
report report


In this regard, one should notice that the licensee intends to achieve about 20 % of its plannedactions by the end of year 2012 (i.e. after the release of the current national action plan). Once theseactions are completed, a significant part of the licensee’s commitment towards safety improvement willbecome effective. However, this status is not yet reflected in the current version of the national actionplan attached in appendix.3.2. Periodic review processThe national action plan is updated regularly to perform a close follow-up of the status of the differenton-going actions.As most items of the national action plan are derived from the licensee’s action plan, the licensee isdirectly involved in the process to provide the relevant data.Within the regulatory body, Bel V plays a key role in the monitoring of the licensee’s action plan statusand progress. The FANC is obviously involved but on a higher level.The review process consists of three types of periodic meetings:• the technical meetings,• the progress meetings,• the contact committee meetings.The technical meetings are convened on a monthly basis. These meetings deal specifically withtechnical matters. The licensee and Bel V are the regular attendees to these meetings. The FANC mayalso participate from time to time, depending on the importance of the issues that will be discussed.The progress meetings are convened every three or four months. These meetings deal with the statusof the licensee’s action plan and general topics with cross-cutting issues. In addition to the licenseeand Bel V, the FANC also attends these meetings systematically.The contact committee meetings are convened twice a year. These meetings deal with high-levelstrategies and issues, such as internal resources, major postponements, etc. The senior managementof the licensee, Bel V and the FANC, attend these meetings.These different types of meetings allow a close follow-up of the licensee’s action plan by theregulatory body, with appropriate periodicities according to the level of detail and technicality.The main decisions involving both parties are recorded in periodic follow-up meeting reports for futurereference.3.3. Implementation and compliance monitoringThe licensee is responsible for the full and proper implementation of its own actions.Bel V is in charge of the supervision of the licensee’s action plan progress, on behalf of the regulatorybody. This responsibility implies close monitoring of the implementation process of the licensee’saction plan, and checks on the field to confirm the compliance of the actions implemented in thefacilities. These data are used to validate the licensee’s action plan status.The items to be closed in the licensee’s action plan are proposed by the licensee, with reference to anyrelated document or piece of evidence showing that the action has effectively been implemented.Once prior checks and confirmations have been performed, Bel V can ratify that these actions areindeed considered to be closed and the licensee’s action plan is then updated.8/18

3.4. Transparency and public interaction approachTransparency is a key value of the regulatory body. As such, the national action plan is released in fullto the public and media through the FANC website ( addition, a full information file on the stress tests program is available on the FANC website toremind the context and perspectives on a higher level.Flash messages are also published on the website homepage if important information needs to bereleased to the public and media.The public is encouraged to interact with the FANC about the stress tests national action plan, andmore generally for all nuclear safety related matters. A single point of contact is available at the FANCto collect and evaluate all demands and provide answers to all relevant requests. Questions can beasked via postal mail, e-mail, telephone, fax, or through the FANC website( by filling an electronic query form.All relevant questions get an answer within 14 calendar days.9/18

3.4. Transparency and public interaction approachTransparency is a key value of the regulatory body. As such, the national action plan is released in fullto the public and media through the FANC website ( addition, a full information file on the stress tests program is available on the FANC website toremind the context and perspectives on a higher level.Flash messages are also published on the website homepage if important information needs to bereleased to the public and media.The public is encouraged to interact with the FANC about the stress tests national action plan, andmore generally for all nuclear safety related matters. A single point of contact is available at the FANCto collect and evaluate all demands and provide answers to all relevant requests. Questions can beasked via postal mail, e-mail, telephone, fax, or through the FANC website( by filling an electronic query form.All relevant questions get an answer within 14 calendar days.9/18

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