March 15 - East County Gazette

March 15 - East County Gazette March 15 - East County Gazette
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PAGE 16 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE MARCH 15, 2012I. Call to OrderII.III.IV.Invocation / Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of MembersJim Archer Roger Garay Lou RussoGeorge Barnett Cory Kill Richard SaldanoJim Easterling Travis Lyon Sharmin SelfRobie Faulkner Jennifer Martinez Kippy ThomasGreg Fox Mike Milligan Scott TuchmanApproval of Minutes / Correspondence / Announcements1. February 23, 2012 Meeting’.2. APG Statement:The Alpine Community Planning Group was formed for the purpose of advising and assistingthe Director of Planning, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board ofSupervisors in the preparation, amendment and implementation of community and sub regionalplans. The Alpine Community Planning Group is only an advisory body.3. Open DiscussionAny member of the public may address the group on topics pertaining to planning, zoning andland use which does not appear elsewhere on this agenda. Upon recognition by the Chairman,each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak (organized/special presentations up tofifteen minutes). There can be limited discussion with no vote on any issue(s) so presented untilsuch time as proper public notice is given prior to such discussion and vote.4. Prioritization of this Meetings Agenda ItemsV. Group Business1. The County has asked Alpine to reapply for the Caltrans Transportion Grant. This grant isfor safer routes in the County right of way areas (i.e. sidewalks or bicycle lanes near schools,crosswalks, etc.) . Discussion and ActionVI.AGENDA2. Reminder to turn in form 700’s by March 31, 2012.3. The County is asking the Planning Group if they would like the County to apply on ourAlpine’s behalf for the CalTrans Community Based Transportation Grant program.This Grant program funding is used to help create design standards for parkways andstreetscapes that will protect the character of our Community (i.e. lighting, sign posts,landscaping, curb treatments, etc.). Discussion and ActionOrganized / Special Presentations:1. Carl Stiehl, County of San Diego will be sharing that the County Department of Planning andLand Use will be doing a rezone to C34 General Commercial / Residential which used to bea Mixed Use Commercial zone on APN #’s: 403-262-26 and 403-271-45. One of the parcelsused to be the old Barber Shop and the other is the dirt lot across the street next to the Liquorstore. These rezones will be in line with the new Village Core zones that are being proposed.Presentation, Discussion and Action (if needed)2. A representative from SDG&E will give a construction update on the Powerlink Project, theStreetscape Improvements and 20-A undergrounding of the utilities. Presentation andDiscussion3. Michael Long, County of San Diego will be asking the Community of Alpine to decide on oneof three options in moving forward with 2 nd Phase Streetscape Improvements which are to becompleted along Alpine Boulevard. These improvements will entail adding drainageunderground and digging up the Boulevard again in a few areas to do the underground work.These improvements are not tied to 1 st phase Streetscape improvements that are being paidfor by SDG&E accept option #1 below. The three options are: Discussion and Action (we needCommunity input)Construction Schedule Options:#1 - Expedite Storm Drain Design by the County.Delay SDG&E paving in the downtown area (Tavern Rd to South Grade Rd).SDG&E will repave west of Tavern Road and East of South Grade Road alongAlpine Boulevard in Summer 2012.Install drainage improvements to prevent 100 year flood issues.SDG&E will remobilize to pave (Tavern Rd to South Grade Rd), which is part of1 st Phase Streetscape improvements to be paid for by SDG&E.#2 - Construct Phase 2 Streetscape improvements in Summer 2013.Alpine Community Planning GroupP.O. Box 819, Alpine, CA 91903-0819 • www.AlpineCPG.orgNOTICE OF REGULAR MEETINGThursday, March 22, 2012 / 6:00 P.M.Alpine Community Center, 1830 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA 91901VII.SDG&E maintains current schedule to repave Alpine Boulevard in Summer 2012.The County will then come back in Summer 2013 to trench into the newerrepaved street in various areas.Install drainage improvements to prevent 100 year flood issues.The County now pays to repave the road in the areas trenched andhas to abide by the new rules that go into effect should one choose to dig intoAlpine Boulevard during the 3 year moratorium (County paving policy).#3 - Construct Phase 2 Streetscape improvements after the County 3-year moratorium (Countypaving policy) in the Summer of 2015.4. Bob Citrano, County of San Diego will be presenting a summary of the workshop meetingsthat have taken place with the residents of East Alpine and will let us know where CountyStaff is at in the process. Properties previously located in the East Part of Alpine were unableto change their zoning due to the previous Forest Conservation Initiative lands that hadsunset at the end of December 2010. Discussion and Action (if needed)5. Jim Archer, Planning Group Subcommittee Chairman for Parks and Recreation will bringforward his Subcommittee recommendation to prioritize the (PLDO) Park Land Developmentmoney which is to be applied towards new park(s). Discussion and ActionConsent Calendar1. Circulation1) Discussion and Vote: None2. Design & Review1) Discussion and Vote: None3. Communications1) Discussion and Vote: None4. Private Actions1) Discussion and Vote: None2) Discussion and Vote: None3) Discussion and Vote: None5. Public Facilities, Services & Major Public Policy1) Discussion and Recommendations (Vote): None6. Trails & Conservation1) Discussion and Vote: None7. Parks & Recreation1) Discussion & Vote: NoneVIII. Subcommittee Reports (Including Alpine Design Review Board)1. Private Actions Richard Saldano2. Trails & Conservation Travis Lyon3. Parks & Recreation Jim Archer4. Public Facilities, Services &Major Public Policy Sharmin Self5. Circulation Cory Kill6. Communication Scott Tuchman7. Alpine Design Review Board Kippy ThomasVIII. Officers Reports1. Chairman Greg Fox2. Vice Chairman Jim Easterling3. Secretary Jennifer MartinezIX. Open Discussion 2 (Only if Necessary)Any member of the public may address the group on topics pertaining to planning, zoning andland use which does not appear elsewhere on this agenda. Upon recognition by the Chairman,each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak (organized/special presentations up tofifteen minutes). There can be limited discussion with no vote on any issue(s) so presented untilsuch time as proper public notice is given prior to such discussion and vote.X. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Agendasa. All requested Agenda Items must be to the Planning Group Chair by the 2nd Thursday ofeach month.XI. Approval of Expenses / Expendituresa. NoneXII. Announcement of SubCommittee Meetingsa. To Be Determined (TBD)XIII. Announcement of Next Meetinga. Thursday, April 26, 2012 @ 6:00 P.M.XIV. Adjournment of Meeting

MARCH 15, 2012 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE PAGE 17LEGAL NOTICESThe East County Gazette is authorized to print official legal notices of all types including: Liens, Fictitious Business Names, Change of Name, Abandonment, Estate Sales, Auctions, Public Offerings, Court ordered publishing, etc. Call the East CountyGazette at (619) 444-5774 for rates. The East County Gazette is a legally adjudicated newspaper of General Circulation in the City of El Cajon, State of California, County of San Diego. Legal No. GIE030790FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004352FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): CompleteSatisfactionLocated at: 8515 Chloe Ave. #123, La Mesa,CA 91942This business is conducted by: A GeneralPartnershipThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by the following:Keith Joseph 8515 Chloe Ave. #123,La Mesa, CA 91942LaTonya Bolden 8515 Chloe Ave. #123, LaMesa, CA 91942This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February14, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE030790FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004520FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): GoldenStars Auto GlassLocated at: 525 E. Camden Ave. #26, ElCajon, CA 92020This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe first day of business was: January 16,2012This business is hereby registered by the following:Wael Elias 525 E. Camden Ave. #26,El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February15, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307902/23, 3/01, 3/08, 3/15, 20122/23, 3/01, 3/08, 3/15, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-003498FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): FamilyLoan and Pawn Inc.FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004601FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a.) OwnersRealty, Black Ink Management b.) BlackInk Investment Position One CareLocated at: 402 W. Broadway Ste. 400, SanDiego, CA 92101This business is conducted by: A GeneralPartnershipThe first day of business was: January 4, 2011This business is hereby registered by the following:Tommie T. Young 8130 La Mesa Blvd.#167, La Mesa, CA 91942; Steve Uyemura8130 La Mesa Blvd. #167, La Mesa, CA 91942This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February16, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307902/23, 3/01, 3/08, 3/15, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004770FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Cattleman’sQLocated at: 101 West Broadway, Suite 1950,San Diego, CA 92101This business is conducted by: Joint VentureThe first day of business was: January 1, 2012This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: James M. Fitzpatrick 101 WestBroadway, Suite 1950, San Diego, CA 92101Craig Learner 101 West Broadway, Suite1950, San Diego, CA 92101This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February17, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-005470FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): SouthBay WeldingLocated at: 781 O’Connor St., El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: October 5, 1973This business is hereby registered by the following:M W Reid Welding Inc. 781 O’ConnorSt., El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February27, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATE-MENT NO. 2012-005470FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): SouthBay WeldingLocated at: 781 O’Connor St., El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: October 5, 1973This business is hereby registered by the following:M W Reid Welding Inc. 781 O’ConnorSt., El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February27, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE030790 3/01,3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012Located at: 6375 El Cajon Blvd. #B, SanDiego, CA 92115This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: February1, 2012This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Family Loan and Pawn Inc. 6375 ElCajon Blvd. #B, San Diego, CA 92115This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February06, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307902/23, 3/01, 3/08, 3/15, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-005132FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Aine& ErosLocated at: 1298 Prospect St., Suite 2L, LaJolla, CA 92037This business is conducted by: A LimitedLiability CompanyThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by the following:Blessings by Anza, LLC 1298 ProspectSt., Suite 2L, La Jolla, CA 92037This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February22, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-006223FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): CaliforniaMedJool DatesLocated at: 10728 Prospect Ave. #F, Santee,CA 92071This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe first day of business was: December1, 2011This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Abdul Mustafa 4827 Avocado Blvd.,El Cajon, C 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 05, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-005823FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a.) FoothillsChristian Church b.) Common GroundLocated at: 365 W. Bradley Ave., El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: January 1, 2004This business is hereby registered by the following:Foothills Christian Ministries, Inc. 350Cypress Lane, Suite B, El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February29, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-003285FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Attis WholesaleLocated at: 9905 Campo Rd., Spring Valley, CA 91977This business is conducted by: A General PartnershipThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by the following: Ryan Zimmermann 9905 Campo Rd., SpringValley, CA 91977; Eli Howe 9905 Campo Rd., Spring Valley, CA 91977This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February 3, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE030790 3/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-003844FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Hartt andSons Tree ServiceLocated at: 9933 Delphi St., Santee, CA92071This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe first day of business was: February09, 2012This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Roy Hartt 9933 Delphi St., Santee,CA 92071This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February09, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/01, 3/08, 3/15, 3/22, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENTNO. 2012-006073FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a.) MassageEden b.) Jun’s Stadium Reflexology& MassageLocated at: 557 Telegraph Canyon Rd.,Chula Vista, CA 91910This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: January10, 2012This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Yuanjun International Inc. 557Telegraph Canyon Rd., Chula Vista, CA 91910This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 2, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-004347FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): ElCajon Harley-DavidsonLocated at: 621 El Cajon Blvd., El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: A LimitedLiability CompanyThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: ECHD Motorcycles, LLC 1188East Camelback Rd., Phoenix, CA 85014This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County onFebruary 14, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00093444-CU-PT-CTLIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFCECILARIA M.M. SANTOS ON BEHALF OFMINOR AI’LANI MARIE LA’NAE ARKANSASFOR CHANGE OF NAMEPETITIONER: CECILARIA M.M. SANTOS ONBEHALF OF MINOR AI’LANI MARIE LA’NAEARKANSAS HAS FILED FOR AN ORDER TOCHANGE NAMEFROM: AI’LANI MARIE LA’NAE ARKANSASTO: AI’LANI MARIE LA’NAE SANTOSTHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 330WEST BROADWAY, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101Department 8 on APRIL 18, 2012 at 8:30a.m.) to show cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 6, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00065944-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFJENNIFER ELAINE HECKART AND NICHO-LAS WEST HECKART AND ON BEHALF OFMINORS JAMES PATRICK HECKART ANDMYLES KRISTOF HECKART FOR CHANGEOF NAME PETITIONER: JENNIFER ELAINEHECKART AND NICHOLAS WEST HECKARTAND ON BEHALF OF MINORS JAMESPATRICK HECKART AND MYLES KRISTOFHECKART HAS FILED FOR AN ORDER TOCHANGE NAMEFROM: NICHOLAS WEST HECKARTTO: NICHOLAS WEST BAZATAAND FROM: JENNIFER ELAINE HECKARTTO: JENNIFER ELAINE BAZATAAND FROM: JAMES PATRICK HECKARTTO: JAMES PATRICK BAZATAAND FROM: MYLES KRISTOF HECKARTTO: MYLES KRISTOF BAZATATHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 250EAST MAIN ST., EL CAJON, CA 92020Department E-14 on MAY 02, 2012 at 8:30a.m.) to show cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 2, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00092977-CU-PT-CTLIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFMARK TIMOTHY DITOMASO FOR CHANGEOF NAME PETITIONER: MARK TIMOTHYDITOMASO HAS FILED FOR AN ORDER TOCHANGE NAMEFROM: MARK TIMOTHY DITOMASOTO: MARK TIMOTHY DI TOMMASOTHE COURT ORDERS that all persons interestedin this matter shall appear before thiscourt (San Diego Superior Court, 330 WESTBROADWAY, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 Department8 on APRIL 17, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.) toshow cause, if any, why the petition for changeof name should not be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changes described abovemust file a written objection that includes thereasons for the objection at least two court daysbefore the matter is scheduled to be heard andmust appear at the hearing to show cause whythe petition should not be granted. If no writtenobjection is timely filed, the court may grant thepetition without a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of thisORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be published in theEast County Gazette, a newspaper of generalcirculation published in this county, at least oncea week for four successive weeks prior to theday of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 2, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-005829FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): FoothillsChristian High SchoolLocated at: 2321 Dryden Road, El Cajon,CA 92020This business is conducted by: A CorporationThe first day of business was: March 1, 2006This business is hereby registered by the following:Foothills Christian Ministries, Inc. 350Cypress Lane, Suite B, El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February29, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00066097-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFANDREW FRIEDRICH GALE FOR CHANGEOF NAME PETITIONER: ANDREW FRIED-RICH GALE HAS FILED FOR AN ORDER TOCHANGE NAMEFROM: ANDREW FRIEDRICH GALETO: BRIGHID GALETHE COURT ORDERS that all persons interestedin this matter shall appear before thiscourt (San Diego Superior Court, 250 E. MAINST., EL CAJON, CA 92020 Department E-15on MAY 02, 2012 at 8:30 a.m.) to show cause,if any, why the petition for change of nameshould not be granted. Any person objecting tothe name changes described above must filea written objection that includes the reasonsfor the objection at least two court days beforethe matter is scheduled to be heard and mustappear at the hearing to show cause why thepetition should not be granted. If no writtenobjection is timely filed, the court may grantthe petition without a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 12, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/15, 3/22, 3/29, 4/05, 2012ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00065947-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFSHAUNA MARIE WELLS and CLYNT JOELRAGLAND ON BEHALF OF MINOR DEVONRAY WELLS FOR CHANGE OF NAMEPE-TITIONER: SHAUNA MARIE WELLS andCLYNT JOEL RAGLAND ON BEHALF OFMINOR DEVON RAY WELLS HAS FILEDFOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMEFROM: DEVON RAY WELLSTO: CLYNT JOEL RAGLAND JR.THE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 250EAST MAIN ST., EL CAJON, CA 92020Department E-14 on APRIL 18, 2012 at 8:30a.m.) to show cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 2, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012TO PLACE YOUR LEGAL AD CALL(619)444-5774Support your community newspaperSubscribe Today!Only $30 will bring the Gazette to your mailboxOR — $10 will bring the Gazette to your email box weekly for one year!Fill out below and send with your check/money order or fill out credit card information and send to:ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FORCHANGE OF NAMECASE NO.37-2012-00065920-CU-PT-ECIN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OFSUSAN NUNEZ FOR CHANGE OF NAMEPETITIONER: SUSAN NUNEZ HAS FILEDFOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMEFROM: SUSAN NUNEZTO: SUSAN CASTAGNERISTHE COURT ORDERS that all personsinterested in this matter shall appear beforethis court (San Diego Superior Court, 250EAST MAIN ST., EL CAJON, CA 92020Department E-14 on APRIL 11, 2012 at 8:30a.m.) to show cause, if any, why the petitionfor change of name should not be granted.Any person objecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a written objectionthat includes the reasons for the objectionat least two court days before the matter isscheduled to be heard and must appear atthe hearing to show cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no written objectionis timely filed, the court may grant the petitionwithout a hearing.IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy ofthis ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE be publishedin the East County Gazette, a newspaper ofgeneral circulation published in this county, atleast once a week for four successive weeksprior to the day of the hearing.THIS STATEMENT WAS FILED WITH THECLERK OF THE SUPERIOR COURT ONMARCH 1, 2012.East County Gazette – GIE0307903/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENTNO. 2012-006100FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): Fork-In-HandLocated at: 4046 Craven Road #40, Oceanside,CA 92057This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe business has not yet started.This business is hereby registered by thefollowing: Richard Andrew Peck 4046 CravenRoad #40, Oceanside, CA 92057This statement was filed with Recorder/CountyClerk of San Diego County on March 2, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAMESTATEMENT NO. 2012-005788FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a.) HeLives Ministries b.) Rob Starck Ministries c.)Lamplighter Revival CenterLocated at: 529 E. Washington ave., ElCajon, CA 92020This business is conducted by: An IndividualThe first day of business was: March 1, 2007This business is hereby registered by the following:Robert E. Starck 529 E. Washingtonave., El Cajon, CA 92020This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County on February29, 2012.East County Gazette- GIE0307903/08, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, 2012East County Gazette - P.O. Box 697, El Cajon, CA 92022Visa/MasterCard # _____________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______________________Name:____________ _______________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________City ____________________________________________________________ Zip ______________ one year _____ two years

PAGE 16 EAST COUNTY GAZETTE MARCH <strong>15</strong>, 2012I. Call to OrderII.III.IV.Invocation / Pledge of AllegianceRoll Call of MembersJim Archer Roger Garay Lou RussoGeorge Barnett Cory Kill Richard SaldanoJim <strong>East</strong>erling Travis Lyon Sharmin SelfRobie Faulkner Jennifer Martinez Kippy ThomasGreg Fox Mike Milligan Scott TuchmanApproval of Minutes / Correspondence / Announcements1. February 23, 2012 Meeting’.2. APG Statement:The Alpine Community Planning Group was formed for the purpose of advising and assistingthe Director of Planning, the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Commission and the Board ofSupervisors in the preparation, amendment and implementation of community and sub regionalplans. The Alpine Community Planning Group is only an advisory body.3. Open DiscussionAny member of the public may address the group on topics pertaining to planning, zoning andland use which does not appear elsewhere on this agenda. Upon recognition by the Chairman,each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak (organized/special presentations up tofifteen minutes). There can be limited discussion with no vote on any issue(s) so presented untilsuch time as proper public notice is given prior to such discussion and vote.4. Prioritization of this Meetings Agenda ItemsV. Group Business1. The <strong>County</strong> has asked Alpine to reapply for the Caltrans Transportion Grant. This grant isfor safer routes in the <strong>County</strong> right of way areas (i.e. sidewalks or bicycle lanes near schools,crosswalks, etc.) . Discussion and ActionVI.AGENDA2. Reminder to turn in form 700’s by <strong>March</strong> 31, 2012.3. The <strong>County</strong> is asking the Planning Group if they would like the <strong>County</strong> to apply on ourAlpine’s behalf for the CalTrans Community Based Transportation Grant program.This Grant program funding is used to help create design standards for parkways andstreetscapes that will protect the character of our Community (i.e. lighting, sign posts,landscaping, curb treatments, etc.). Discussion and ActionOrganized / Special Presentations:1. Carl Stiehl, <strong>County</strong> of San Diego will be sharing that the <strong>County</strong> Department of Planning andLand Use will be doing a rezone to C34 General Commercial / Residential which used to bea Mixed Use Commercial zone on APN #’s: 403-262-26 and 403-271-45. One of the parcelsused to be the old Barber Shop and the other is the dirt lot across the street next to the Liquorstore. These rezones will be in line with the new Village Core zones that are being proposed.Presentation, Discussion and Action (if needed)2. A representative from SDG&E will give a construction update on the Powerlink Project, theStreetscape Improvements and 20-A undergrounding of the utilities. Presentation andDiscussion3. Michael Long, <strong>County</strong> of San Diego will be asking the Community of Alpine to decide on oneof three options in moving forward with 2 nd Phase Streetscape Improvements which are to becompleted along Alpine Boulevard. These improvements will entail adding drainageunderground and digging up the Boulevard again in a few areas to do the underground work.These improvements are not tied to 1 st phase Streetscape improvements that are being paidfor by SDG&E accept option #1 below. The three options are: Discussion and Action (we needCommunity input)Construction Schedule Options:#1 - Expedite Storm Drain Design by the <strong>County</strong>.Delay SDG&E paving in the downtown area (Tavern Rd to South Grade Rd).SDG&E will repave west of Tavern Road and <strong>East</strong> of South Grade Road alongAlpine Boulevard in Summer 2012.Install drainage improvements to prevent 100 year flood issues.SDG&E will remobilize to pave (Tavern Rd to South Grade Rd), which is part of1 st Phase Streetscape improvements to be paid for by SDG&E.#2 - Construct Phase 2 Streetscape improvements in Summer 2013.Alpine Community Planning GroupP.O. Box 819, Alpine, CA 91903-0819 • www.AlpineCPG.orgNOTICE OF REGULAR MEETINGThursday, <strong>March</strong> 22, 2012 / 6:00 P.M.Alpine Community Center, 1830 Alpine Boulevard, Alpine, CA 91901VII.SDG&E maintains current schedule to repave Alpine Boulevard in Summer 2012.The <strong>County</strong> will then come back in Summer 2013 to trench into the newerrepaved street in various areas.Install drainage improvements to prevent 100 year flood issues.The <strong>County</strong> now pays to repave the road in the areas trenched andhas to abide by the new rules that go into effect should one choose to dig intoAlpine Boulevard during the 3 year moratorium (<strong>County</strong> paving policy).#3 - Construct Phase 2 Streetscape improvements after the <strong>County</strong> 3-year moratorium (<strong>County</strong>paving policy) in the Summer of 20<strong>15</strong>.4. Bob Citrano, <strong>County</strong> of San Diego will be presenting a summary of the workshop meetingsthat have taken place with the residents of <strong>East</strong> Alpine and will let us know where <strong>County</strong>Staff is at in the process. Properties previously located in the <strong>East</strong> Part of Alpine were unableto change their zoning due to the previous Forest Conservation Initiative lands that hadsunset at the end of December 2010. Discussion and Action (if needed)5. Jim Archer, Planning Group Subcommittee Chairman for Parks and Recreation will bringforward his Subcommittee recommendation to prioritize the (PLDO) Park Land Developmentmoney which is to be applied towards new park(s). Discussion and ActionConsent Calendar1. Circulation1) Discussion and Vote: None2. Design & Review1) Discussion and Vote: None3. Communications1) Discussion and Vote: None4. Private Actions1) Discussion and Vote: None2) Discussion and Vote: None3) Discussion and Vote: None5. Public Facilities, Services & Major Public Policy1) Discussion and Recommendations (Vote): None6. Trails & Conservation1) Discussion and Vote: None7. Parks & Recreation1) Discussion & Vote: NoneVIII. Subcommittee Reports (Including Alpine Design Review Board)1. Private Actions Richard Saldano2. Trails & Conservation Travis Lyon3. Parks & Recreation Jim Archer4. Public Facilities, Services &Major Public Policy Sharmin Self5. Circulation Cory Kill6. Communication Scott Tuchman7. Alpine Design Review Board Kippy ThomasVIII. Officers Reports1. Chairman Greg Fox2. Vice Chairman Jim <strong>East</strong>erling3. Secretary Jennifer MartinezIX. Open Discussion 2 (Only if Necessary)Any member of the public may address the group on topics pertaining to planning, zoning andland use which does not appear elsewhere on this agenda. Upon recognition by the Chairman,each speaker will be allowed up to three minutes to speak (organized/special presentations up tofifteen minutes). There can be limited discussion with no vote on any issue(s) so presented untilsuch time as proper public notice is given prior to such discussion and vote.X. Request for Agenda Items for Upcoming Agendasa. All requested Agenda Items must be to the Planning Group Chair by the 2nd Thursday ofeach month.XI. Approval of Expenses / Expendituresa. NoneXII. Announcement of SubCommittee Meetingsa. To Be Determined (TBD)XIII. Announcement of Next Meetinga. Thursday, April 26, 2012 @ 6:00 P.M.XIV. Adjournment of Meeting

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