
report report


3. The report of all national regulatory bodies participating in the stress tests program is subjectto an international peer review. The national reports are reviewed by other regulatory bodiesrepresenting 27 European independent national Authorities responsible for the nuclear safetyin their country. This phase was achieved by ENSREG on 26 April 2012.The resulting national action plan presented in appendix synthetizes all of the actions undertaken as aresult of the stress tests program, and gives the associated timeframe. Until full implementation, thisaction plan will be updated regularly. The current version presented herein was last updated on14 December 2012.Some of these actions may be amended or cancelled if their relevance is questioned by the remainingoperating lifetime of the units. This is especially the case for the actions intended for the Doel 1&2units which will cease operation in 2015 as a result of a decision of the Belgian Federal Government inJuly 2012.Likewise, the target dates mentioned in the action plan must be considered as “indicative”, given thatsome actions might face time constraints due to interaction with other projects, and depend oninternal or external resources for supply and implementation on the sites.Upon demand of the Belgian Federal Government, terrorist attacks (aircraft crash) and other manmadeevents (cyber-attack, toxic and explosive gases, blast waves) were also included as possibletriggering events in the stress tests program for the nuclear power plants. The assessment of theseman-made events were however not in the scope of the European stress tests programs, andtherefore the actions related to man-made events are not included in the present national action plan.As part of the Authorities’ transparency policy, this national action plan is made available to the publicand media on the Belgian regulatory body’s website (

2. References[1] Centrale nucléaire de Tihange – Rapport des tests de résistanceElectrabel31 October 2011[2] Kerncentrale Doel – Rapport weerstandstestenElectrabel31 October 2011[3] Belgian stress tests – National report for nuclear power plantsFederal Agency for Nuclear Control23 December 2011[4] Peer review report – Stress tests performed on European nuclear power plantsENSREG26 April 2012[5] Peer review country report – Stress tests performed on European nuclear power plantsENSREG26 April 2012[6] Compilation of recommendations and suggestions – Peer review of stress tests performed onEuropean nuclear power plantsENSREG26 July 2012[7] Final summary report2nd extraordinary meeting of the contracting parties to the Convention of Nuclear Safety27-31 August 20125/18

2. References[1] Centrale nucléaire de Tihange – Rapport des tests de résistanceElectrabel31 October 2011[2] Kerncentrale Doel – Rapport weerstandstestenElectrabel31 October 2011[3] Belgian stress tests – National <strong>report</strong> for nuclear power plantsFederal Agency for Nuclear Control23 December 2011[4] Peer review <strong>report</strong> – Stress tests performed on European nuclear power plantsENSREG26 April 2012[5] Peer review country <strong>report</strong> – Stress tests performed on European nuclear power plantsENSREG26 April 2012[6] Compilation of recommendations and suggestions – Peer review of stress tests performed onEuropean nuclear power plantsENSREG26 July 2012[7] Final summary <strong>report</strong>2nd extraordinary meeting of the contracting parties to the Convention of Nuclear Safety27-31 August 20125/18

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