Peng, Z. and J. Gomberg (2010) - Geophysics at Georgia Tech

Peng, Z. and J. Gomberg (2010) - Geophysics at Georgia Tech Peng, Z. and J. Gomberg (2010) - Geophysics at Georgia Tech
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eview articlePublished online: 22 august 2010 | doi: 10.1038/ngeo940an integrated perspective of the continuumbetween earthquakes and slow-slip phenomenaZhigang Peng 1 * and Joan gomberg 2The discovery of slow-slip phenomena has revolutionized our understanding of how faults accommodate relative plate motions.Faults were previously thought to relieve stress either through continuous aseismic sliding, or as earthquakes resulting frominstantaneous failure of locked faults. In contrast, slow-slip events proceed so slowly that slip is limited and only low-frequency(or no) seismic waves radiate. We find that slow-slip phenomena are not unique to the depths (tens of kilometres) of subductionzone plate interfaces. They occur on faults in many settings, at numerous scales and owing to various loading processes,including landslides and glaciers. Taken together, the observations indicate that slowly slipping fault surfaces relax most of theaccrued stresses through aseismic slip. Aseismic motion can trigger more rapid slip elsewhere on the fault that is sufficientlyfast to generate seismic waves. The resulting radiation has characteristics ranging from those indicative of slow but seismicslip, to those typical of earthquakes. The mode of seismic slip depends on the inherent characteristics of the fault, such as thefrictional properties. Slow-slip events have previously been classified as a distinct mode of fault slip compared with that seen inearthquakes. We conclude that instead, slip modes span a continuum and are of common occurrence.Slow-slip phenomena refer to specific deformation modesthat are observed seismically or geodetically. The variabilityof slow-slip phenomena reflects a suite of unique faultslipcharacteristics (Fig. 1). When faults slip at sufficiently fastvelocities, dynamic forces become significant and seismic wavesradiate. The energy carried at wavefronts can overcome frictionalforces on locked sections of the fault, resulting in large displacementsand ‘fast’ earthquakes 1 . Under some conditions the slip maynot reach dynamic velocities, but low-amplitude, low-frequencyseismic waves still radiate. These seismic slow signals have onlyrecently been identified, facilitated by networks of high-sensitivitysurface and borehole seismometers that record continuouslyin the frequency band of ~0.001–100 Hz. Among these signals,the most commonly observed are weak continuous vibrationshaving no clear impulsive phases, known as deep ‘non-volcanic’tremor 2 . Tremor often accompanies the aseismic events, with thecoupled phenomena named ‘episodic tremor and slip’ (ETS) 3 .A range of other seismic signals indicative of a spectrum ofslow source durations and rupture speeds, and limited slip (relativeto earthquakes), have been classified as low-frequency earthquakes(LFEs) 4,5 and very low-frequency earthquakes (VLFs) 6,7 ,with source durations of less than one second and a few tens ofseconds, respectively (Figs 1 and 2). These weak seismic eventshave been observed in Japan 2 , Cascadia 3 , Central California 8 ,Mexico 9 and Costa Rica 10 (Fig. 3). In several regions where tremorsignals are well recorded, a significant fraction of the tremor signalseems to comprise superposed LFE waveforms 10,11 . This impliesthat tremor represents the chatter from tiny, distributed sourcesthat radiate randomly. VLFs are found buried in tremor signals,further suggesting that occasionally LFEs coalesce into an organizedrupture that radiates seismic waves at a lower frequency 12,13 .Aseismic signals reflect fault slip so slow that inertial forces andseismic radiation are negligible. The occurrence of such ‘quasi-static’slow slip has been known for many years (for example, ref. 14), butits significance along plate boundaries was not recognized untilplate-boundary-scale GPS networks became operational in continuousmode ~15 years ago 15–17 . Less abundant strainmeters and tiltmetersalso measure aseismic transients, and with much greater resolutionthan GPS 18 .The pervasiveness of slow-slip phenomena in plate boundaryregions, the spontaneity and regularity with which they sometimesoccur, and some of the seismic signals they emit are newand exciting. However, some of the phenomena have been documentedfor decades. Early seismological studies have shown thatsome earthquakes are relatively depleted of high frequencies 19 ,reflecting source durations longer than expected from standardrelationships 20 . These include slow, mostly shallow earthquakeson oceanic transform faults 19,21 and in shallow sediments 22 , tsunamiearthquakes 23 and glacial earthquakes 24 .Slow-slip phenomena have also been documented in the contextof other, more familiar types of fault slip. Examples include aftershocksand afterslip, repeating earthquakes and creep, swarms andvarious types of aseismic deformation. Although driven by gravityinstead of stresses resulting from relative plate motions, glaciersand landslides also share many commonalities with slow slip oftectonic origins.slow-slip phenomena along tectonic plate boundary faultsWhen and where. The sources of the slow geodetic signals are generallyconsistent with shear slip on the plate interface 16,25 (Fig. 2).The locations of the slipping surface and the interface generallyhave uncertainties of several kilometres or more. Plate interfaceshave been mapped using seismic imaging techniques, potentialfield methods, and high-resolution locations of earthquakes 26,27 .The most well-constrained sources of seismic slow slip (LFEs)and plate boundary locations come from the Nankai subductionzone in southwest Japan. Here, the slow-slip sources coincidewith the plate boundary 26 . LFE sources in the Cascadia subductionzone 28 and along the San Andreas fault (SAF) 29 system1School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30332, USA, 2 Earthquake Hazards Program, USGeological Survey, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington DC 98195-1310, USA. *e-mail: zpeng@gatech.edunature geoscience | VOL 3 | SEPTEMBER 2010 | 599© 2010Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

eview articlePublished online: 22 august <strong>2010</strong> | doi: 10.1038/ngeo940an integr<strong>at</strong>ed perspective of the continuumbetween earthquakes <strong>and</strong> slow-slip phenomenaZhigang <strong>Peng</strong> 1 * <strong>and</strong> Joan gomberg 2The discovery of slow-slip phenomena has revolutionized our underst<strong>and</strong>ing of how faults accommod<strong>at</strong>e rel<strong>at</strong>ive pl<strong>at</strong>e motions.Faults were previously thought to relieve stress either through continuous aseismic sliding, or as earthquakes resulting frominstantaneous failure of locked faults. In contrast, slow-slip events proceed so slowly th<strong>at</strong> slip is limited <strong>and</strong> only low-frequency(or no) seismic waves radi<strong>at</strong>e. We find th<strong>at</strong> slow-slip phenomena are not unique to the depths (tens of kilometres) of subductionzone pl<strong>at</strong>e interfaces. They occur on faults in many settings, <strong>at</strong> numerous scales <strong>and</strong> owing to various loading processes,including l<strong>and</strong>slides <strong>and</strong> glaciers. Taken together, the observ<strong>at</strong>ions indic<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong> slowly slipping fault surfaces relax most of theaccrued stresses through aseismic slip. Aseismic motion can trigger more rapid slip elsewhere on the fault th<strong>at</strong> is sufficientlyfast to gener<strong>at</strong>e seismic waves. The resulting radi<strong>at</strong>ion has characteristics ranging from those indic<strong>at</strong>ive of slow but seismicslip, to those typical of earthquakes. The mode of seismic slip depends on the inherent characteristics of the fault, such as thefrictional properties. Slow-slip events have previously been classified as a distinct mode of fault slip compared with th<strong>at</strong> seen inearthquakes. We conclude th<strong>at</strong> instead, slip modes span a continuum <strong>and</strong> are of common occurrence.Slow-slip phenomena refer to specific deform<strong>at</strong>ion modesth<strong>at</strong> are observed seismically or geodetically. The variabilityof slow-slip phenomena reflects a suite of unique faultslipcharacteristics (Fig. 1). When faults slip <strong>at</strong> sufficiently fastvelocities, dynamic forces become significant <strong>and</strong> seismic wavesradi<strong>at</strong>e. The energy carried <strong>at</strong> wavefronts can overcome frictionalforces on locked sections of the fault, resulting in large displacements<strong>and</strong> ‘fast’ earthquakes 1 . Under some conditions the slip maynot reach dynamic velocities, but low-amplitude, low-frequencyseismic waves still radi<strong>at</strong>e. These seismic slow signals have onlyrecently been identified, facilit<strong>at</strong>ed by networks of high-sensitivitysurface <strong>and</strong> borehole seismometers th<strong>at</strong> record continuouslyin the frequency b<strong>and</strong> of ~0.001–100 Hz. Among these signals,the most commonly observed are weak continuous vibr<strong>at</strong>ionshaving no clear impulsive phases, known as deep ‘non-volcanic’tremor 2 . Tremor often accompanies the aseismic events, with thecoupled phenomena named ‘episodic tremor <strong>and</strong> slip’ (ETS) 3 .A range of other seismic signals indic<strong>at</strong>ive of a spectrum ofslow source dur<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>and</strong> rupture speeds, <strong>and</strong> limited slip (rel<strong>at</strong>iveto earthquakes), have been classified as low-frequency earthquakes(LFEs) 4,5 <strong>and</strong> very low-frequency earthquakes (VLFs) 6,7 ,with source dur<strong>at</strong>ions of less than one second <strong>and</strong> a few tens ofseconds, respectively (Figs 1 <strong>and</strong> 2). These weak seismic eventshave been observed in Japan 2 , Cascadia 3 , Central California 8 ,Mexico 9 <strong>and</strong> Costa Rica 10 (Fig. 3). In several regions where tremorsignals are well recorded, a significant fraction of the tremor signalseems to comprise superposed LFE waveforms 10,11 . This impliesth<strong>at</strong> tremor represents the ch<strong>at</strong>ter from tiny, distributed sourcesth<strong>at</strong> radi<strong>at</strong>e r<strong>and</strong>omly. VLFs are found buried in tremor signals,further suggesting th<strong>at</strong> occasionally LFEs coalesce into an organizedrupture th<strong>at</strong> radi<strong>at</strong>es seismic waves <strong>at</strong> a lower frequency 12,13 .Aseismic signals reflect fault slip so slow th<strong>at</strong> inertial forces <strong>and</strong>seismic radi<strong>at</strong>ion are negligible. The occurrence of such ‘quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic’slow slip has been known for many years (for example, ref. 14), butits significance along pl<strong>at</strong>e boundaries was not recognized untilpl<strong>at</strong>e-boundary-scale GPS networks became oper<strong>at</strong>ional in continuousmode ~15 years ago 15–17 . Less abundant strainmeters <strong>and</strong> tiltmetersalso measure aseismic transients, <strong>and</strong> with much gre<strong>at</strong>er resolutionthan GPS 18 .The pervasiveness of slow-slip phenomena in pl<strong>at</strong>e boundaryregions, the spontaneity <strong>and</strong> regularity with which they sometimesoccur, <strong>and</strong> some of the seismic signals they emit are new<strong>and</strong> exciting. However, some of the phenomena have been documentedfor decades. Early seismological studies have shown th<strong>at</strong>some earthquakes are rel<strong>at</strong>ively depleted of high frequencies 19 ,reflecting source dur<strong>at</strong>ions longer than expected from st<strong>and</strong>ardrel<strong>at</strong>ionships 20 . These include slow, mostly shallow earthquakeson oceanic transform faults 19,21 <strong>and</strong> in shallow sediments 22 , tsunamiearthquakes 23 <strong>and</strong> glacial earthquakes 24 .Slow-slip phenomena have also been documented in the contextof other, more familiar types of fault slip. Examples include aftershocks<strong>and</strong> afterslip, repe<strong>at</strong>ing earthquakes <strong>and</strong> creep, swarms <strong>and</strong>various types of aseismic deform<strong>at</strong>ion. Although driven by gravityinstead of stresses resulting from rel<strong>at</strong>ive pl<strong>at</strong>e motions, glaciers<strong>and</strong> l<strong>and</strong>slides also share many commonalities with slow slip oftectonic origins.slow-slip phenomena along tectonic pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary faultsWhen <strong>and</strong> where. The sources of the slow geodetic signals are generallyconsistent with shear slip on the pl<strong>at</strong>e interface 16,25 (Fig. 2).The loc<strong>at</strong>ions of the slipping surface <strong>and</strong> the interface generallyhave uncertainties of several kilometres or more. Pl<strong>at</strong>e interfaceshave been mapped using seismic imaging techniques, potentialfield methods, <strong>and</strong> high-resolution loc<strong>at</strong>ions of earthquakes 26,27 .The most well-constrained sources of seismic slow slip (LFEs)<strong>and</strong> pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary loc<strong>at</strong>ions come from the Nankai subductionzone in southwest Japan. Here, the slow-slip sources coincidewith the pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary 26 . LFE sources in the Cascadia subductionzone 28 <strong>and</strong> along the San Andreas fault (SAF) 29 system1School of Earth <strong>and</strong> Atmospheric Sciences, <strong>Georgia</strong> Institute of <strong>Tech</strong>nology, 311 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, <strong>Georgia</strong> 30332, USA, 2 Earthquake Hazards Program, USGeological Survey, Department of Earth <strong>and</strong> Space Sciences, University of Washington, Se<strong>at</strong>tle, Washington DC 98195-1310, USA. *e-mail: zpeng@g<strong>at</strong>ech.edun<strong>at</strong>ure geoscience | VOL 3 | SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong> | www.n<strong>at</strong><strong>at</strong>uregeoscience 599© <strong>2010</strong>Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

eview articleSeismic signalsNATure geoScIeNce doi: 10.1038/ngeo940Geodetic signalsabcdTremorVLF eventLFEEarthquake200 seconds200 seconds5 seconds600 nm s –1 50 nm s –1400 nm s –1 600 nm s –1efgSlow–slip event200400 600200 250 300Slow–slip event0Days since 1/1/99Tremor onset5/12/08 5/20/08D<strong>at</strong>eEarthquake coseismic slip <strong>and</strong> afterslip50 cm0.1 µ strain20 mm 5 mm10 seconds–400 0400Days from mainshockFigure 1 | illustr<strong>at</strong>ive examples of slow-slip signals. a, Tremor <strong>and</strong> b, VLF from Japan, filtered between 2–8 <strong>and</strong> 0.005–0.05 Hz, respectively. c, LFE from Japan.d, M1.9 earthquake in western Washington. e, Top: daily GPS E–W displacements measured on Vancouver Isl<strong>and</strong>. Bottom: averaged <strong>and</strong> detrended GPS d<strong>at</strong>a(pink lines show the fit trend) reveal a slow-slip event (shaded). f, Slow slip in differential shear strain measured in western Washington. Strain transient onsetcoincides with increased tremor activity. g, GPS N 55° displacement ~100 km from the 2001 M8.4 Peru earthquake. The large offset reflects the coseismic slip<strong>and</strong> the subsequent decaying deform<strong>at</strong>ion may be afterslip 99 . Figures reproduced with permission from: a,b ref. 77, © 2008 GRL; c, ref. 5, © 2006 NPG; e, ref. 16,© 2001 AAAS; f, ref. 98, © 2008 AGU; g, ref. 99, © 2005 JGR.transform boundary loc<strong>at</strong>e on the respective pl<strong>at</strong>e interfaces. Ageographically broader study of LFEs in the subduction zones ofJapan, Costa Rica <strong>and</strong> Cascadia also places sources on the pl<strong>at</strong>einterface, but samples only three-hour time windows 10 . Slip vectorsestim<strong>at</strong>ed from LFEs <strong>and</strong> VLFs in Japan indic<strong>at</strong>e slip alongthe pl<strong>at</strong>e interface in the convergence direction 13,30 .In Cascadia, quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic slip of several centimetres on the pl<strong>at</strong>einterface has been inferred directly downdip from the locked zoneof the pl<strong>at</strong>e interface, between the 25- <strong>and</strong> 45-km-depth contours 16 .However, the non-uniqueness of the modelled solutions also permitsslip zones <strong>at</strong> different depths or shear distributed over a depth rangeof more than 10 km (ref. 31). In much of Cascadia, tremor sourcesare consistent with origins on the pl<strong>at</strong>e interface 10,28 , but their distributionbene<strong>at</strong>h Vancouver Isl<strong>and</strong> extends from the pl<strong>at</strong>e interfaceto near the surface with the densest concentr<strong>at</strong>ion being well abovethe interface 31,32 .The dur<strong>at</strong>ions of aseismic-slip events in numerous subductionzones range from days to years, with magnitudes of displacement600 n<strong>at</strong>ure geoscience | VOL 3 | SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong> | www.n<strong>at</strong><strong>at</strong>uregeoscience© <strong>2010</strong>Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

eview articleL<strong>at</strong>itude (° N)60300–30–60GeodeticDeepShallowAfterslipGlacier0 30 60Seismic‘Slow’ eventsSwarmsL<strong>and</strong>slideGlacierTriggered tremorJapanTaiwanAlaskaCascadiaParkfieldGuerreroHawaiiNew Zeal<strong>and</strong>Costa Rica90 120 150 180 –150 –120 –90 –60 –30Longitude (° E)Figure 3 | loc<strong>at</strong>ion map of seismically <strong>and</strong> geodetically observed slowslipphenomena. Regions where ETS events have been observed aremarked by black boxes. Modified from ref. 47, © 2007 AGU <strong>and</strong> ref. 100,© <strong>2010</strong> Springer. The loc<strong>at</strong>ions of some slow-slip phenomena for whichmeasurements of dur<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> moment have been made <strong>and</strong> plotted inFig. 5 are shown with the same symbols (see Supplementary Table 1).The yellow stars mark the loc<strong>at</strong>ions of tremor triggered by regional <strong>and</strong>teleseismic earthquakes 44,48–51 .proposals th<strong>at</strong> tremor could be used as a proxy to monitor aseismicslip 29,38,73 . As well as the broadscale temporal <strong>and</strong> sp<strong>at</strong>ial coincidenceof seismic (tremor, LFE <strong>and</strong> VLF) <strong>and</strong> quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic-slip sourceswithin tens of kilometres <strong>and</strong> days, in Cascadia <strong>and</strong> Japan both alsoshow clear along-strike migr<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> track each other, <strong>at</strong> speedson the order of a few tens of kilometres per day 12,46 . These correl<strong>at</strong>ionswarrant explor<strong>at</strong>ion of a causal connection between the seismic<strong>and</strong> aseismic phenomena. ‘Causal’ in this context refers bothto the processes th<strong>at</strong> load or supply the strain energy fuelling theeventual fault slip, <strong>and</strong> those th<strong>at</strong> may initi<strong>at</strong>e (trigger) a slip eventearly. The rel<strong>at</strong>ive timing <strong>and</strong> moments of seismic <strong>and</strong> aseismic slowslip provide key constraints on the driving <strong>and</strong> triggering processes.The moment measures the potency of a slip episode to relax accruedstresses, <strong>and</strong> is proportional to the product of the slipping area <strong>and</strong>the distance slipped 74 .Although resolvable in only a few cases, the fact th<strong>at</strong> theonset of aseismic slip precedes the start of the seismic activity inHawaii 43 <strong>and</strong> Japan 39,40 means the seismic slip does not trigger thequasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic slip. However, the reverse may be inferred. We alsoconclude th<strong>at</strong> the seismic slip is not causal in the sense of providingthe energy th<strong>at</strong> drives the aseismic slip, because when measurable,the rel<strong>at</strong>ive moment of the cumul<strong>at</strong>ive seismic activity isorders of magnitude smaller than th<strong>at</strong> of the aseismic slip (Fig. 5).In Japan, aseismic-slip events near the Boso peninsula regionhave moments th<strong>at</strong> significantly exceed those of the earthquakesth<strong>at</strong> accompany them 42 . In the Nankai region the r<strong>at</strong>e of seismicmoment released from detectable VLF sources was 0.1% of ther<strong>at</strong>es from adjacent, contemporary slow-slip events 13 . In Cascadia,for each of eight ETS episodes the moment of the aseismic slipexceeds th<strong>at</strong> of the cumul<strong>at</strong>ive tremor by more than a factor of amillion 75 . Tremor represents only the energy radi<strong>at</strong>ed above ~1 Hz,thus the l<strong>at</strong>ter probably underestim<strong>at</strong>es the total seismic moment.Indeed, coherent seismic waveforms with energy <strong>at</strong> frequencies aslow as 0.002 Hz have been observed in associ<strong>at</strong>ion with aseismicslipevents, but always in the tremor signals 12,76 . This demonstr<strong>at</strong>esthe detectability of such low-frequency radi<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> shows th<strong>at</strong>biases in b<strong>and</strong>-limited estim<strong>at</strong>es of seismic moment are probablytoo small to account for their much smaller values rel<strong>at</strong>ive to aseismicmoments.Thus, we conclude th<strong>at</strong> quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic slip is the primary mode inwhich the accrued tectonic stresses are relieved. The observ<strong>at</strong>ionsNATure geoScIeNce doi: 10.1038/ngeo940do not distinguish between the seismic slip also being tectonicallydriven or relaxing stresses redistributed as a result of the aseismicslip. Although uncertain, the possible balance between the cumul<strong>at</strong>iveaseismic slip over complete ETS cycles <strong>and</strong> th<strong>at</strong> accruedowing to pl<strong>at</strong>e motion in Cascadia would argue in favour of thefirst proposition 46,77 .Slip-mode st<strong>at</strong>ionarity. We suggest th<strong>at</strong> the specific slip mode <strong>at</strong>a particular loc<strong>at</strong>ion is an inherent property of the fault, r<strong>at</strong>herthan being determined by transient conditions (for example, thecaus<strong>at</strong>ive load itself, or fluid flow). The observ<strong>at</strong>ion of only a singlemode of slip <strong>at</strong> a given locale for the dur<strong>at</strong>ion of our observ<strong>at</strong>ionalwindow of several decades supports this inference, <strong>and</strong> furtherimplies th<strong>at</strong> the properties governing the slip mode are st<strong>at</strong>ionaryon this timescale. Corrobor<strong>at</strong>ive observ<strong>at</strong>ions include sp<strong>at</strong>iallyanticorrel<strong>at</strong>ed distributions of earthquakes <strong>and</strong> slow-slip sources,observed for both large <strong>and</strong> small earthquakes. Sources of slowquasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic slip in Alaska abut the rupture zone of the gre<strong>at</strong> M9.2Alaska earthquake 78 of 1964. In Japan, slow-slip sources occur onthe edges of the rupture planes of the M7.9 Kanto earthquake 42 of1923 <strong>and</strong> just below the M7.9 Tonankai 1944 <strong>and</strong> M8.0 Nankai1946 earthquakes 79 . In Cascadia, the loc<strong>at</strong>ions of tremor sourcesare anticorrel<strong>at</strong>ed with the section of the pl<strong>at</strong>e interface inferredfrom palaeoseismic d<strong>at</strong>a to have slipped during past meg<strong>at</strong>hrustearthquakes 76 <strong>and</strong>, curiously, also with earthquakes in the crust ofthe overriding pl<strong>at</strong>e 31 .The maxima of seismic <strong>and</strong> aseismic slow-slip source distributionsalso seem to loc<strong>at</strong>e in sp<strong>at</strong>ially adjacent, but not coincident,regions. The most recent estim<strong>at</strong>es of tremor <strong>and</strong> quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ic slowslip from Japan show the two migr<strong>at</strong>ing in temporal sync with oneanother, but with a bimodal tremor distribution th<strong>at</strong> has peaks outliningthe slower slip r<strong>at</strong>her than being coincident with it 80 . Tremorsource distributions mapped in the subduction zone regions ofMexico, Alaska <strong>and</strong> Cascadia all peak downdip of the gre<strong>at</strong>est quasist<strong>at</strong>icslip 31,36,62 .Conditions for slow-slip phenomena. Although the mode of slipseems to be st<strong>at</strong>ionary, the requirements for triggering slip varytemporally <strong>and</strong> are not easily s<strong>at</strong>isfied. Recent system<strong>at</strong>ic surveys oftremor in California 44,48 <strong>and</strong> Taiwan 51 , triggered by the seismic wavesfrom distant earthquakes, revealed th<strong>at</strong> triggered tremor occurs inonly a few isol<strong>at</strong>ed regions, the loc<strong>at</strong>ions of which varied for differenttriggering earthquakes.The particular conditions required for slow slip have becomeapparent as more regions have been studied. Thermal controlswere initially thought to be key 47 because ETS was first identifiedin the rel<strong>at</strong>ively young <strong>and</strong> warm subducted crusts of Cascadia<strong>and</strong> southwest Japan, <strong>and</strong> were absent in northeast Japan wherethe predicted pressure–temper<strong>at</strong>ure p<strong>at</strong>hs are much cooler 63 .However, detailed finite-element thermal modelling of theCascadia <strong>and</strong> southwest Japan subduction zones now shows quitedifferent pressure–temper<strong>at</strong>ure p<strong>at</strong>hs in each region <strong>at</strong> depthswhere ETS is observed, suggesting th<strong>at</strong> ETS does not require aspecific temper<strong>at</strong>ure or metamorphic reaction 81 . Furthermore,tremor <strong>and</strong> slow-slip events have been recently observed in rel<strong>at</strong>ivelyold <strong>and</strong> cold subducting crust in Costa Rica 10 <strong>and</strong> Alaska 36 .Hence new hypotheses invoking differences in frictional or permeabilityproperties have been proposed to explain the lack of ETS innortheast Japan 47,63 . However, more work is required to fully testthese hypotheses.slow-slip phenomena in a larger contextCoupled seismic- <strong>and</strong> aseismic-slip events on n<strong>at</strong>ural surfaceshave been observed in many contexts, some fairly familiar<strong>and</strong> well studied. As just noted in the context of the newlydiscovered pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary phenomena, investig<strong>at</strong>ions in many602 n<strong>at</strong>ure geoscience | VOL 3 | SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong> | www.n<strong>at</strong><strong>at</strong>uregeoscience© <strong>2010</strong>Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

eview articleNATure geoScIeNce doi: 10.1038/ngeo94010 710 6Wooded Isl<strong>and</strong>, Washingtonswarm <strong>and</strong> aseismic slip (6) After sequences, afterslip(15, 16, 23)Superstition Hills,CA (5)Slowevents (19)New Zeal<strong>and</strong>(22)10 5AseismicHawaii (7)Transformswarms (8)Shikoku, Japan (4)GeodeticMeasurementsSeismicDur<strong>at</strong>ion (s)10 410 310 210 110 0Seismic10 8 10 10 10 11 10 12 10 13 10 14 10 15 10 16 10 17 10 18 10 19 10 20 10 21L<strong>and</strong>slide (26)L<strong>and</strong>slide (25)Shikoku, Japan (2)Hydrofractureearthquake (20)Regular earthquakesSlow slipGlacier (24) Glacier (24)Slow shallowKii peninsula,earthquakes (1)Japan (3)Glacier (18)Tsunami earthquakes (19)Kalpana, Hawaiiearthquake (17)Earthquakes (10–14)Shallow subductionearthquakes (21)DeepShallowSilent earthquakesShallow slow slipAfterslipGlacier‘Slow’ events‘Fast’ earthquakesL<strong>and</strong>slideSwarmsAftershocksGlacier10 –110 –2San Andreasearthquakes (9)Seismic moment (Nm)Figure 5 | seismic moment versus source dur<strong>at</strong>ion for a variety of fault-slip observ<strong>at</strong>ions. Augmented version from ref. 96, © 2007 NPG, whichinfers two distinct scalings between moment <strong>and</strong> dur<strong>at</strong>ion (diagonal b<strong>and</strong>s). Open <strong>and</strong> filled symbols denote geodetic <strong>and</strong> seismic measurements,respectively. Measurements from ref. 96 have plus signs on the symbols, <strong>and</strong> all others are cross-referenced to sources listed in SupplementaryTable S1. ‘Fast earthquakes’ <strong>and</strong> ‘shallow subduction earthquakes’ are too numerous to list but are listed in Supplementary Table S1. D<strong>at</strong>a from theformer come from only two sources. Dashed horizontal lines connect rel<strong>at</strong>ed geodetic <strong>and</strong> seismic d<strong>at</strong>a. Solid horizontal lines highlight the gapbetween seismic <strong>and</strong> geodetic dur<strong>at</strong>ions.aseismic moment 90 (Fig. 5) <strong>and</strong> some swarm events migr<strong>at</strong>e <strong>at</strong>r<strong>at</strong>es of kilometres per hour, consistent with the propag<strong>at</strong>ion ofslow-slip events 72 ; (3) the magnitudes of swarm earthquakes tendto be small <strong>and</strong> irregularly distributed in a sequence, reminiscentof tremor activity; (4) pressurized fluids are often invoked in explan<strong>at</strong>ionsof swarms in magm<strong>at</strong>ic <strong>and</strong> geothermal environments; (5)in the case of Hawaiian swarms, the earthquakes occurred in thesame region as background seismicity 43 .Steady <strong>and</strong> transient fault creep <strong>and</strong> repe<strong>at</strong>ing earthquakes.Sections of the SAF 91 <strong>and</strong> other principal pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary faultsaround the globe 42 are known to creep steadily or exhibit transientaseismic slip. These often have associ<strong>at</strong>ed seismic activity.‘Repe<strong>at</strong>ing earthquakes’ are one example <strong>and</strong> probably representrepe<strong>at</strong>ed seismic failure of a single strongly coupled spot loadedby aseismic creep on the surrounding fault plane 91 . Other sectionsof the SAF are characterized by occasional transient aseismic-slipevents, some of which are accompanied by increased seismicityr<strong>at</strong>es 14 , <strong>and</strong> others without any seismic response 92 . These coupledaseismic <strong>and</strong> seismic phenomena share the aforementioned distinguishingcharacteristics: (1) the transient aseismic slip lastsdays to weeks 14,92 ; (2) the aggreg<strong>at</strong>e moment release from thetriggered earthquakes is negligible compared with th<strong>at</strong> from theslow-slip events 14 ; (3) although the m<strong>at</strong>erials <strong>and</strong> conditions maydiffer, the same frictional models <strong>and</strong> input parameters invokedto explain deeper pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary slow slip have been applied toexplain shallow, steady <strong>and</strong> transient slip 87 ; (4) high pore pressuresare inferred to be responsible for the creep <strong>and</strong> transientslip 92 ; (5) triggered earthquakes occur in the same regions asambient seismicity 14 .Gravity-driven aseismic <strong>and</strong> seismic slip. L<strong>and</strong>slides <strong>and</strong> glaciersoccur on n<strong>at</strong>ural surfaces th<strong>at</strong> move <strong>and</strong> exhibit many ofthe same behaviours as tectonic faults, including coupled seismic<strong>and</strong> aseismic slip: (1) slip is sufficiently slow th<strong>at</strong> even the seismicradi<strong>at</strong>ion may have characteristics typical of slow tectonic events;(2) although simultaneous geodetic <strong>and</strong> seismic measurementshave been made in only a few glacier studies, results indic<strong>at</strong>e th<strong>at</strong>the aseismic slip triggers the seismic motion <strong>and</strong> is the primarymode of relaxing the stored gravit<strong>at</strong>ional energy. A slip event on anAntarctic glacier has a geodetic moment th<strong>at</strong> exceeds the seismicmoment by orders of magnitude (Fig. 5), <strong>and</strong> the arrival time of thefirst seismic energy, corrected for the source-receiver travel time,lags the onset of geodetically estim<strong>at</strong>ed slip by 20–150 seconds 93 ;(3) glacial quakes in Antarctica, Alaska <strong>and</strong> Greenl<strong>and</strong> have beeninterpreted as frictional stick–slip behaviour <strong>at</strong> the base of icemasses 24 . A more detailed geodetic <strong>and</strong> seismic study of an Antarcticglacier infers dynamic slip on frictionally strong spots th<strong>at</strong> radi<strong>at</strong>e onan otherwise quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ically sliding basal surface 93 ; (4) pore-pressureevolution plays a significant role both in l<strong>and</strong>slide <strong>and</strong> glaciermovements. Theoretical models of l<strong>and</strong>slide movement by stable<strong>and</strong> stick–slip sliding involve coupled frictional <strong>and</strong> pore-pressurediffusion processes 94 . Correl<strong>at</strong>ions between l<strong>and</strong>slide velocities <strong>and</strong>diurnal changes in <strong>at</strong>mospheric pressure have been <strong>at</strong>tributed topore-pressure-diffusion processes th<strong>at</strong> modul<strong>at</strong>e basal pore pressure<strong>and</strong> thus the shear strength <strong>and</strong> velocity 95 . Weakening resulting604 n<strong>at</strong>ure geoscience | VOL 3 | SEPTEMBER <strong>2010</strong> | www.n<strong>at</strong><strong>at</strong>uregeoscience© <strong>2010</strong>Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved

NATure geoScIeNce doi: 10.1038/ngeo940from pore-pressure changes associ<strong>at</strong>ed with seasonal vari<strong>at</strong>ions inw<strong>at</strong>er availability has been postul<strong>at</strong>ed to be responsible for a gre<strong>at</strong>err<strong>at</strong>e of glacial quakes during the summer months in Greenl<strong>and</strong> 24 .a continuum of slip modes?The fault surface we propose primarily slips quasi-st<strong>at</strong>ically, suchth<strong>at</strong> the amplitude <strong>and</strong> r<strong>at</strong>e of slip are limited, perhaps because thefault surfaces are inherently weak or the failure process becomesquenched. This slow slip probably involves intermedi<strong>at</strong>e frictionalprocesses between stick–slip behaviour <strong>and</strong> steady creepth<strong>at</strong> result in the nucle<strong>at</strong>ion of failure or slip, <strong>and</strong> other processesinvolving fluid pressures th<strong>at</strong> may quench the acceler<strong>at</strong>ion of slip(for example, dil<strong>at</strong>ant hardening). Sc<strong>at</strong>tered on or near this faultsurface are tiny fault p<strong>at</strong>ches th<strong>at</strong> may acceler<strong>at</strong>e to dynamic ornear-dynamic rupture velocities <strong>and</strong> radi<strong>at</strong>e seismic waves.The time required for slip events of particular efficacy to completelyrelease accrued stresses can be quantified in terms of thescaling between dur<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>and</strong> moment. This scaling is diagnosticof the underlying mechanics. We hypothesize th<strong>at</strong> slip modesobserved in n<strong>at</strong>ure should span a continuum, given the heterogeneity<strong>and</strong> complexity of n<strong>at</strong>ural systems, r<strong>at</strong>her than separ<strong>at</strong>ingne<strong>at</strong>ly into distinct fast or slow groups, as has been suggested 96 .We test this hypothesis by augmenting the plot of moment versusdur<strong>at</strong>ion observ<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> led to the l<strong>at</strong>ter conclusion, withmeasurements from the broader range of sources described herein(Fig. 5). We plot the aggreg<strong>at</strong>e dur<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>and</strong> moments for aftershock<strong>and</strong> swarm sequences as proxies for aseismic slip, notingth<strong>at</strong> the aseismic moments are likely to be much larger <strong>and</strong> thuswould be within the distribution of the other slow geodetic measurements.The few swarms <strong>and</strong> aftershock sequences for whichboth seismic <strong>and</strong> geodetic observ<strong>at</strong>ions (connected by dashedlines) exist support this assumption.The augmented scaling d<strong>at</strong>a suggest a more careful consider<strong>at</strong>ionof the existence of two distinct failure modes — fast <strong>and</strong> slow.Two distributions clearly exist in the d<strong>at</strong>a, but we suggest th<strong>at</strong> theyare observ<strong>at</strong>ional, comprising either geodetic or seismic measurements.These are separ<strong>at</strong>ed by a gap in dur<strong>at</strong>ion of more thantwo orders of magnitude (Fig. 5, horizontal lines). This gap maybe <strong>at</strong>tributed partly to instrumental limit<strong>at</strong>ions 18 . It is reasonableto question whether the slow-scaling rel<strong>at</strong>ion originally inferredeven fits this larger d<strong>at</strong>aset, as well as the validity of fitting a singleline to widely separ<strong>at</strong>ed clusters of d<strong>at</strong>a. We suggest th<strong>at</strong> as mored<strong>at</strong>a are added, the lines separ<strong>at</strong>ing slow- <strong>and</strong> fast-slip events willblur even more, indic<strong>at</strong>ing a continuum of slip modes.Measurements of earthquakes <strong>and</strong> slow-slip events from abroad range of global settings are found to overlap with measurementsof slow-slip events <strong>at</strong> pl<strong>at</strong>e boundary settings (Fig. 5). Thisoverlap implies th<strong>at</strong> the recently discovered slow-slip phenomena,gener<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> pl<strong>at</strong>e boundaries as a result of tectonic processes, arenot so extraordinary. Furthermore, we suggest th<strong>at</strong> a continuumof slip modes exists, r<strong>at</strong>her than the distinct separ<strong>at</strong>ion betweenslow slip <strong>and</strong> earthquakes. The mode of slip is determined bythe inherent properties of the fault surface. Studies of slow-slipphenomena, viewed from a global, integr<strong>at</strong>ed perspective, areleading to a more complete picture of how faults slip <strong>and</strong> releasetectonic stresses. Such an integr<strong>at</strong>ed perspective is critical forevalu<strong>at</strong>ing the hazards posed by earthquakes <strong>and</strong> other n<strong>at</strong>uralsystems involving c<strong>at</strong>astrophic slip. 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