
report report


IRSRR Incident reporting system for research reactors (IAEA)I&C Instrumentation and controlKCD Doel nuclear power plantKCD1/2 Doel nuclear units #1/2KCD3 Doel nuclear unit #3KCD4 Doel nuclear unit #4LOOP Loss of off-site powerLTO Long term operation projectLU Emergency cooling ponds (Doel site)LUHS Loss of ultimate heat sinkMCR Main control roomMORV Motor operated relief valveMWe Megawatt (electrical power)MW Non-degassed demineralized water (Doel units)NAcP National action planNCM Non-conventional meansNEA Nuclear energy agencyNPP Nuclear power plantNSC Nuclear science committee (OECD)NUSSC Nuclear safety standards committee (IAEA)OECD Organisation for economic co-operation and developmentOSART Operational safety review teamPORV Pressure operated relief valvePSA Probabilistic safety assessmentPSHA Probabilistic seismic hazard analysisPWR Pressurized water reactorRASSC Radioprotection safety standard committee (IAEA)RB Reactor buildingREX Experience feedbackRG Regulatory guideRGB Reactor building (Doel units)RHWG Reactor harmonisation working group (WENRA)RLE Review level earthquakeROB Royal Observatory of BelgiumRPV Reactor pressure vesselRRA Shutdown cooling system (Tihange units)RWMC Radioactive waste management committeeRWST Refueling water storage tank (Doel units)R&D Research and developmentSA Severe accidentSAEG Severe accident exit guidelinesSAMG Severe accident management guidelinesSBO Station black-outSC Shutdown cooling system (Doel units)SCG Spent fuel container building (Doel site)SEBIM Type of pressurizer relief valveSETHY Water studies department in the Walloon regionSFP Spent fuel poolSG Steam generatorsSHARE Seismic hazard harmonization in EuropeSP Spray system of reactor building (Doel units)SSC Structures, systems and componentsSUR Emergency system (Tihange 1)TEPCO Tokyo electric power companyTPA Feedwater turbo pump (Tihange 2 and 3)TPS Emergency feedwater turbo pump (Tihange 1)TRANSSC Transport safety standard committee (IAEA)TSO Technical support organizationTUR Annulus space containment building (Doel units)16/18

UHS Ultimate heat sinkUS NRC United States nuclear regulatory commissionWANO Western association of nuclear operatorsWASSC Waste safety standards committee (IAEA)WENRA Western European nuclear regulators’ groupWENRA RL WENRA reference levelsWENRA SO WENRA safety objectivesWGAMA Working group on analysis and management of accidents (OECD)WGFCS Working group on fuel cycle safety (OECD)WGFSM Working group on fuel safety margins (OECD)WGHOF Working group on human and organisational factors (OECD)WGIP Working group on inspection practices (OECD)WGOE Working group on operating experience (OECD)WGRISK Working group on risk assessment (OECD)WGIAGE Working group on integrity of components and structures (OECD)WOG Westinghouse owners group17/18

IRSRR Incident <strong>report</strong>ing system for research reactors (IAEA)I&C Instrumentation and controlKCD Doel nuclear power plantKCD1/2 Doel nuclear units #1/2KCD3 Doel nuclear unit #3KCD4 Doel nuclear unit #4LOOP Loss of off-site powerLTO Long term operation projectLU Emergency cooling ponds (Doel site)LUHS Loss of ultimate heat sinkMCR Main control roomMORV Motor operated relief valveMWe Megawatt (electrical power)MW Non-degassed demineralized water (Doel units)NAcP National action planNCM Non-conventional meansNEA Nuclear energy agencyNPP Nuclear power plantNSC Nuclear science committee (OECD)NUSSC Nuclear safety standards committee (IAEA)OECD Organisation for economic co-operation and developmentOSART Operational safety review teamPORV Pressure operated relief valvePSA Probabilistic safety assessmentPSHA Probabilistic seismic hazard analysisPWR Pressurized water reactorRASSC Radioprotection safety standard committee (IAEA)RB Reactor buildingREX Experience feedbackRG Regulatory guideRGB Reactor building (Doel units)RHWG Reactor harmonisation working group (WENRA)RLE Review level earthquakeROB Royal Observatory of BelgiumRPV Reactor pressure vesselRRA Shutdown cooling system (Tihange units)RWMC Radioactive waste management committeeRWST Refueling water storage tank (Doel units)R&D Research and developmentSA Severe accidentSAEG Severe accident exit guidelinesSAMG Severe accident management guidelinesSBO Station black-outSC Shutdown cooling system (Doel units)SCG Spent fuel container building (Doel site)SEBIM Type of pressurizer relief valveSETHY Water studies department in the Walloon regionSFP Spent fuel poolSG Steam generatorsSHARE Seismic hazard harmonization in EuropeSP Spray system of reactor building (Doel units)SSC Structures, systems and componentsSUR Emergency system (Tihange 1)TEPCO Tokyo electric power companyTPA Feedwater turbo pump (Tihange 2 and 3)TPS Emergency feedwater turbo pump (Tihange 1)TRANSSC Transport safety standard committee (IAEA)TSO Technical support organizationTUR Annulus space containment building (Doel units)16/18

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