March 15 - East County Gazette

March 15 - East County Gazette March 15 - East County Gazette
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PAGE 18 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE MARCH 15, 2012— LEGAL NOTICES —Trustee Sale No.: 20110010100867 TitleOrder No.: 110339083 FHA/VA/PMI No.:NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEYOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST, DATED 2/12/2007. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACTA LAWYER. NDEX WEST, LLC, as duly appointedTrustee under and pursuant to Deed ofTrust Recorded on 02/20/2007 as InstrumentNo. 2007-0113212 of official records in theoffice of the County Recorder of San DiegoCounty, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTEDBY: ANNE KOVACH, WILL SELL AT PUBLICAUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH,CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT orother form of payment authorized by 2924h(b),(payable at time of sale in lawful money of theUnited States). DATE OF SALE: 3/23/2012TIME OF SALE: 09:00 AM PLACE OF SALE:Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, 1380Harbor Island Drive San Diego, CA 92101STREET ADDRESS and other common designation,if any, of the real property describedabove is purported to be: 1538 GRANITEHILLS DR #A EL CAJON, CA 92019 APN#:511-290-53-30 The undersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for any incorrectness of thestreet address and other common designation,if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made,but without covenant or warranty, expressedor implied, regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay the remaining principalsum of the note(s) secured by said Deed ofTrust, with interest thereon, as provided in saidnote(s), advances, under the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trusts created by saidDeed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaidbalance of the obligation secured by theproperty to be sold and reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advances at the time ofthe initial publication of the Notice of Sale is$251,260.52. The beneficiary under said Deedof Trust heretofore executed and deliveredto the undersigned a written Declaration ofDefault and Demand for Sale, and a writtenNotice of Default and Election to Sell. Theundersigned caused said Notice of Default andElection to sell to be recorded in the Countywhere the real property is located. FORTRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION PLEASECALL: AUCTION.COM, LLC ONE MAUCHLYIRVINE, CA 92618 800-280-2832, LLC NDEX West, L.L.C. as TrusteeDated: 2/15/2012 NDEX West, LLC may beacting as a debt collector attempting to collecta debt. Any information obtained will be usedfor that purpose. P924905 3/1, 3/8, 03/15/2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004744FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Zane &Cyndi Friberg TTT JumpsLocated at: 4267 Alta Mira Dr., La Mesa,CA 91941This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe first day of business was: January 1, 2012This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Zane Friberg 4267 Alta Mira Dr.,La Mesa, CA 91941Cyndi Friberg 4267 Alta Mira Dr., La Mesa,CA 91941This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February17, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-006896FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Pearl HarborSurvivors Association Carnation Chapter3, San Diego, CALocated at: 2115 Park Blvd., San Diego,CA 92101This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: January 15,2012This business is hereby registered by the following:Veterans Memorial Center Inc. 2115Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 09, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012Call (619) 444-5774to place your ad!NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTERESTATE OF DAVID BRUCE VENABLE JR.CASE NUMBER: 37-2012-00151040-PR-LA-CTL. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors,contingent creditors, and persons who maybe otherwise interested in the will or estate,or both of DAVID BRUCE VENABLE JR.. APETITION FOR PROBATE has been filedby KATHY HANSEN in the Superior Courtof California, County of San Diego. THEPETITION FOR PROBATE requests thatKATHY HANSEN be appointed as personalrepresentative to administer the estate of thedecedent. THE PETITION requests authorityto administer the estate under the IndependentAdministration of Estates Act.(This authoritywill allow the personal representative to takemany actions without obtaining court approval.Before taking certain very important actions,however, the personal representative will berequired to give notice to interested personsunless they have waived notice or consentedto the proposed action.) The independentadministration authority will be granted unlessan interested person files an objection to thepetition and shows good cause why the courtshould not grant the authority. A HEARINGON THE PETITION WILL BE HELD IN THISCOURT AS FOLLOWS: MARCH 29, 2012AT 1:30 P.M. IN DEPT. PC-2 LOCATED AT1409 FOURTH AVE., SAN DIEGO, CA 92101MADGE BRADLEY. IF YOU OBJECT to thegranting of the petition, you should appear atthe hearing and state your objections or filewritten objections with the court before thehearing. Your appearance may be in person orby your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITORor a contingent creditor of the deceased, youmust file your claim with the court and mail acopy to the personal representative appointedby the court within four months from thedate of first issuance of letters as providedin Probate Code section 9100. The time forfiling claims will not expire before four monthsfrom the hearing date noticed above. YOUMAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. Ifyou are a person interested in the estate, youmay file with the court a Request for SpecialNotice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventoryand appraisal of estate assets or of anypetition or account as provided in ProbateCode section 1250. A Request for SpecialNotice form is available from the court clerk.Petitioner: KATHY HANSEN 3840N 1500 E,BUHL, ID 83316EAST COUNTY GAZETTE GIE030790March 1, 8, 15, 2012LOAN: 1389 E. LEXINGTON OTHER: 92102-1102537-11 FILE:8015 JKJ A.P. NUMBER511-280-06-00 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST YOU AREIN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST,DATED August 31, 2006, UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY,IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATUREOF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE ishereby given that STATEWIDE RECONVEY-ANCE GROUP INC., DBA STATEWIDEFORECLOSURE SERVICES , as trustee,or successor trustee, or substituted trusteepursuant to the Deed of Trust executed byCORNELIS STOUTENBURG AND MARGOSTOUTENBURG , HUSBAND AND WIFE, ASJOINT TENANTS Recorded on 09/07/2006 asInstrument No. 2006-0636660 in Book Pageof Official records in the office of the CountyRecorder of SAN DIEGO County, California,and pursuant to the Notice of Default and Electionto Sell thereunder recorded 10/06/2011 inBook , Page , as Instrument No. 2011-0525465of said Official Records, WILL SELL on04/05/2012 at AT THE ENTRANCE TO THEEAST COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER BYSTATUE 250 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON,CA at 10:00 A.M. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TOTHE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payableat the time of sale in lawful money of the UnitedStates), all right, title and interest conveyed toand now held by it under said Deed of Trust inthe property situated in said County and Statehereinafter described: As more fully describedon said Deed of Trust. Declaration of Complianceunder California cc section 2923.5 etseq. was recorded with the Notice of Defaultreferenced above. The property address andother common designation, if any, of the realproperty described above is purported to be:1389 E. LEXINGTON AVENUE UNITS 1-14EL CAJON, CA 92019-2311 The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address and othercommon designation, if any, shown herein.The total amount of the unpaid balance of theobligation secured by the property to be soldand reasonable estimated costs, expensesand advances at the time of initial publicationof the Notice of Sale is: $878,916.06 Inaddition to cash, the Trustee will accept acashier’s check drawn on a state or nationalbank, a check drawn by a state or federalcredit union or a check drawn by a state offederal savings and loan association, savingsassociation or savings bank specifiedin Section 5102 of the Financial Code andauthorized to do business in this state. Inthe event tender other than cash is acceptedthe Trustee may withhold the issuance of theTrustee’s Deed until funds become availableto the payee or endorsee as a matter of right.Said sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, express or implied regarding title,possession or encumbrances, to satisfy theindebtedness secured by said Deed, advancesthereunder, with interest as provided therein,and the unpaid principal balance of the Notesecured by said Deed with interest thereonas provided in said Note, fees, charges andexpenses of the trustee and the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust. Dated: 03/05/2012STATEWIDE RECONVEYANCE GROUPINC.,, as said Trustee DBA STATEWIDEFORECLOSURE SERVICES STATEWIDEFORECLOSURE SERVICES, P O BOX 2896LA MESA, CA, 91943-2896 619-466-6530 By:JANET (EDWARDS) JUAREZ OFFICER By:As required by law, you are hereby notified thata negative credit record may be submitted to acredit reporting agency, by the Lender, shouldyou fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.If you have previously been dischargedthrough a bankruptcy, you may have beenreleased of personal liability for this loan, inwhich case, this notice is intended to exercisethe note holder’s rights against ther real and/orpersonal property as applicable. Sale informationmay be obtained, when available, at For the most accurateand up to date information, you must attendthe sale. Hold harmless applied to Statewide,its employees and/or agents. Said sale will bemade in an “as is” condition. Sale funds mustbe in cashier’s check(s) payable to Statewide.PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODESECTION 2923.5 et seq., sb1137 AND THECALIFORNIA FORECLOSURE PREVEN-TION ACT, THE LENDER, AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE AND/OR THE SIGNERHEREIN DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: (1) TheLender HAS ( ) HAS NOT ( x ) obtained fromthe Commissioner a final or temporary orderof exemption pursuant to Section 2923.5 etseq, that is current and valid as of the date ofthe Notice of Sale filing. Should the Trusteedeem they are unable to convey Title, forany reason, the successful bidder’s sole andexclusive remedy shall be the return of moniespaid to the Trustee and the successful biddershall have no other recourse. If the sale is setaside for any reason, the Purchaser at the saleshall be entitled to a return of the funds paid.The Purchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Lender/Mortgage Holder and/orthe Trustee. We are assisting the Lender inthe collection of a debt and any informationobtained, whether received orally or in writing,may be used for that purpose. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are consideringbidding on this property lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risks involved inbidding at a trustee auction. You will be biddingon a lien, not on the property itself. Placingthe highest bid at a trustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to free and clearownership of the property. You should also beaware that the lien being auctioned off may bea junior lien. If you are the highest bidder atthe auction, you are, or may be, responsiblefor paying off all liens senior to the lien beingauctioned off, before you can receive cleartitle to the property. You are encouraged toinvestigate the existence, priority and sizeof outstanding liens that may exist on thisproperty by contacting the county recorder’soffice or a title insurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee for this information.If you consult either of these resources,you should be aware that the same lendermay hold more than one mortgage or deed oftrust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTYOWNER: The sale date shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one or more times bythe mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g of the CaliforniaCivil Code. The law requires that informationabout trustee sale postponements be madeavailable to you and to the public, as a courtesy,to those not present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your sale date has beenpostponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale of this property, call(619) 466-6530 or fax 619-698-4912 or visitthe internet website at for information regarding the sale of thisproperty, using the file number assigned to thiscase. Information about postponements thatare very short in duration or that occur closein time to the scheduled sale may not immediatelybe reflected in the telephone informationor on the internet web site. The best way todetermine sale results and/or postponementinformation is to attend the scheduled sale.P929228 3/15, 3/22, 03/29/2012TS #: CA-11-476275-JB Order #:110500545-CA-MAI NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST DATED 3/9/2005. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction sale to the highestbidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, check drawn by a stateor federal credit union, or a check drawn bya state or federal savings and loan association,or savings association, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 to the FinancialCode and authorized to do business in thisstate, will be held by duly appointed trustee.The sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to paythe remaining principal sum of the note(s)secured by the Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, as provided in thenote(s), advances, under the terms of the Deedof Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee for the total amount(at the time of the initial publication of theNotice of Sale) reasonably estimated to beset forth below. The amount may be greater onthe day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECTTO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNTDUE. Trustor(s): THURSTON BALL ANDKUNESHA BALL , HUSBAND AND WIFEAS COMMUNITY PROPERTY Recorded:03/24/2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0241600of Official Records in the Office of the Recorderof San Diego County, California; Date of Sale:4/10/2012 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At theentrance to the East County Regional Centerby statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CAAmount of unpaid balance and other charges:$325,683.52 The purported property addressis: 8024 Winter Gardens Boulevard #B ELCAJON, CA 92021 Assessors Parcel No.388-250-41-27 The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address or other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. If no streetaddress or other common designation isshown, directions to the location of the propertymay be obtained by sending a written requestto the beneficiary within 10 days of the dateof first publication of this Notice of Sale. If theTrustee is unable to convey title for any reason,the successful bidder’s sole and exclusiveremedy shall be the return of monies paid tothe Trustee, and the successful bidder shallhave no further recourse. If the sale is set asidefor any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shallbe entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.The Purchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or theMortgagee’s Attorney. Date: Quality LoanService Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego,CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALEinformation only Sale Line: 714-573-1965 orLogin to: ReinstatementLine: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 QualityLoan Service, Corp. If you have previouslybeen discharged through bankruptcy, you mayhave been released of personal liability for thisloan in which case this letter is intended to exercisethe note holder’s rights against the realproperty only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FORTHE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT.THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECTA DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER ANDOWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THISFIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law,you are hereby notified that a negative creditreport reflecting on your credit record may besubmitted to a credit report agency if you failto fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.P926258 3/15, 3/22, 03/29/2012Trustee Sale No.: 20110169807682 TitleOrder No.: 110545997 FHA/VA/PMI No.:8504106 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEYOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST, DATED 10/30/2006. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACTA LAWYER. NDEX WEST, LLC, as duly appointedTrustee under and pursuant to Deed ofTrust Recorded on 11/03/2006 as InstrumentNo. 2006-0785163 of official records in theoffice of the County Recorder of San DiegoCounty, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTEDBY: BRIAN P HOWLEY, WILL SELL ATPUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDERFOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASHEQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorizedby 2924h(b), (payable at time of salein lawful money of the United States). DATEOF SALE: 4/5/2012 TIME OF SALE: 09:00 AMPLACE OF SALE: Sheraton San Diego Hotel &Marina, 1380 Harbor Island Drive San Diego,CA 92101 STREET ADDRESS and other commondesignation, if any, of the real propertydescribed above is purported to be: 732 EASTLEXINGTON AVENUE, UNIT 17, EL CAJON,CA 92020 APN#: 488-261-02-17 The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liability for anyincorrectness of the street address and othercommon designation, if any, shown herein.Said sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, asprovided in said note(s), advances, under theterms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee and of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust. The total amountof the unpaid balance of the obligation securedby the property to be sold and reasonableestimated costs, expenses and advancesat the time of the initial publication of theNotice of Sale is $204,593.62. The beneficiaryunder said Deed of Trust heretofore executedand delivered to the undersigned a writtenDeclaration of Default and Demand for Sale,and a written Notice of Default and Electionto Sell. The undersigned caused said Noticeof Default and Election to sell to be recordedin the County where the real property is located.FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATIONPLEASE CALL: AUCTION.COM, LLC ONEMAUCHLY IRVINE, CA 92618, LLC NDEX West, L.L.C. asTrustee Dated: 2/24/2012 NDEX West, LLCmay be acting as a debt collector attemptingto collect a debt. Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. P919535 3/15, 3/22,03/29/2012Trustee Sale No. F11-00510 Loan No. 1280West Main Street Title Order No. 5903845NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, FIX-TURE FILING, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS,AND SECURITY AGREEMENT (THE“DEED OF TRUST”) DATED 02/13/2009AND MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BELOW.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED ANEXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A publicauction sale to the highest bidder for cashor cashiers check (payable at the time ofsale in lawful money of the United States)(payable to Assured Lender Services, Inc.),will be held by a duly appointed trustee. Thesale will be made, but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to paythe remaining principal sum of the note(s)secured by the Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, as provided inthe note(s), advances, under the terms ofthe Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees,charges and expenses of the undersignedtrustee (“Trustee”) for the total amount (at thetime of the initial publication of this Notice ofTrustee’s Sale) reasonably estimated to beset forth below. The amount may be greateron the day of sale. The amount may begreater on the day of sale. Trustor(s): 1280West Main, LLC, a California limited liabilitycompany Recorded: recorded on 02/27/2009as Document No. 2009-0099540 of OfficialRecords in the office of the Recorder ofSan Diego County, California; Date of Sale:03/28/2012 at 10:00AM Place of Sale: Atthe entrance to the East County RegionalCenter by statue, 250 E. Main Street, ElCajon, CA Amount of unpaid balance andother charges: $2,656,425.18 - Estimatedpayoff amount is cross-collateralized withmultiple Deed’s of Trust. The purportedproperty address is: 1280 West Main Street,El Cajon, CA 92020, Units 38, 40, 42 and 43Legal Description SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT“A” EXHIBIT A All that certain real propertysituated in the County of San Diego, Stateof California, described as follows: Parcel 1:An undivided (4/44th) fractional interest astenant-in-common in and to Lot 1 of Vista DelSol Condominium, in the City of El Cajon,County of San Diego, State of California accordingto Map thereof No. 15416 filed in theOffice of the County Recorder of San DiegoCounty, August 24, 2006. Excepting therefromliving units LU-1 through LU-44, inclusive,as shown and defined in that certainCondominium Plan entitled CondominiumPlan for Vista Del Sol (“Plan”) recorded inthe Office of the San Diego County Recorder,California on September 7, 2006, as File No.2006-0636869 of Official Records, hereafterthe “Condominium Plan”; Also exceptingtherefrom the right to possession of allthose areas designated as “Exclusive UseCommon Areas” as described in that certainCovenants, Conditions and Restrictionsrecorded September 7, 2006 as File No.2006-0636870 of Official Records (“Declaration”),and shown and described upon theCondominium Plan referred to above. Parcel2: Living Unit LU-38, LU-40, LU-42, LU-43,as shown on the Condominium Plan. Parcel3: The exclusive right to the use, possessionand occupancy of those portions of Parcel1 described above and designated on theCondominium Plan as: B, P, PS Consistingof “Balcony Exclusive Use Common Area,”“Patio Exclusive Use Common Area,” and“Parking Space Exclusive Use CommonArea” as defined and described in thatcertain declaration described hereinafterand subject to the limitations, covenants,conditions and restrictions also describedin said declaration; The foregoing Balcony,Patio and Parking Space area assignments,as an appurtenance to Parcel 2, shallsupersede and take precedence over anyassignment or conveyance of the same thatmay be identified and previously assignedto the Condominium Unit described inParcel 1 above in the Condominium Plan.Assessors Parcel No. 487-110-20-38;487-110-20-40; 487-110-20-42; and 487-110-20-43 The beneficiary under said Deedof Trust heretofore executed and deliveredto the undersigned a written Declaration ofDefault and Demand for Sale, and a writtenNotice of Default and Election to Sell. Theundersigned caused said Notice of Defaultand Election to Sell to be recorded in thecounty where the real property is located andmore than three months have elapsed sincesuch recordation. The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address or other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. If nostreet address or other common designationis shown, directions to the location of theproperty may be obtained by sending a writtenrequest to the beneficiary within 10 daysof the date of first publication of this Noticeof Trustee’s Sale. If the Trustee is unable toconvey title for any reason, the successfulbidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall bethe return of monies paid to the Trustee, andthe successful bidder shall have no furtherrecourse. THE PROPERTY COVERED INTHIS ACTION INCLUDES ALL SUCH REALPROPERTY AND THE PERSONAL PROP-ERTY IN WHICH THE BENEFICIARY HAS ASECURITY INTEREST, RESPECTIVELY, ITBEING THE ELECTION OF THE CURRENTBENEFICIARY UNDER SAID DEED OFTRUST TO CAUSE A UNIFIED SALE TOBE MADE OF SAID REAL AND PERSONALPROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEPROVISIONS OF SECTION 2924F(b)(2)OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE. DATE:3/5/2012 Assured Lender Services, Inc.Geoffrey Neal, Trustee Sale Officer AssuredLender Services, Inc. 2552 Walnut AvenueSuite 110 Tustin, CA 92780 Sales Line: (714)573-1965 Sales Website: www.priorityposting.comReinstatement Line: (714) 508-7373To request reinstatement and/or payoff FAXrequest to: (714) 505-3831 THIS OFFICE ISATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANDANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BEUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P929069 3/8,3/15, 03/22/2012

MARCH 15, 2012 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE PAGE 19— LEGAL NOTICES —NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-11-471473-RM Order No.: 110458819-CA-GTO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST DATED 2/26/2003. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction sale to the highestbidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, check drawn by stateor federal credit union, or a check drawn by astate or federal savings and loan association,or savings association, or savings bank specifiedin Section 5102 to the Financial code andauthorized to do business in this state, will beheld by duly appointed trustee. The sale willbe made, but without covenant or warranty,expressed or implied, regarding title, possession,or encumbrances, to pay the remainingprincipal sum of the note(s) secured by theDeed of Trust, with interest and late chargesthereon, as provided in the note(s), advances,under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interestthereon, fees, charges and expenses of theTrustee for the total amount (at the time ofthe initial publication of the Notice of Sale)reasonably estimated to be set forth below.The amount may be greater on the day ofsale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BIDLESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE.Trustor(s): GINO F CAMERE AND CECILIAD MENDOZA, HUSBAND AND WIFE ASJOINT TENNANTS Recorded: 3/4/2003 asInstrument No. 2003-0242462 of OfficialRecords in the office of the Recorder of SANDIEGO County, California; Date of Sale:4/5/2012 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At theentrance to the East County Regional Centerby statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA92020 Amount of unpaid balance and othercharges: $137,672.02 The purported propertyaddress is: 2441 CYPRESS DR, CAMPO, CA91906 Assessor’s Parcel No. 606-056-50-00& 606-056-44-00 The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address or other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. If no streetaddress or other common designation isshown, directions to the location of the propertymay be obtained by sending a written requestto the beneficiary within 10 days of the dateof first publication of this Notice of Sale. If theTrustee is unable to convey title for any reason,the successful bidder’s sole and exclusiveremedy shall be the return of monies paid tothe Trustee, and the successful bidder shallhave no further recourse. If the sale is set asidefor any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shallbe entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.The Purchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or theMortgagee’s Attorney. Date: Quality LoanService Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego,CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALEinformation only SaleLine:714-573-1965 orLogin to: ReinstatementLine: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 QualityLoan Service, Corp. If you have previouslybeen discharged through bankruptcy, you mayhave been released of personal liability for thisloan in which case this letter is intended to exercisethe note holders right’s against the realproperty only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FORTHE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT.THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECTA DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER ANDOWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THISFIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law,you are hereby notified that a negative creditreport reflecting on your credit record may besubmitted to a credit report agency if you failto fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.TS No.: CA-11-471473-RM IDSPub #00225733/15/2012 3/22/2012 3/29/2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004286FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a.) PRO-TECH Auto Care b.) PROTECH CompleteAuto careLocated at: 4801 University Ave., San Diego,CA 92105This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Nasser Damanhoury 232 EncinitasAve., San Diego, CA 92114This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February13, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS No. CA-11-458029-RM Order No.: 110345963-CA-GTO YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDERA DEED OF TRUST DATED 2/12/2008.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED ANEXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OFTHE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A publicauction sale to the highest bidder for cash,cashier’s check drawn on a state or nationalbank, check drawn by state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by a state or federalsavings and loan association, or savingsassociation, or savings bank specified inSection 5102 to the Financial code andauthorized to do business in this state, willbe held by duly appointed trustee. Thesale will be made, but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to paythe remaining principal sum of the note(s)secured by the Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, as provided in thenote(s), advances, under the terms of theDeed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, chargesand expenses of the Trustee for the totalamount (at the time of the initial publicationof the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimatedto be set forth below. The amount may begreater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARYMAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THETOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): CAROLCOMBES, AN UNMARRIED WOMANRecorded: 2/21/2008 as Instrument No. 2008-0087440 of Official Records in the office of theRecorder of SAN DIEGO County, California;Date of Sale: 4/5/2012 at 10:00 AM Place ofSale: At the entrance to the East CountyRegional Center by statue, 250 E. MainStreet, El Cajon, CA 92020 Amount of unpaidbalance and other charges: $344,394.23 Thepurported property address is: 1174 - 1176E WASHINGTON AVE, EL CAJON, CA92019 Assessor’s Parcel No. 489-300-10-00 The undersigned Trustee disclaims anyliability for any incorrectness of the propertyaddress or other common designation, if any,shown herein. If no street address or othercommon designation is shown, directions tothe location of the property may be obtainedby sending a written request to the beneficiarywithin 10 days of the date of first publicationof this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee isunable to convey title for any reason, thesuccessful bidder’s sole and exclusiveremedy shall be the return of moniespaid to the Trustee, and the successfulbidder shall have no further recourse. Ifthe sale is set aside for any reason, thePurchaser at the sale shall be entitledonly to a return of the deposit paid. ThePurchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, orthe Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: QualityLoan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue SanDiego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NONSALE information only Sale Line: 714-573-1965 or Login to: Reinstatement Line: (866) 645-7711Ext 5318 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If youhave previously been discharged throughbankruptcy, you may have been released ofpersonal liability for this loan in which casethis letter is intended to exercise the noteholders right’s against the real property only.THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSEOF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM ISATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ONBEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNEROF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THISFIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law,you are hereby notified that a negative creditreport reflecting on your credit record may besubmitted to a credit report agency if you failto fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. TSNo.: CA-11-458029-RM IDSPub #00227883/15/2012 3/22/2012 3/29/2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-005556FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): PICK-ABOARDLocated at: 294 Chambers St. Unit 17, ElCajon, CA 92020This business is conducted by: A LimitedLiability CompanyThe first day of business was: February27, 2012This business is hereby registered by the following:Topland Co LLC 771 Jamacha #231,El Cajon, CA 92019This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February27, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012TS #: CA-10-412869-RM Order #:100774331-CA-GTO NOTICE OF TRUST-EE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST DATED 8/8/2005. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction sale to the highestbidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, check drawn by a stateor federal credit union, or a check drawn bya state or federal savings and loan association,or savings association, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 to the FinancialCode and authorized to do business in thisstate, will be held by duly appointed trustee.The sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to paythe remaining principal sum of the note(s)secured by the Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, as provided in thenote(s), advances, under the terms of the Deedof Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee for the total amount(at the time of the initial publication of theNotice of Sale) reasonably estimated to beset forth below. The amount may be greater onthe day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECTTO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNTDUE. Trustor(s): STEPHEN PACHECO ANDSHANNON L. PACHECO , HUSBAND ANDWIFE Recorded: 08/29/2005 as InstrumentNo. 2005-0742344 of Official Records in theOffice of the Recorder of San Diego County,California; Date of Sale: 4/10/2012 at 10:00AM Place of Sale: At the entrance to the EastCounty Regional Center by statue, 250 E.Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount of unpaidbalance and other charges: $366,588.93 Thepurported property address is: 9649 ROSIEWAY SANTEE, CA 92071 Assessors ParcelNo. 381-571-04-00 The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address or other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. If no streetaddress or other common designation isshown, directions to the location of the propertymay be obtained by sending a written requestto the beneficiary within 10 days of the dateof first publication of this Notice of Sale. If theTrustee is unable to convey title for any reason,the successful bidder’s sole and exclusiveremedy shall be the return of monies paid tothe Trustee, and the successful bidder shallhave no further recourse. If the sale is set asidefor any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shallbe entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.The Purchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or theMortgagee’s Attorney. Date: Quality LoanService Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego,CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALEinformation only Sale Line: 714-573-1965 orLogin to: ReinstatementLine: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 QualityLoan Service, Corp. If you have previouslybeen discharged through bankruptcy, you mayhave been released of personal liability for thisloan in which case this letter is intended to exercisethe note holder’s rights against the realproperty only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FORTHE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT.THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECTA DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER ANDOWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THISFIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law,you are hereby notified that a negative creditreport reflecting on your credit record may besubmitted to a credit report agency if you failto fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.P926249 3/15, 3/22, 03/29/2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-006880FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): CARRMotorsLocated at: 7364 El Cajon Blvd. #203, SanDiego, CA 92115This business is conducted by: A GeneralPartnershipThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by the following:1. Ali Rauf 7760 Margerum Ave., SanDiego, CA 92120 2. Cesar Rodrigues 630 60 thSt., San Diego, CA 92114This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 09, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012T.S. #:20111034 LOAN #: GAA90-2829-FAPN#: 3802550200 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST, DATED AS SHOWNBELOW. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TOPROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEEDAN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OFTHE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A publicauction sale to the highest bidder for cash,check drawn on a state or national bank,a check drawn by a state or federal creditunion, or a check drawn by a state or federalsavings and loan association, savings association,or savings bank specified in Section5102 of the Financial Code and authorized todo business in this state will be held by theduly appointed trustee as shown below, ofall right, title, and interest conveyed to andnow held by the trustee in the hereinafterdescribed property under the pursuant to aDeed of Trust described below. The sale willbe made, but without covenant or warranty,express or implied, regarding title, possessionor encumbrances, to pay the remaining principalsum of the note(s) secured by the Deed ofTrust, with interest and late charges there on,as provided in the notes(s), advances, if any,under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interestthereon, fees, charges, and expenses of theTrustee for the total amount ( at the time ofthe initial publication of the Notice of Sale)reasonably estimated to be as set forth below.The amount may be greater on the day of thesale. Trustor : RICHARD C LEAL, MARRIEDSOLE AND SEPARATE Duly AppointedTrustee : GUILD ADMINISTRATION CORP.,A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Trust DeedDate: 10/26/2001 Recording Date: 10/30/2001Instrument Number : 2001-0788156 Book:Page: 161075 Recorded in County: SANDIEGO, State of CALIFORNIA Date andTime of Sale: 4/5/2012 at: 10:00 AM Placeof Sale : AT THE ENTRANCE TO THEEAST COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER BYSTATUE, 250 E. MAIN STREET, EL CAJON,CA Estimated Sale Amount: $179,021.39Legal Description of Property: PLEASE SEELEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETOAND MADE A PART HEREOF. AS MOREFULLY DESCRIBED ON SAID DEED OFTRUST. Street Address of Property: 9411PENNYWOOD RD, SANTEE, CA 92071(or Other Common Designation, if any) Theundersigned Trustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of the street addressand other common designation, if any,shown above. If no street address or othercommon designation is shown, directions tothe location of the property may be obtainedby sending a written request to the beneficiarywithin 10 days of the date of first publicationof this Notice of Sale. Date: 3/7/2012 GUILDADMINISTRATION CORPORATION ASSAID TRUSTEE 5898 COPLEY DRIVE,SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 STREET ADDRESS(858) 492-5890 TELEPHONE NUMBER BY:GAIL WINDUS, ASSISTANT SECRETARYP929804 3/15, 3/22, 03/29/2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-006951FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): SanDiego Prevention SpecialistLocated at: 203 Indiana Ave., El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Gerald S. Buckholtz 203 IndianaAve., El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 09, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-006463FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a.) BestHomes Team b.) Best Homes c.) Best HomesFinancial d.) Best Homes Mortgage e.) BestHomes Realty f.) Best Homes Realtors g.) BestHomes San Diego h.) Best Homes CarmelValley-Del Mar i.) Best Homes La Mesa j.)Best Homes Fletcher HillsLocated at: 2552 Fletcher Parkway, El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: June 1, 2003This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Northrop Enterprises, Inc. 2552Fletcher Parkway, El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 06, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00066097-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFANDREW FRIEDRICH GALE FOR CHANGEOF NAME PETITIONER: ANDREW FRIED-RICH GALE HAS FILED FOR AN ORDERTO CHANGE NAMEFROM: ANDREW FRIEDRICH GALETO: BRIGHID GALETHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 250 E.MAIN ST., EL CAJON, CA 92020 DepartmentE-15 on MAY 02, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.)to show cause, if any, why the petition forchange of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 12, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ES-TATE OF JUNIUS JAY GUY CASE NUMBER:37-2012-00151006-PR-PW-CTL. To all heirs,beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors,and persons who may be otherwise interestedin the will or estate, or both of JUNIUS JAYGUY, JAY GUY, GUY. A PETITION FORPROBATE has been filed by KATE L. DO-NAHUE in the Superior Court of California,County of San Diego. THE PETITION FORPROBATE requests that KATE L. DONAHUEbe appointed as personal representative toadminister the estate of the decedent. THEPETITION requests the decedent’s will andcodicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The willand any codicils are available for examinationin the file kept by the court. THE PETITIONrequests authority to administer the estateunder the Independent Administration of EstatesAct.(This authority will allow the personalrepresentative to take many actions withoutobtaining court approval. Before taking certainvery important actions, however, the personalrepresentative will be required to give notice tointerested persons unless they have waivednotice or consented to the proposed action.)The independent administration authority willbe granted unless an interested person filesan objection to the petition and shows goodcause why the court should not grant the authority.A HEARING ON THE PETITION WILLBE HELD IN THIS COURT AS FOLLOWS:MARCH 27, 2012 AT 11 A.M. IN DEPT. PC-1LOCATED AT 1409 FOURTH AVE., SANDIEGO, CA 92101 MADGE BRADLEY. IFYOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition,you should appear at the hearing and stateyour objections or file written objections withthe court before the hearing. Your appearancemay be in person or by your attorney. IF YOUARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor ofthe deceased, you must file your claim withthe court and mail a copy to the personalrepresentative appointed by the court withinfour months from the date of first issuanceof letters as provided in Probate Code section9100. The time for filing claims will notexpire before four months from the hearingdate noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINEthe file kept by the court. If you are a personinterested in the estate, you may file with thecourt a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisalof estate assets or of any petition or accountas provided in Probate Code section 1250. ARequest for Special Notice form is availablefrom the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner:Michael A. Shiffman 1801 Van Ness Ave.,San Francisco, CA 94109 (415) 601-8288.EAST COUNTY GAZETTE –GIE030790March 8, 15, 22, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00065951-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFMELINA LAVULLIS ON BEHALF OF MINORDANIEL BARAY FOR CHANGE OF NAMEPETITIONER: MELINA LAVULLIS ONBEHALF OF MINOR DANIEL BARAY HASFILED FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMEFROM: DANIEL BARAYTO: DANIEL BARAY LAVULLISTHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 250EAST MAIN ST., EL CAJON, CA 92020Department 14 on MAY 02, 2012 at 8:30a.m.) to show cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 2, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00066004-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFMELAD PUTRUS ON BEHALF OF MINORSTIA HAIFAA PUTRUS and ELENA PUTRUSFOR CHANGE OF NAME PETITIONER: ME-LAD PUTRUS ON BEHALF OF MINORS TIAHAIFAA PUTRUS and ELENA PUTRUS HASFILED FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMEFROM: TIA HAIFAA PUTRUSTO: TIA MELAD ALRAISAnd from: ELENA PUTRUSTO: ELENA MELAD ALRAISTHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 250EAST MAIN ST., EL CAJON, CA 92020Department 15 on MAY 02, 2012 at 8:30a.m.) to show cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 6, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012Need to run aFictitious BusinessName Statement?Name Change?Summons?We have the bestprices in town!Call us today!(619) 444-5774

PAGE 18 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE MARCH <strong>15</strong>, 2012— LEGAL NOTICES —Trustee Sale No.: 20110010100867 TitleOrder No.: 110339083 FHA/VA/PMI No.:NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEYOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST, DATED 2/12/2007. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACTA LAWYER. NDEX WEST, LLC, as duly appointedTrustee under and pursuant to Deed ofTrust Recorded on 02/20/2007 as InstrumentNo. 2007-0113212 of official records in theoffice of the <strong>County</strong> Recorder of San Diego<strong>County</strong>, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTEDBY: ANNE KOVACH, WILL SELL AT PUBLICAUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH,CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT orother form of payment authorized by 2924h(b),(payable at time of sale in lawful money of theUnited States). DATE OF SALE: 3/23/2012TIME OF SALE: 09:00 AM PLACE OF SALE:Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina, 1380Harbor Island Drive San Diego, CA 92101STREET ADDRESS and other common designation,if any, of the real property describedabove is purported to be: <strong>15</strong>38 GRANITEHILLS DR #A EL CAJON, CA 92019 APN#:511-290-53-30 The undersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for any incorrectness of thestreet address and other common designation,if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made,but without covenant or warranty, expressedor implied, regarding title, possession, orencumbrances, to pay the remaining principalsum of the note(s) secured by said Deed ofTrust, with interest thereon, as provided in saidnote(s), advances, under the terms of saidDeed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses ofthe Trustee and of the trusts created by saidDeed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaidbalance of the obligation secured by theproperty to be sold and reasonable estimatedcosts, expenses and advances at the time ofthe initial publication of the Notice of Sale is$251,260.52. The beneficiary under said Deedof Trust heretofore executed and deliveredto the undersigned a written Declaration ofDefault and Demand for Sale, and a writtenNotice of Default and Election to Sell. Theundersigned caused said Notice of Default andElection to sell to be recorded in the <strong>County</strong>where the real property is located. FORTRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION PLEASECALL: AUCTION.COM, LLC ONE MAUCHLYIRVINE, CA 92618 800-280-2832, LLC NDEX West, L.L.C. as TrusteeDated: 2/<strong>15</strong>/2012 NDEX West, LLC may beacting as a debt collector attempting to collecta debt. Any information obtained will be usedfor that purpose. P924905 3/1, 3/8, 03/<strong>15</strong>/2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004744FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Zane &Cyndi Friberg TTT JumpsLocated at: 4267 Alta Mira Dr., La Mesa,CA 91941This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe first day of business was: January 1, 2012This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Zane Friberg 4267 Alta Mira Dr.,La Mesa, CA 91941Cyndi Friberg 4267 Alta Mira Dr., La Mesa,CA 91941This statement was filed with Recorder/<strong>County</strong> Clerk of San Diego <strong>County</strong> on February17, 2012.<strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong>- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/<strong>15</strong>, 3/22, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-006896FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Pearl HarborSurvivors Association Carnation Chapter3, San Diego, CALocated at: 21<strong>15</strong> Park Blvd., San Diego,CA 92101This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: January <strong>15</strong>,2012This business is hereby registered by the following:Veterans Memorial Center Inc. 21<strong>15</strong>Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101This statement was filed with Recorder/<strong>County</strong>Clerk of San Diego <strong>County</strong> on <strong>March</strong> 09, 2012.<strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Gazette</strong>- GIE0307903/<strong>15</strong>, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012Call (619) 444-5774to place your ad!NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTERESTATE OF DAVID BRUCE VENABLE JR.CASE NUMBER: 37-2012-00<strong>15</strong>1040-PR-LA-CTL. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors,contingent creditors, and persons who maybe otherwise interested in the will or estate,or both of DAVID BRUCE VENABLE JR.. APETITION FOR PROBATE has been filedby KATHY HANSEN in the Superior Courtof California, <strong>County</strong> of San Diego. THEPETITION FOR PROBATE requests thatKATHY HANSEN be appointed as personalrepresentative to administer the estate of thedecedent. THE PETITION requests authorityto administer the estate under the IndependentAdministration of Estates Act.(This authoritywill allow the personal representative to takemany actions without obtaining court approval.Before taking certain very important actions,however, the personal representative will berequired to give notice to interested personsunless they have waived notice or consentedto the proposed action.) The independentadministration authority will be granted unlessan interested person files an objection to thepetition and shows good cause why the courtshould not grant the authority. A HEARINGON THE PETITION WILL BE HELD IN THISCOURT AS FOLLOWS: MARCH 29, 2012AT 1:30 P.M. IN DEPT. PC-2 LOCATED AT1409 FOURTH AVE., SAN DIEGO, CA 92101MADGE BRADLEY. IF YOU OBJECT to thegranting of the petition, you should appear atthe hearing and state your objections or filewritten objections with the court before thehearing. Your appearance may be in person orby your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITORor a contingent creditor of the deceased, youmust file your claim with the court and mail acopy to the personal representative appointedby the court within four months from thedate of first issuance of letters as providedin Probate Code section 9100. The time forfiling claims will not expire before four monthsfrom the hearing date noticed above. YOUMAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. Ifyou are a person interested in the estate, youmay file with the court a Request for SpecialNotice (form DE-<strong>15</strong>4) of the filing of an inventoryand appraisal of estate assets or of anypetition or account as provided in ProbateCode section 1250. A Request for SpecialNotice form is available from the court clerk.Petitioner: KATHY HANSEN 3840N <strong>15</strong>00 E,BUHL, ID 83316EAST COUNTY GAZETTE GIE030790<strong>March</strong> 1, 8, <strong>15</strong>, 2012LOAN: 1389 E. LEXINGTON OTHER: 92102-1102537-11 FILE:80<strong>15</strong> JKJ A.P. NUMBER511-280-06-00 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST YOU AREIN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST,DATED August 31, 2006, UNLESS YOU TAKEACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY,IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATUREOF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE ishereby given that STATEWIDE RECONVEY-ANCE GROUP INC., DBA STATEWIDEFORECLOSURE SERVICES , as trustee,or successor trustee, or substituted trusteepursuant to the Deed of Trust executed byCORNELIS STOUTENBURG AND MARGOSTOUTENBURG , HUSBAND AND WIFE, ASJOINT TENANTS Recorded on 09/07/2006 asInstrument No. 2006-0636660 in Book Pageof Official records in the office of the <strong>County</strong>Recorder of SAN DIEGO <strong>County</strong>, California,and pursuant to the Notice of Default and Electionto Sell thereunder recorded 10/06/2011 inBook , Page , as Instrument No. 2011-0525465of said Official Records, WILL SELL on04/05/2012 at AT THE ENTRANCE TO THEEAST COUNTY REGIONAL CENTER BYSTATUE 250 EAST MAIN ST. EL CAJON,CA at 10:00 A.M. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TOTHE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payableat the time of sale in lawful money of the UnitedStates), all right, title and interest conveyed toand now held by it under said Deed of Trust inthe property situated in said <strong>County</strong> and Statehereinafter described: As more fully describedon said Deed of Trust. Declaration of Complianceunder California cc section 2923.5 etseq. was recorded with the Notice of Defaultreferenced above. The property address andother common designation, if any, of the realproperty described above is purported to be:1389 E. LEXINGTON AVENUE UNITS 1-14EL CAJON, CA 92019-2311 The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address and othercommon designation, if any, shown herein.The total amount of the unpaid balance of theobligation secured by the property to be soldand reasonable estimated costs, expensesand advances at the time of initial publicationof the Notice of Sale is: $878,916.06 Inaddition to cash, the Trustee will accept acashier’s check drawn on a state or nationalbank, a check drawn by a state or federalcredit union or a check drawn by a state offederal savings and loan association, savingsassociation or savings bank specifiedin Section 5102 of the Financial Code andauthorized to do business in this state. Inthe event tender other than cash is acceptedthe Trustee may withhold the issuance of theTrustee’s Deed until funds become availableto the payee or endorsee as a matter of right.Said sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, express or implied regarding title,possession or encumbrances, to satisfy theindebtedness secured by said Deed, advancesthereunder, with interest as provided therein,and the unpaid principal balance of the Notesecured by said Deed with interest thereonas provided in said Note, fees, charges andexpenses of the trustee and the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust. Dated: 03/05/2012STATEWIDE RECONVEYANCE GROUPINC.,, as said Trustee DBA STATEWIDEFORECLOSURE SERVICES STATEWIDEFORECLOSURE SERVICES, P O BOX 2896LA MESA, CA, 91943-2896 619-466-6530 By:JANET (EDWARDS) JUAREZ OFFICER By:As required by law, you are hereby notified thata negative credit record may be submitted to acredit reporting agency, by the Lender, shouldyou fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.If you have previously been dischargedthrough a bankruptcy, you may have beenreleased of personal liability for this loan, inwhich case, this notice is intended to exercisethe note holder’s rights against ther real and/orpersonal property as applicable. Sale informationmay be obtained, when available, at For the most accurateand up to date information, you must attendthe sale. Hold harmless applied to Statewide,its employees and/or agents. Said sale will bemade in an “as is” condition. Sale funds mustbe in cashier’s check(s) payable to Statewide.PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODESECTION 2923.5 et seq., sb1137 AND THECALIFORNIA FORECLOSURE PREVEN-TION ACT, THE LENDER, AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE AND/OR THE SIGNERHEREIN DECLARES AS FOLLOWS: (1) TheLender HAS ( ) HAS NOT ( x ) obtained fromthe Commissioner a final or temporary orderof exemption pursuant to Section 2923.5 etseq, that is current and valid as of the date ofthe Notice of Sale filing. Should the Trusteedeem they are unable to convey Title, forany reason, the successful bidder’s sole andexclusive remedy shall be the return of moniespaid to the Trustee and the successful biddershall have no other recourse. If the sale is setaside for any reason, the Purchaser at the saleshall be entitled to a return of the funds paid.The Purchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Lender/Mortgage Holder and/orthe Trustee. We are assisting the Lender inthe collection of a debt and any informationobtained, whether received orally or in writing,may be used for that purpose. NOTICE TOPOTENTIAL BIDDERS: If you are consideringbidding on this property lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risks involved inbidding at a trustee auction. You will be biddingon a lien, not on the property itself. Placingthe highest bid at a trustee auction does notautomatically entitle you to free and clearownership of the property. You should also beaware that the lien being auctioned off may bea junior lien. If you are the highest bidder atthe auction, you are, or may be, responsiblefor paying off all liens senior to the lien beingauctioned off, before you can receive cleartitle to the property. You are encouraged toinvestigate the existence, priority and sizeof outstanding liens that may exist on thisproperty by contacting the county recorder’soffice or a title insurance company, either ofwhich may charge you a fee for this information.If you consult either of these resources,you should be aware that the same lendermay hold more than one mortgage or deed oftrust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTYOWNER: The sale date shown on this notice ofsale may be postponed one or more times bythe mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee or a court,pursuant to Section 2924g of the CaliforniaCivil Code. The law requires that informationabout trustee sale postponements be madeavailable to you and to the public, as a courtesy,to those not present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether your sale date has beenpostponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduledtime and date for the sale of this property, call(619) 466-6530 or fax 619-698-4912 or visitthe internet website at for information regarding the sale of thisproperty, using the file number assigned to thiscase. Information about postponements thatare very short in duration or that occur closein time to the scheduled sale may not immediatelybe reflected in the telephone informationor on the internet web site. The best way todetermine sale results and/or postponementinformation is to attend the scheduled sale.P929228 3/<strong>15</strong>, 3/22, 03/29/2012TS #: CA-11-476275-JB Order #:110500545-CA-MAI NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’SSALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST DATED 3/9/2005. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT ALAWYER. A public auction sale to the highestbidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on astate or national bank, check drawn by a stateor federal credit union, or a check drawn bya state or federal savings and loan association,or savings association, or savings bankspecified in Section 5102 to the FinancialCode and authorized to do business in thisstate, will be held by duly appointed trustee.The sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to paythe remaining principal sum of the note(s)secured by the Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, as provided in thenote(s), advances, under the terms of the Deedof Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee for the total amount(at the time of the initial publication of theNotice of Sale) reasonably estimated to beset forth below. The amount may be greater onthe day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECTTO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNTDUE. Trustor(s): THURSTON BALL ANDKUNESHA BALL , HUSBAND AND WIFEAS COMMUNITY PROPERTY Recorded:03/24/2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0241600of Official Records in the Office of the Recorderof San Diego <strong>County</strong>, California; Date of Sale:4/10/2012 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At theentrance to the <strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong> Regional Centerby statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CAAmount of unpaid balance and other charges:$325,683.52 The purported property addressis: 8024 Winter Gardens Boulevard #B ELCAJON, CA 92021 Assessors Parcel No.388-250-41-27 The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address or other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. If no streetaddress or other common designation isshown, directions to the location of the propertymay be obtained by sending a written requestto the beneficiary within 10 days of the dateof first publication of this Notice of Sale. If theTrustee is unable to convey title for any reason,the successful bidder’s sole and exclusiveremedy shall be the return of monies paid tothe Trustee, and the successful bidder shallhave no further recourse. If the sale is set asidefor any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shallbe entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.The Purchaser shall have no further recourseagainst the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or theMortgagee’s Attorney. Date: Quality LoanService Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego,CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALEinformation only Sale Line: 714-573-1965 orLogin to: ReinstatementLine: (866) 645-7711 Ext 5318 QualityLoan Service, Corp. If you have previouslybeen discharged through bankruptcy, you mayhave been released of personal liability for thisloan in which case this letter is intended to exercisethe note holder’s rights against the realproperty only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FORTHE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT.THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECTA DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER ANDOWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THISFIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USEDFOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law,you are hereby notified that a negative creditreport reflecting on your credit record may besubmitted to a credit report agency if you failto fulfill the terms of your credit obligations.P926258 3/<strong>15</strong>, 3/22, 03/29/2012Trustee Sale No.: 20110169807682 TitleOrder No.: 110545997 FHA/VA/PMI No.:8504106 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALEYOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST, DATED 10/30/2006. UNLESSYOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOURPROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLICSALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACTA LAWYER. NDEX WEST, LLC, as duly appointedTrustee under and pursuant to Deed ofTrust Recorded on 11/03/2006 as InstrumentNo. 2006-0785163 of official records in theoffice of the <strong>County</strong> Recorder of San Diego<strong>County</strong>, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTEDBY: BRIAN P HOWLEY, WILL SELL ATPUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDERFOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASHEQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorizedby 2924h(b), (payable at time of salein lawful money of the United States). DATEOF SALE: 4/5/2012 TIME OF SALE: 09:00 AMPLACE OF SALE: Sheraton San Diego Hotel &Marina, 1380 Harbor Island Drive San Diego,CA 92101 STREET ADDRESS and other commondesignation, if any, of the real propertydescribed above is purported to be: 732 EASTLEXINGTON AVENUE, UNIT 17, EL CAJON,CA 92020 APN#: 488-261-02-17 The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liability for anyincorrectness of the street address and othercommon designation, if any, shown herein.Said sale will be made, but without covenantor warranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to pay theremaining principal sum of the note(s) securedby said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, asprovided in said note(s), advances, under theterms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee and of the trusts createdby said Deed of Trust. The total amountof the unpaid balance of the obligation securedby the property to be sold and reasonableestimated costs, expenses and advancesat the time of the initial publication of theNotice of Sale is $204,593.62. The beneficiaryunder said Deed of Trust heretofore executedand delivered to the undersigned a writtenDeclaration of Default and Demand for Sale,and a written Notice of Default and Electionto Sell. The undersigned caused said Noticeof Default and Election to sell to be recordedin the <strong>County</strong> where the real property is located.FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATIONPLEASE CALL: AUCTION.COM, LLC ONEMAUCHLY IRVINE, CA 92618, LLC NDEX West, L.L.C. asTrustee Dated: 2/24/2012 NDEX West, LLCmay be acting as a debt collector attemptingto collect a debt. Any information obtained willbe used for that purpose. P919535 3/<strong>15</strong>, 3/22,03/29/2012Trustee Sale No. F11-00510 Loan No. 1280West Main Street Title Order No. 5903845NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE INDEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, FIX-TURE FILING, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS,AND SECURITY AGREEMENT (THE“DEED OF TRUST”) DATED 02/13/2009AND MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BELOW.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLDAT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED ANEXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THEPROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A publicauction sale to the highest bidder for cashor cashiers check (payable at the time ofsale in lawful money of the United States)(payable to Assured Lender Services, Inc.),will be held by a duly appointed trustee. Thesale will be made, but without covenant orwarranty, expressed or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, to paythe remaining principal sum of the note(s)secured by the Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, as provided inthe note(s), advances, under the terms ofthe Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees,charges and expenses of the undersignedtrustee (“Trustee”) for the total amount (at thetime of the initial publication of this Notice ofTrustee’s Sale) reasonably estimated to beset forth below. The amount may be greateron the day of sale. The amount may begreater on the day of sale. Trustor(s): 1280West Main, LLC, a California limited liabilitycompany Recorded: recorded on 02/27/2009as Document No. 2009-0099540 of OfficialRecords in the office of the Recorder ofSan Diego <strong>County</strong>, California; Date of Sale:03/28/2012 at 10:00AM Place of Sale: Atthe entrance to the <strong>East</strong> <strong>County</strong> RegionalCenter by statue, 250 E. Main Street, ElCajon, CA Amount of unpaid balance andother charges: $2,656,425.18 - Estimatedpayoff amount is cross-collateralized withmultiple Deed’s of Trust. The purportedproperty address is: 1280 West Main Street,El Cajon, CA 92020, Units 38, 40, 42 and 43Legal Description SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT“A” EXHIBIT A All that certain real propertysituated in the <strong>County</strong> of San Diego, Stateof California, described as follows: Parcel 1:An undivided (4/44th) fractional interest astenant-in-common in and to Lot 1 of Vista DelSol Condominium, in the City of El Cajon,<strong>County</strong> of San Diego, State of California accordingto Map thereof No. <strong>15</strong>416 filed in theOffice of the <strong>County</strong> Recorder of San Diego<strong>County</strong>, August 24, 2006. Excepting therefromliving units LU-1 through LU-44, inclusive,as shown and defined in that certainCondominium Plan entitled CondominiumPlan for Vista Del Sol (“Plan”) recorded inthe Office of the San Diego <strong>County</strong> Recorder,California on September 7, 2006, as File No.2006-0636869 of Official Records, hereafterthe “Condominium Plan”; Also exceptingtherefrom the right to possession of allthose areas designated as “Exclusive UseCommon Areas” as described in that certainCovenants, Conditions and Restrictionsrecorded September 7, 2006 as File No.2006-0636870 of Official Records (“Declaration”),and shown and described upon theCondominium Plan referred to above. Parcel2: Living Unit LU-38, LU-40, LU-42, LU-43,as shown on the Condominium Plan. Parcel3: The exclusive right to the use, possessionand occupancy of those portions of Parcel1 described above and designated on theCondominium Plan as: B, P, PS Consistingof “Balcony Exclusive Use Common Area,”“Patio Exclusive Use Common Area,” and“Parking Space Exclusive Use CommonArea” as defined and described in thatcertain declaration described hereinafterand subject to the limitations, covenants,conditions and restrictions also describedin said declaration; The foregoing Balcony,Patio and Parking Space area assignments,as an appurtenance to Parcel 2, shallsupersede and take precedence over anyassignment or conveyance of the same thatmay be identified and previously assignedto the Condominium Unit described inParcel 1 above in the Condominium Plan.Assessors Parcel No. 487-110-20-38;487-110-20-40; 487-110-20-42; and 487-110-20-43 The beneficiary under said Deedof Trust heretofore executed and deliveredto the undersigned a written Declaration ofDefault and Demand for Sale, and a writtenNotice of Default and Election to Sell. Theundersigned caused said Notice of Defaultand Election to Sell to be recorded in thecounty where the real property is located andmore than three months have elapsed sincesuch recordation. The undersigned Trusteedisclaims any liability for any incorrectnessof the property address or other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. If nostreet address or other common designationis shown, directions to the location of theproperty may be obtained by sending a writtenrequest to the beneficiary within 10 daysof the date of first publication of this Noticeof Trustee’s Sale. If the Trustee is unable toconvey title for any reason, the successfulbidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall bethe return of monies paid to the Trustee, andthe successful bidder shall have no furtherrecourse. THE PROPERTY COVERED INTHIS ACTION INCLUDES ALL SUCH REALPROPERTY AND THE PERSONAL PROP-ERTY IN WHICH THE BENEFICIARY HAS ASECURITY INTEREST, RESPECTIVELY, ITBEING THE ELECTION OF THE CURRENTBENEFICIARY UNDER SAID DEED OFTRUST TO CAUSE A UNIFIED SALE TOBE MADE OF SAID REAL AND PERSONALPROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEPROVISIONS OF SECTION 2924F(b)(2)OF THE CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE. DATE:3/5/2012 Assured Lender Services, Inc.Geoffrey Neal, Trustee Sale Officer AssuredLender Services, Inc. 2552 Walnut AvenueSuite 110 Tustin, CA 92780 Sales Line: (714)573-1965 Sales Website: www.priorityposting.comReinstatement Line: (714) 508-7373To request reinstatement and/or payoff FAXrequest to: (714) 505-3831 THIS OFFICE ISATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ANDANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BEUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P929069 3/8,3/<strong>15</strong>, 03/22/2012

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