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Belgian stress tests action plan ‐ 2012‐12‐14No Topic Source Recommendations, Requirements from other national reviews Action : Family ‐ subfamily ‐ sub‐subfamily8 Design issues9 Design issuesENSREG country peerreview <strong>report</strong>ENSREG country peerreview <strong>report</strong>Venting systemThe preliminary study for the filtered venting system on each unit to befinished in 2012 should consider sub‐atmospheric pressures in thecontainment.Severe Accidents management ‐ RB protection ‐Filtered containment ventHydrogen in SFP buildingsRegardless of the outcome of the assessment of the residual risk of hydrogen Severe Accidents management ‐ H2 risk ‐ H2 riskgeneration and accumulation in the spent fuel pool buildings, the installation of management in nuclear auxiliary buildingPARs should be considered.Actions to beimplemented195, 196, 197, 510, 563,564, 565, 566, 567, 568201, 202, 203, 512, 607Comment§ 3.3 of country peerreview <strong>report</strong>.§ 4.3 of country peerreview <strong>report</strong>.10Emergencypreparedness andresponseENSREG country peerreview <strong>report</strong>Severe accident managementThe additional measure by the regulatory body to increase the consistencybetween Tihange NPP and Doel NPP of the emergency training and refreshertraining programs should be broadened to the total concept for severe accidentmanagement (hardware provisions, procedures and guidelines) as much aspossible.Emergency management ‐ Requirements ‐Harmonization of sites training programs516§ 4.3 of country peerreview <strong>report</strong>.11Natural hazards(earthquake)National regulatoryinspectionSeismic margin assessmentFor all weaknesses identified during the walkdowns (SSC assessed as having a“low” probability of preserving their integrity and performing their function inan earthquake exceeding the RLE), the licensee shall provide a detailed actionplan containing actions taken and actions planned. This also applies to thefeasibility study on reinforcement of the electrical building (“BAE”) at Tihange1.External hazards ‐ Earthquake ‐ Reinforcement ofequipments anchoragesExternal hazards ‐ Earthquake ‐ Reinforcement of theelectrical auxiliary building7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 536,622, 623, 624§ 7.2.1 of national stresstests <strong>report</strong>12Natural hazards(earthquake)National regulatoryinspectionProbabilisitc seismic hazard analysisThe licensee should carry out a more elaborated PSHA study with dueconsideration of (1) other elements such as the use of a more recent groundmotionprediction equation or such as a cumulative absolute velocity (“CAV”)External hazards ‐ Earthquake ‐ Reevaluation of theseismic hazard regarding Design Basis Earthquakefiltering, (2) external reviews by international experts and (3) results arisingfrom other studies such as the EC‐project SHARE (seismic hazard harmonizationin Europe).1, 429§ 7.2.1 of national stresstests <strong>report</strong>13Natural hazards(earthquake)National regulatoryinspectionSeismic interactionsThe licensee must continue its efforts towards fostering awareness of potentialExternal hazards ‐ Earthquake ‐ Sensibilizationseismic interaction inside the facilities. In particular, thorough attention mustcampagn to seismic alertnessbe paid to the strict application of the relevant procedures to avoid theinteractions of scaffoldings with SSC that are seismically qualified.428, 538§ 7.2.1 of national stresstests <strong>report</strong>14Natural hazards(flooding)National regulatoryinspectionSafety marginsThe licensee shall include a safety margin for the first level of defense toExternal hazards ‐ Flooding ‐ Protection against siteadequately cover uncertainties associated with a 10,000‐year flood (the wall offloodingthe peripheral protection should thus be designed higher than the flood levelassociated with a 10,000‐year flood).539Tihange NPP only§ 7.2.2 of national stresstests <strong>report</strong>Additional topics2/9

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