
report report


Belgian stress tests action plan ‐ 2012‐12‐14No. Plant / Type Topic Sub‐family Sub‐sub family Action / ActivityRelatedrecommendation onEuropean level("Topics 1 to 3")Relatedrecommendation onnational level("Additional topics")StatusTarget Date129 CNT2 / PWROperationmanagementTotal Station Black‐outProcedures in case of total station blackoutProvide procedures to cope with a complete SBO, including thenecessary non‐conventional means and the intervention strategies (forexample: rapid depressurization to limit damage to the primary pumpsseals, coordination with non‐conventional means present on site,suppression of non‐essential electrical loads, nitrogen in theaccumulators, local command of TPA turbopumps, water top‐up anddischarge of steam from the pools and priority status of local actions incase of loss of normal cooling of the pools, etc.)20, 25 In progress 31/12/2013130 CNT3 / PWROperationmanagementTotal Station Black‐outProcedures in case of total station blackoutProvide procedures to cope with a complete SBO, including thenecessary non‐conventional means and the intervention strategies (forexample: rapid depressurization to limit damage to the primary pumpsseals, coordination with non‐conventional means present on site,suppression of non‐essential electrical loads, nitrogen in theaccumulators, local command of TPA turbopumps, water top‐up anddischarge of steam from the pools and priority status of local actions incase of loss of normal cooling of the pools, etc.)20, 25 In progress 31/12/2013131 CNT1 / PWR132 CNT2 / PWR133 CNT3 / PWR134 KCD12 / PWR135 KCD34 / PWR137 CNT1 / PWR138 CNT2 / PWR139 CNT3 / PWROperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOImplement the organization of the response to this type of nonconventionalaccident ‐ complete SBO (management of equipment,Procedures in case of total station blackoutdocuments, etc.)Procedures in case of total station blackoutProcedures in case of total station blackoutImplement the organization of the response to this type of nonconventionalaccident ‐ complete SBO (management of equipment,documents, etc.)Implement the organization of the response to this type of nonconventionalaccident ‐ complete SBO (management of equipment,documents, etc.)25 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/2013140 CNT1 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sink Water supply proceduresIntroduce or create in the procedures and/or strategies to manage"multi‐unit" accidents, the methods for limiting groundwaterconsumption and determining the well(s) to be used preferentiallyIn progress 31/12/2013141 CNT2 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sink Water supply proceduresIntroduce or create in the procedures and/or strategies to manage"multi‐unit" accidents, the methods for limiting groundwaterconsumption and determining the well(s) to be used preferentiallyIn progress 31/12/2013Implementation of activities7/20

Belgian stress tests action plan ‐ 2012‐12‐14No. Plant / Type Topic Sub‐family Sub‐sub family Action / ActivityRelatedrecommendation onEuropean level("Topics 1 to 3")Relatedrecommendation onnational level("Additional topics")StatusTarget Date142 CNT3 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sink Water supply procedures146 CNT1 / PWR Power supply Spent fuel pools Procedures to manage spent fuel pools147 CNT2 / PWR Power supply Spent fuel pools Procedures to manage spent fuel pools148 CNT3 / PWR Power supply Spent fuel pools Procedures to manage spent fuel poolsIntroduce or create in the procedures and/or strategies to manage"multi‐unit" accidents, the methods for limiting groundwaterconsumption and determining the well(s) to be used preferentiallyProcedures will be created for the management of the pools in case ofloss of ultimate heat sinkProcedures will be created for the management of the pools in case ofloss of ultimate heat sinkProcedures will be created for the management of the pools in case ofloss of ultimate heat sinkIn progress 31/12/201323 In progress 31/12/201323 In progress 31/12/201323 In progress 31/12/2013149 CNT1 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sinkProcedures in case of total loss of heatsinkCreate or modify the procedures to:‐ define a global strategy for the case of loss of all ultimate heat sinksnot taken into account in the design basis (management ofcontainment building pressure in "feed and bleed" mode, optimal useof available equipment, etc.)‐ integrate these new scenarios in the current procedures‐ integrate the use of the new demineralised water installation for theresupply of the units using non‐conventional or conventional meansIn progress 31/12/2013150 CNT2 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sinkProcedures in case of total loss of heatsinkCreate or modify the procedures to:‐ define a global strategy for the case of loss of all ultimate heat sinksnot taken into account in the design basis (management ofcontainment building pressure in "feed and bleed" mode, optimal useof available equipment, etc.)‐ integrate these new scenarios in the current procedures‐ integrate the use of the new demineralised water installation for theresupply of the units using non‐conventional or conventional meansIn progress 31/12/2013151 CNT3 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sinkProcedures in case of total loss of heatsinkCreate or modify the procedures to:‐ define a global strategy for the case of loss of all ultimate heat sinksnot taken into account in the design basis (management ofcontainment building pressure in "feed and bleed" mode, optimal useof available equipment, etc.)‐ integrate these new scenarios in the current procedures‐ integrate the use of the new demineralised water installation for theresupply of the units using non‐conventional or conventional meansIn progress 31/12/2013166 CNT1 / PWRSevere AccidentsmanagementRB protection167 CNT2 / PWRSevere AccidentsmanagementRB protection168 CNT3 / PWRSevere AccidentsmanagementRB protection169 CNT2 / PWR Power supply Station black‐out170 CNT3 / PWR Power supply Station black‐outReactor pit injectionReactor pit injectionReactor pit injectionOn‐site resistant storage for mobilemeansOn‐site resistant storage for mobilemeansFeasibility study for additional means to inject water into the reactorpitFeasibility study for additional means to inject water into the reactorpitFeasibility study for additional means to inject water into the reactorpitFeasibility study for electric interconnections between the differentelectric panelsFeasibility study for electric interconnections between the differentelectric panels51 In progress 31/12/201351 In progress 31/12/201351 In progress 31/12/2013In progress 31/12/2013In progress 31/12/2013Implementation of activities8/20

Belgian stress tests action plan ‐ 2012‐12‐14No. Plant / Type Topic Sub‐family Sub‐sub family Action / ActivityRelatedrecommendation onEuropean level("Topics 1 to 3")Relatedrecommendation onnational level("Additional topics")StatusTarget Date129 CNT2 / PWROperationmanagementTotal Station Black‐outProcedures in case of total station blackoutProvide procedures to cope with a complete SBO, including thenecessary non‐conventional means and the intervention strategies (forexample: rapid depressurization to limit damage to the primary pumpsseals, coordination with non‐conventional means present on site,suppression of non‐essential electrical loads, nitrogen in theaccumulators, local command of TPA turbopumps, water top‐up anddischarge of steam from the pools and priority status of local actions incase of loss of normal cooling of the pools, etc.)20, 25 In progress 31/12/2013130 CNT3 / PWROperationmanagementTotal Station Black‐outProcedures in case of total station blackoutProvide procedures to cope with a complete SBO, including thenecessary non‐conventional means and the intervention strategies (forexample: rapid depressurization to limit damage to the primary pumpsseals, coordination with non‐conventional means present on site,suppression of non‐essential electrical loads, nitrogen in theaccumulators, local command of TPA turbopumps, water top‐up anddischarge of steam from the pools and priority status of local actions incase of loss of normal cooling of the pools, etc.)20, 25 In progress 31/12/2013131 CNT1 / PWR132 CNT2 / PWR133 CNT3 / PWR134 KCD12 / PWR135 KCD34 / PWR137 CNT1 / PWR138 CNT2 / PWR139 CNT3 / PWROperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementOperationmanagementTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outTotal Station Black‐outProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOProcedures in case of total station blackoutModify the existing "Accident procedures" to take account of thecomplete SBOImplement the organization of the response to this type of nonconventionalaccident ‐ complete SBO (management of equipment,Procedures in case of total station blackoutdocuments, etc.)Procedures in case of total station blackoutProcedures in case of total station blackoutImplement the organization of the response to this type of nonconventionalaccident ‐ complete SBO (management of equipment,documents, etc.)Implement the organization of the response to this type of nonconventionalaccident ‐ complete SBO (management of equipment,documents, etc.)25 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/201325 In progress 31/12/2013140 CNT1 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sink Water supply proceduresIntroduce or create in the procedures and/or strategies to manage"multi‐unit" accidents, the methods for limiting groundwaterconsumption and determining the well(s) to be used preferentiallyIn progress 31/12/2013141 CNT2 / PWR Water supply Total loss of heat sink Water supply proceduresIntroduce or create in the procedures and/or strategies to manage"multi‐unit" accidents, the methods for limiting groundwaterconsumption and determining the well(s) to be used preferentiallyIn progress 31/12/2013Implementation of activities7/20

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