsa 5x60 program.Nod Gyffredinol y rhaglen 5x60 ym Mhenweddig:Cynyddu nifer y disgyblion sy’n cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon all-gyrsiol a gweithgaredd corfforol yn rheolaidd.Drwy hynny, cyfrannu at darged Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru o gael 90% o ddisgyblion yn cymrydrhan mewn gweithgaredd rheolaidd ac aml erbyn 2020.Overall Aim of the 5x60 programme in <strong>Penweddig</strong>:To increase the number of children who take part in extra curricular sport and physical activity on a regularbasis and in so doing, contribute to achieving the Welsh Assembly Governments target of 90% of childrentaking part in regular and frequent activity by 2020.Cafodd Nia Wyn Jones a Gwenno Evans, Bl. 10, a Rebecca Williams, Bl. 13, y fraint o gynrychioliDe a Gorllewin Cymru yn erbyn Gogledd Cymru a De-ddwyrain Cymru mewn twrnamaint hoci ynWrecsam. Ar ben hynny aethant oll ymlaen i ennill y twrnamaint gyda Nia a Gwenno yn y tîm dan16 a Rebecca yn y tîm dan 18.Nia Wyn Jones and Gwenno Evans, Yr. 10, and Rebecca Williams, Yr. 13, had the honour of representingSouth and West Wales against North Wales and South-east Wales in a hockey tournamentin Wrexham. Additionally they all went on to win the tournament with Nia and Gwenno in the under16 team and Rebecca in the under 18 team.Llwyddiant & Anrhydedd Cenedlaethol / National Success & Honour Megan Turner aelod o dîm Trawsgwlad <strong>Ysgol</strong>ion Cymru dan 20 oed Rhydian Davies yn aelod o garfan pêl-droed Cymru Megan Turner member of the Welsh Schools Under 20 Cross Country Team Rhydian Davies a member of the Welsh football squad17

Nifer y sesiynau pob blwyddyn academaiddNumber of sessions per academic yearDadansoddiad o chwaraeon/gweithgareddau 2011/12Breakdown of sports/activities 2011/12GweithgareddActivityNifer yn mynychu/No. of attendeesGweithgareddActivityNifer yn mynychu/No. of attendeesTennis bwrdd/TableTennis143Beicio Mynydd / MountainBiking19Pêl-fasged/Basketball 12 Syrffio/Surfing 5Campfa / Younggyms37Pêl-droed/5-a-side football165Tennis/Tennis 100Gweithgareddaugwyliau/Holidayactivities12Sboncen/Squash 54 Zumba 3Dodgeball 85 Criced/Cricket 3Dringo/Climbing 7Pêl-droed (Merched)/Football (Girls)Dawns/Dance 28 Badminton 74Pêl Foli/Volley Ball 13 Merlota/Horse Riding 33919

Safonau Dysgu acAddysguStandards of Teachingand LearningCOFNOD TARGEDAU YSGOL GYFUN GYMUNEDOL PENWEDDIG RECORD OF TARGETSDull mesur / How itwill be measured 2010/11 20011/12 2012/13Dadansoddi cofnodionarsylwi gwersiAnalyse lesson observationformsDadansoddi canlyniadauAnalyse resultsCwricwlwm / CurriculumDadansoddi canlyniadauAnalyse resultsSafonau mewn o leia 85% oddosbarthiadau i fod yn ddaneu’n dda iawnStandards in at least 85% ofclasses to be good or very goodSefydlu cynllun sgiliau hanfodol– CA3 a CA4Establish the essential skillsprogramme in KS3 and KS4100% disgyblion CA4 i dderbyngwersi sgiliau hanfodol gwellaperfformiad eich hunan100% of KS4 pupils to receiveessential skills lessons in improvingyour own performanceSafonau mewn 85%-90% o’rdosbarthiadau I fod yn dda neu’ndda iawnStandards in at least 85%-90% ofclasses to be good or very good100% blwyddyn 9 I gwblhaucymhwyster mewn o leia un sgilhanfodol ar lefel ½100% of year 9 to complete a qualificationin at least one essentialskill at lefel 1/2Safonau mewn 95% o’r dosbarthiadauI fod yn dda neu’n dda iawnStandards in at least 95% of classesto be good or very good100% o ddisgyblion blwyddyn 9 ynllwyddo I ennill cymhwyster sgil hanfodolyn cyfathrebu/rhif/TGCh ar lefel1/2100% of pupils in year 9 to gain anessential skill qualification in communication/number/ICTat level 1/220

Trothwy lefel 2Lefel 2 ThresholdTarged penodolSpecific targetTGAU bechgyn/marchedGCSEboys/girlsTarged penodolSpecific targetDull mesur / How itwill be measured 2010/11 20011/12 2012/13Dadansoddi canlyniadauAnalyse resultsSSSPDadansoddi canlyniadauarholiadau ffugAnalyse results ofmock examsSSSPFfynnon100% o ddisgyblion CA5 i ennillcymhwysterau lefel 2 yn y sgiliauallweddol gyda o leia 90% ynennill cymhwyster llawn y BAClefel 3100% of pupils in KS5 to gainlevel 2 qualifications in the keyskills with at least 90% gainingthe BAC level 3 qualificationgwella canlyniadau TGAU 5-10% o ganlyniadau a ragfynegwydo ffug arholiadau 2010/11improve GCSE results 5-10%against grades predicted in2010/11 mock examinations86% trothwy L2 threshold76%DPC/CSICau’r bwlch rhwng bechgyn amerched 5-10% o’i gymharu âchanlyniadau 2007/8/9Close gap between boys andgirls to 5-10% compared with2007/8/9b/m

PresenoldebAttendanceTarged penodolSpecific targetCynhwysiantInclusionDull mesur / How itwill be measured 2010/11 20011/12 2012/13Data presenoldeb ameincnodiAttendance data andbenchmarkingDogfennau, cofnodiona data gwaharddiadauDocuments, minutesand exclusion dataLleihau cyfanswm absenoldebauI lai na 8.0% / Reduce totalabsence to less than 8.0%Targed diwygiedigLleihau cyfanswm absenoldebauI lai na 7.0% / Reducetotal absence to less than7.0%92% presenoldeb/attendance< % cyfanswm absenoldebheb ganiatad/total unauthorizedabsenceTarged diwygiedig 4/2/2011revised target93% presenoldeb/attendance< % cyfanswm absenoldebheb ganiatad/total un authorizedabsenceAdolygu polisi ymddygiad,prosesau cynhwysiant a sefydluHafan ac EncilReview behaviour policy, inclusionprocesses and establishHafan & EncilLleihau cyfanswm absenoldebau Ilai na 6.5% / Reduce total absenceto less than 6.5%Targed diwygiedigLleihau cyfanswm absenoldebauI lai na 6.0% / Reduce total absenceto less than 6.0%93.5% presenoldeb/attendance< % cyfanswm absenoldeb hebganiatad/total unauthorized absenceTarged diwygiedig 4/2/2011 revisedtarget94% presenoldeb/attendance< % cyfanswm absenoldeb hebganiatad/total un authorized absenceAdolygu a mireinio polisi ymddygiad,polisiau gwrth fwlio, prosesaucynhwysiant a phrosesau tracioHafan ac EncilReview and refine behaviour policy,anti bullying policies, inclusionprocesses and tracking process inHafan & EncilLleihau cyfanswm absenoldebauI lai na 5.0% / Reducetotal absence to less than5.0%Targed diwygiedigLleihau cyfanswm absenoldebauI lai na 5.0% / Reducetotal absence to less than5.0%95% presenoldeb/attendance< % cyfanswm absenoldebheb ganiatad/total unauthorizedabsenceTarged diwygiedig 4/2/2011revised target95% presenoldeb/attendance< % cyfanswm absenoldebheb ganiatad/total un authorizedabsence23

Targed penodol SpecificTargetCwricwlwm CA4Curriculum KS4Cwricwlwm CA5Curriculum KS5Dull mesur / How itwill be measured 2010/11 20011/12 2012/13Cwricwlwm / CurriculumCwricwlwm / CurriculumLleihau cyfanswm diwrnodau agollwyd trwy waharddiadau 50%o’u cymharu â 2008/9

CyllidFinanceDull mesur / How itwill be measuredCofrestr/PLASC.Staffio a chwricwlwm.Cynyddu niferoedd sy’n dod I’r ysgol ym ml7 o 10 ddisgybl o’I gymharu â niferoedd treigl y pum mlyneddflaenorol hyd at 2009 (91)Cynyddu canran cadw bl11 I bl12 o rhwng 5 a 10% o gymharu â % dreigl y ddwy flynedd flaenorol (67%)Cynllunio cwricwlaidd a staffio I leihau costau ymhellach heb ansefydlogi’r cwricwlwm newydd.Lleihau lefelau staffio lle bo hynny’n bosibl ac yn ymarferol trwy wastraff naturiol.Cynyddu cyfradd cyswllt athrawonIncrease numbers joining year 7 by 10 pupils compared with rolling average over 5 years up to 2009 (91).Increase retention rate from years 11 to 12 by 5-10% compared with rolling average over 2 years up to 2009(67%)Curriculum planning and staffing to reduce costs further without undermining the new curriculum.Reduce staffing levels where possible and practical through natural wastage.Increase teaching staff contact ratio.2010/11 20011/12 2012/1391 disgybl blwyddyn 767% yn dychwelyd I fl 12Lleihau’r ddyled ariannol orhwng £20-30K I £210KCyfradd cyswllt athrawon 76%91 pupils year 767%return to yr12Reduce financial deficit by between£20-30kStaff contact ratio 76%Targedau diwygiedig 17/5/11Revised TargetsDiffyg ariannol £138kFinancial deficit £138k96 disgybl blwyddyn 772% yn dychwelyd I fl12Lleihau’r ddyled ariannol o £30-40kCyfradd cyswllt athrawon 79%96 pupils year 772% return to year 12Reduce financial deficit by £30-40kTeaching staff contact ratio 79%Targedau diwygiedig 17/5/11 RevisedTargets105 disgybl bl784% dychwelyd I fl12Diffyg ariannol £0105 pupils yr784% return to yr12Financial deficit £0101 disgybl blwyddyn 777% yn dychwelyd I fl 12Cyfradd cyswllt athrawon 79-80%101 pupils in year 777% return to year 12Staff contact ratio 79-80%Targedau diwygiedig 17/5/11 RevisedTargets103 disgybl bl780-85% yn dychwelyd I fl12Cyllid wrth gefn £50k103 pupils yr780-85% return to yr12£50k surplus25

Atodiad 1 / Appendix 1 : perfformiad ariannol / financial performance38

Gwelwyd cynnydd sylweddol ym mhresenoldeb disgyblion dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf yn dilyn mabwysiadupolisi monitro presenoldeb newydd.Blwyddyn 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12%Presenoldeb<strong>Penweddig</strong>89.7 91.4 91.7 91.9 93.4 94.5Cymru 90.6 90.9 91.0 91.1 91.4 92.1Ceredigion 91.8 91.7 92.5 93.740

There has been a significant improvement in pupil attendance over the past few years following theschool’s adoption of a new attendance policy.Year 2006/7 2007/8 2008/9 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12%Attendance<strong>Penweddig</strong>89.7 91.4 91.7 91.9 93.4 94.5Cymru/Wales90.6 90.9 91.0 91.1 91.4 92.1Ceredigion 91.8 91.7 92.5 93.741

Bydd ystadegau 2012 ar gael ar wefan yr ysgol yn y dyfodol agos2012 statistics will be available on the school website shortly42

CWESTIYNAU I’W CODI YNG NGHYFARFOD BLYNYDDOL Y RHIENI/LLYWODRAETHWYRQUESTIONS TO BE RAISED AT THE ANNUAL PARENT/GOVERNOR MEETINGCorff Llywodraethol Grwp / Governing Body Group: 124YSGOL GYFUN GYMUNEDOL PENWEDDIGOs hoffech godi unrhyw faterion sydd angen ymchwilio i’w cefndir, gofynnir i chwi eu cyflwyno ar y ffurflenhon a’u danfon at y Cadeirydd, d/o <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> <strong>Gymunedol</strong> <strong>Penweddig</strong>, Ffordd Llanbadarn, Llangawsai,Aberystwyth erbyn dydd Mawrth 6 Tachwedd 2012.Should you wish to raise questions which require background research, you are requested to presentthem on this form and forward them to the Chairman, c/o <strong>Ysgol</strong> <strong>Gyfun</strong> <strong>Gymunedol</strong> <strong>Penweddig</strong>, LlanbadarnRoad, Llangawsai, Aberystwyth by Tuesday 6 November 2012._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________45

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