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ACTIVITY FEE ................................................................................................. page 1ADDRESS ....................................................................................................... page 1ALCOHOL AND DRUG POLICY ........................................................................ page 1ANIMALS AND PETS ...................................................................................... page 1APPLIANCES AND ADHESIVES ....................................................................... page 1BATHROOMS .................................................................................................. page2CLEANLINESS ................................................................................................. page 2CLOTHING ..................................................................................................... page 2COED FLOORS ................................................................................................ page 2CRIMSON CASH ............................................................................................. page 2CRONKHITE COUNCIL .................................................................................... page 3DINING SERVICES .......................................................................................... page 3Meal Plan ............................................................................................................... 3Meals To Go ........................................................................................................... 3Dietary Needs ......................................................................................................... 3Feedback on Food and Drinks ................................................................................ 3Use of Dining Hall After Hours .............................................................................. 4Guest Meals .......................................................................................................... 4Meal Carry‐over .................................................................................................... 4EXERCISE ROOM ............................................................................................ page 4Equipment .............................................................................................................. 4Repairs .................................................................................................................. 4FRONT DESK AND MAILROOM ...................................................................... page 4Borrowing Common Use Items ............................................................................. 4Deliveries ................................................................................................................ 4Mailroom................................................................................................................ 5GUEST POLICY ............................................................................................... page 5INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS .......................................................................... page 5

INTERNET ...................................................................................................... page 5KITCHENS ...................................................................................................... page 5Labeling Food ......................................................................................................... 5Use of Utensils/Stove/Microwave .......................................................................... 5LAUNDRY ROOM ........................................................................................... page 5Broken Machines .................................................................................................... 6Laundry Room Etiquette ........................................................................................ 6LINENS ........................................................................................................... page 6MEDICAL SERVICES........................................................................................ page 6MOVE-IN / MOVE-OUT ................................................................................. page 6Traveling to the Cronkhite Center .......................................................................... 6Move-in Day ........................................................................................................... 6Early Arrivals .......................................................................................................... 6Late Arrivals ........................................................................................................... 7Checking In During Regular Business Hours: 9AM to 5PM .................................... 7Checking In Outside of Regular Business Hours ..................................................... 7Moving Dollies ........................................................................................................ 7Payment of Room and Board (cash/online) ........................................................... 7Extension <strong>for</strong> Moving Out ...................................................................................... 7NOISE POLICY ................................................................................................ page 7ORIENTATION ................................................................................................ page 8OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... page 8PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCE ............................................................... page 8RECYCLING .................................................................................................... page 8ROOM INSPECTIONS ..................................................................................... page 8SECURITY ....................................................................................................... page 9SETTLING IN................................................................................................... page 9Public Transportation ............................................................................................. 9Stores ..................................................................................................................... 9SHUTTLE SERVICE ....................................................................................... page 10

SMOKING .................................................................................................... page 10TELEPHONE SERVICE ................................................................................... page 10USEFUL INFORMATION ............................................................................... page 10Fire Alarm Policy .................................................................................................. 10Medical and Security Issues ................................................................................. 11WORK REQUESTS/MAINTENANCE ISSUES .................................................. page 11Work Requests ..................................................................................................... 11Emergency Requests ............................................................................................ 11Non‐Emergency Requests .................................................................................... 11Examples of Emergency vs. Non‐Emergency Work Requests .............................. 11Room Temperature .............................................................................................. 11

ACTIVITY FEEAll students living at the Cronkhite Center must pay a $50 activity fee. This activity fee is used to fundsocial events organized by Cronkhite residents throughout the year.ADDRESSYour address will be <strong>for</strong>matted as follows:Your nameCronkhite Center84 Brattle StreetRoom XXXCambridge, MA 02138ALCOHOL AND DRUG POLICYPossession, use, or distribution of certain nonprescription drugs, including marijuana, amphetamines,heroin, cocaine, and nonprescription synthetics; procurement or distribution of alcohol if one is under21 years of age; and provision of alcohol to anyone under 21 years of age are violations of law and of<strong>Harvard</strong> policy.The University cannot be considered a protector or sanctuary from existing laws of the city, state, orfederal government. Students are encouraged to consider the risks that may come from ingesting illicitdrugs or too much alcohol.Treatment <strong>for</strong> alcohol or drug-related problems is available through the various deans’ offices at<strong>Harvard</strong>, as well as the <strong>Harvard</strong> University Health Services (UHS). Any member of the University maymake use of UHS on an emergency basis, day or night.Alcohol is allowed at certain events when approved and served using the <strong>Harvard</strong> University BeverageAuthorization Team (BAT)ANIMALS AND PETSAnimals are not allowed to reside in or to visit the Cronkhite Center.APPLIANCES AND ADHESIVESStudents cannot have any appliance that exceeds 1500 watts in any individual room. All kitchenappliances must be used in the shared kitchens, and each resident is responsible <strong>for</strong> his or her ownproperty.The following rules apply to use of appliances:• Irons must be unplugged when not in use.• Refrigerators in student rooms may not exceed 4 cubic feet.• Personal refrigerators may be used in individual rooms only.• Microfridges (personal refrigerators with microwaves attached to them) are NOT allowed in theCronkhite Center.Extension cords should only be used <strong>for</strong> lamps, radios, and televisions. Extension cords should beconnected to wall or base plugs only and should be disconnected when not in use. No cord may be usedexcept standard twin cords which meet the requirements of the National Electric Code (this will bestated on the tag). Cords should be no longer than ten feet. Appliances with high amperage (e.g.,1

efrigerators, hair dryers, irons) generate excessive heat, which constitutes a safety hazard whenconnected to an extension cord, and thus extension cords must not be used <strong>for</strong> such appliances. Noextension cord may be plugged into another extension cord, and only one appliance may be pluggedinto an extension cord at a time. Cords must be mechanically and electrically in perfect condition. Nospliced cords will be allowed. No cords are to be permanently fastened to the building. No cords are tobe run through partitions or doorways or under carpets, rugs, or furniture. For maximum safety werecommend that residents purchase power strips with built-in circuit breakers.BATHROOMSThe Cronkhite Center has community bathrooms that may be shared by as many as 10‐12 residents perwing. This includes both single-occupant bathrooms and communal bathrooms with multiple sinks andstalls. Appropriate clothing (e.g. bathrobes) must be worn in the hallways when a resident is comingfrom or going to the bathroom. Walking around in only a towel is inappropriate. Residents are advisedto wear flip‐flops while using the community showers.Residents are expected to keep the bathrooms clean and free of personal belongings, includingundergarments. Community bathrooms are cleaned daily by the custodial staff, except on weekends andholidays. If the conditions of your bathroom become such that it cannot wait <strong>for</strong> the routine, weeklycleaning, you may submit a Work Request <strong>for</strong> cleaning (refer to the Work Request section of thisHandbook).CLEANLINESSBecause this is a community environment, residents are required to keep their room and person cleanand tidy. Residents not meeting this requirement will be asked to meet with the housing staff.CLOTHINGCambridge has all four seasons, including cold, below-freezing winters. Temperatures can range frombelow 0 degrees Fahrenheit to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, so please plan your wardrobe and beddingchoices accordingly.COED FLOORSThe Cronkhite Center is a coed building. There are unisex bathrooms, as well as bathroom facilitiesseparated by gender. Please do not use bathrooms which are not designated <strong>for</strong> your gender.CRIMSON CASHCrimson Cash may be used <strong>for</strong> purchasing in the vending machines and laundry machines located in thebasement of the Cronkhite Center.Crimson Cash may be purchased in a variety of ways:• Call 617-496-6600 and use your Visa or MasterCard to purchase Crimson Cash right overthe phone.• Go to one of nine Value Transfer Stations (VTS) on campus and apply value to your<strong>Harvard</strong> ID.• Stop by the Dining Services director’s office at 65–67 Winthrop Street and apply value toyour <strong>Harvard</strong> ID with cash, a check, or your MasterCard or Visa.• Visit the Web site: www.cash.harvard.edu.2

CRONKHITE COUNCILThe Cronkhite Council is the heart of the Cronkhite Center community. Every resident has the ability toadd agenda items to council meetings, suggest purchases or events, and discuss general student lifeissues. The Cronkhite Council makes living in the dorm a warm and thriving residence by organizingmany types of events - including movie nights, parties, cultural expeditions and sports. Here are a fewexamples of the student events that have been planned through the Cronkhite Council:PREVIOUS EVENTSStar Wars Movie NightLatino Film Series and CommentaryFall Foliage Trip to Concord MassachusettsStudent Talent ShowDiscussion of Samuel Huntington's book, "Who Are We?"Dim Sum in ChinatownVolleyball TournamentPoetry nightCali<strong>for</strong>nia/Mediterranean Pizza NightBoston-Common Ice SkatingBoston Marathon ViewingA trip to the Museum of Fine ArtsMovie night in the <strong>Radcliffe</strong> Gym (large groups)Sunday brunch in the squareThe Cronkhite Council meets every week in the dining hall to discuss new agenda items. Membersdiscuss community matters and vote on decisions affecting the entire Cronkhite community. Allresidents are encouraged to be an integral part of Cronkhite social life by becoming active members ofthe Cronkhite Council.DINING SERVICESMeal PlanA 10‐meal‐per‐week meal plan is mandatory. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served Monday throughFriday. The Cronkhite Center Dining Room is closed on weekends, holidays, and university breaks. Hoursof operation are posted outside the dining hall. For these down periods, you can buy groceries at thestores listed in the grocery section of this Handbook.Meals To GoResidents can arrange in advance to have a meal prepared <strong>for</strong> them if they are unable to visit the dininghall during normal dining hours. Residents should arrange a pick‐up time with the dining hall staff.Dietary NeedsThe Cronkhite Center dining hall offers daily vegetarian meals. Residents with specific food restrictionsand/or food allergies should talk with the Dining Services manager, Serie Demelo, to arrange <strong>for</strong> thepreparation of appropriate meals based on residents’ dietary needs.Feedback on Food and DrinksComments/suggestions may be submitted to the dining staff in the drop box located in the CronkhiteDining Room. The dining staff will read the comments every week and make appropriate adjustmentswhenever possible.3

Use of Dining Hall After HoursThe dining hall is available after dining hours <strong>for</strong> students to host events. To arrange <strong>for</strong> the space to beavailable <strong>for</strong> large, make a request in writing to the dining hall manager, Serie Demelo, at least fivebusiness days in advance of the event. The dining hall will typically be left open until midnight during theweek to be used as a meeting space <strong>for</strong> residents.Guest MealsResidents may swipe in guests <strong>for</strong> lunch and dinner in the dining hall, but only two guests per meal areallowed unless special arrangements have been made ahead of time with the Dining Room Manager,Serie Demelo.Meal Carry‐overUnused meals do not carry over to the following week. In other words, if a resident has 3 meals left overat the end of a week, those 3 meals do not roll over to the following week. Residents begin each weekwith 10 meals regardless of how many meals they used the previous week.EXERCISE ROOMEquipmentThere is a small exercise room located in the basement of the Cronkhite Center. As part of your contract,you will receive an Exercise Room Agreement and access to this room. The exercise room is not a gym.Given the limited equipment available, only two or three residents should use the room at a time.<strong>Harvard</strong> has university‐wide gyms <strong>for</strong> those residents pursuing a more vigorous exercise routine.RepairsBroken or non‐functioning machines and/or equipment should be reported immediately to the housingstaff. Funding <strong>for</strong> repairs will come from the students’ long term fund.FRONT DESK AND MAILROOMWhen entering the main lobby of the Cronkhite Center, you will find the mailroom and Front Deskthrough the first door on your right. The business hours <strong>for</strong> the Front Desk will be posted on the bulletinboard above the desk. After business hours, on weekends and holidays, please contact the RA on duty inorder to retrieve packages and borrow appliances.Borrowing Common Use ItemsA variety of items are available <strong>for</strong> resident use: vacuums, irons, air mattresses, a general toolbox, acleaning kit, etc. These items may be signed out from the Front Desk. You will be required to sign thecheck-out log.Those residents wishing to borrow the air mattress are encouraged to reserve it ahead of time,especially during times when many guests arrive on campus: the <strong>Harvard</strong>/Yale game, graduation, etc.DeliveriesAny packages that do not fit in your mailbox can be retrieved from the Front Desk. A standard email willbe sent to residents who receive such packages. Please note: packages will NOT be accepted <strong>for</strong> anyincoming students prior to the Cronkhite Center’s official move in date.4

MailroomYour mail will be sorted and put into the lobby mailboxes. You will access your mailbox with the keygiven to you during check-in. If a package has been delivered <strong>for</strong> you that is too large to fit inside themailbox, you will receive an email.GUEST POLICYGuests are allowed to stay in your room <strong>for</strong> a maximum of 3 days in any 7‐day period. Please note thatCronkhite residents are responsible <strong>for</strong> their guests at all times.INTERNATIONAL STUDENTSBe<strong>for</strong>e class registration, all international students should report to the <strong>Harvard</strong> International Officelocated in Holyoke Center 8 th floor, 1350 Massachusetts Ave., Room 864, Cambridge, MA 02138. Pleasevisit their web site at http://www.hio.harvard.edu or call them at 617-495-2789 to make anappointment.INTERNETThe Cronkhite Center is supported by the FAS wireless network. Once you have your <strong>Harvard</strong> ID, youwill be able to register your computer and access the internet throughout the building.KITCHENSThere are fully equipped kitchens that include microwaves, refrigerators, and toasters on both floors.Labeling FoodThe refrigerators are shared by many residents; please be sure to label your food so that there is noconfusion as to who an item belongs to. Please throw unwanted food out to reduce smells in thekitchens.Use of Utensils/Stove/MicrowaveYou may want to bring your own basic kitchen utensils (e.g., favorite mugs, plates, utensils) since thecommon kitchens do not have utensils or cooking pots. Please be sure to label these items so that thereis no confusion as to whom these utensils belong. Residents can use microwaves, coffee makers, hotpots, rice cookers, percolators, crock pots, and toasters in the kitchen areas. Residents are expected toclean up after themselves each time they use the kitchen equipment.LAUNDRY ROOMThe laundry room is located in the basement and is accessible via the staircase or elevator. Inside thelaundry room are 4 stacked washer/dryer units, which each cost $1 per use. The units accept eitherquarters or card transactions using Crimson Cash (<strong>Harvard</strong> student debit system on your student IDcard). As there is no change machine in the building, please make sure to have enough quarters or thatyour Crimson Cash account has sufficient funds (<strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation about Crimson Cash, please visitwww.cash.harvard.edu).Broken MachinesIn the event that one of the machines is not functioning correctly, please submit a Work Request atworkrequest@radcliffe.edu.5

Laundry Room EtiquettePlease be mindful of the timers on the washers and dryers and be sure to retrieve your laundry once acycle has concluded so that other residents may use the machines. Clothing should never be leftovernight in either the washers or the dryers and unattended laundry left in the laundry room will bediscarded.A Post‐It Note pad and pen have been placed in the laundry room. As a courtesy to your fellowresidents, you may use these to post your name and telephone number on the washers/dryers you areusing, so that in the event that someone is waiting <strong>for</strong> those machines, they may call you with a friendlyreminder to retrieve your laundry once the wash or dry cycle has concluded.LINENSLinens are not provided. You may bring your own or rent them from <strong>Harvard</strong> Student Agencies:http://.hsa.net/rentals, 617-495-5230. Please note: The beds are extra-long twin size.MEDICAL SERVICESThe University Health Services medical <strong>center</strong> is just a few minutes away at the Holyoke Center.Emergency services are also available at 617-495-5711.MOVE-IN / MOVE-OUTTraveling to the Cronkhite CenterA taxi from the airport will cost approximately $40.You may also take the subway from the airport to the Cronkhite Center. The cost from the airport to<strong>Harvard</strong> Square will be approximately $2. From the airport, you will take the silver line to the SouthStation stop; from South Station, take the red line inbound to <strong>Harvard</strong> Square. It is about a five minutewalk from the subway stop to the Cronkhite Center.If you are arriving by car, there are metered spots on streets around the building. There will be a smallnumber of metered spots reserved <strong>for</strong> move-in day. These spots are available <strong>for</strong> unloading/loadingonly.Please refer to this website (http://www.map.harvard.edu) <strong>for</strong> a map of the University campus.Move-in DayThe Cronkhite Center check‐in will take place from 12 pm to 8 pm on the move-in day specified in yourroom contract. Incoming residents will be welcomed in the Cronkhite Dining Room. You will be given aWelcome Packet with all the in<strong>for</strong>mation you need to settle in to the Cronkhite Center. You will also begiven a key packet including: a room key, mailbox key, stairwell key, and a temporary swipe card. Untilresidents get their official <strong>Harvard</strong> University student ID card, the swipe card will be used to enter theCronkhite Center building after hours and to access certain secured indoor areas. Please be sure to bringa picture ID with you to get your keys. After you have received your welcome packet and keys, CronkhiteCenter staff will be happy to direct you to your room.Early ArrivalsIf you need to move into the Cronkhite Center earlier than the official move-in date, please emailhousing@radcliffe.edu. Early move-ins will be approved at the discretion of the Housing Coordinator.6

ORIENTATIONBetween the official move‐in date and the first week of classes, the housing staff will provide an officialOrientation <strong>for</strong> all residents. All residents must attend Orientation. You will be notified separately of theOrientation date.OPERATIONS MANAGEMENTBy signing your housing contract, you grant permission <strong>for</strong> a member of the Operations Department toenter your room should a request <strong>for</strong> work be submitted. Operations will make every attempt to leave anotice of entry when someone has entered your room.PERSONAL PROPERTY INSURANCEApplications will be available in Lehman Hall, <strong>Harvard</strong> Yard. Please use the following link <strong>for</strong> a universitymap to this location: http://map.harvard.eduRECYCLING<strong>Harvard</strong> University employs Single Stream recycling, meaning all recyclable material, including paper,boxes, bottles, cans, and containers can be mixed together in the same recycling bin, barrel, or bag—noneed to separate! This system takes the guesswork out of recycling and makes the process easier.Here is a brief description of the items that should be included in Single Stream recycling:• Paper: includes newspaper, office paper, magazines, mail, cardboard, books, notes,folders. Staples, paper clips, rubber bands, labels & stamps can be included.• Bottles, Cans & Containers: includes food, beverage, and laundry containers made ofplastic (with #1-7 resin ID recycling logo stamped on the bottom), glass, or metal. Alsoincludes cups, plates & containers (with #1-7 resin ID recycling logo stamped on thebottom). Loose caps, buckets, trays, empty aerosol cans can be included. However, tryto avoid adding visible food or beverage residue.• Boxes: made of corrugated cardboard or paper board flattened (if possible) and empty.It’s acceptable if a box contains tape, staples, labels, or is slightly damp.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation about recycling, including electronics recycling, surplus donations, andcomposting, check out <strong>Harvard</strong>’s Recycling and Waste Services website at:http://www.uos.harvard.edu/fmo/recycling/ROOM INSPECTIONSRoom inspections will be done prior to move ‐in, during spring break, and again after move‐out. Anydamage found to the room will result in a term bill charge. The Cronkhite Center housing staff alsoreserves the right to enter any room when there is sufficient reason to believe either a resident’s or thecommunity’s health or safety may be at risk.SECURITYWe all have a part in keeping the Cronkhite Center a safe and secure‐feeling community. Residents canhelp by not propping doors open when moving in (particularly late at night) and by getting to know yourneighbors.There will be many people coming in and out during moving periods, so take a moment to lock yourdoor when you leave to bring in more of your personal belongings. Additionally, because the <strong>Harvard</strong>8

College Office of Admissions and the Cronkhite Dining Room are located in the Cronkhite Center, it isextremely important to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If you see something suspicious,please contact HUPD at 617‐495‐1212.SETTLING INPublic TransportationThe “T” is the local subway system. There are lines which run through different parts of the city; theselines are color-coded. The color-coded lines run two ways: inbound and outbound. There is a T-stop inthe <strong>center</strong> of <strong>Harvard</strong> Square, which is about a five minute walk from the Cronkhite Center. Rides arepurchased at a ticket kiosk inside the T-stop. Current rates are $2/ride or $1.70 with a Charlie Card (ahard plastic card). Monthly T-passes with unlimited rides can be purchased as well; you’ll need a CharlieCard to do this. To get a Charlie Card, ask the MBTA employees stationed by the ticket kiosk.There are many bus lines running through the Greater Boston area. The bus lines are numbered and runalong designated routes with the stops identified by street names/cross streets. Rides can be paid <strong>for</strong>with tickets or Charlie Cards purchased at the ticket kiosk, or with paper bills or coins.Please take a look at the following website <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation on public trans<strong>for</strong>mation:http://www.mbta.com.StoresThere are places to shop in <strong>Harvard</strong> Square, as well as many other stores in downtown Boston (which isabout a twenty‐minute T‐ride from <strong>Harvard</strong> Square to the Downtown Crossing stop on the Red Line).Office Supplies/Room Furnishing• Staples (57 JFK St., Cambridge, MA)• Dickson Brothers Hardware (26 Brattle St., Cambridge, MA)• Target (180 Somerville Ave., Somerville, MA; take the 86 Bus from Holyoke Gate)Malls• Cambridge Side Galleria, 100 Cambridge Side Place, Cambridge, MA 02141http://www.cambridgesidegalleria.comTake the red line inbound to Kendall; a free shuttle bus runs between the T-stop and mall.• Prudential and Copley malls, Boston, MAhttp://www.prudential<strong>center</strong>.comTake the red line inbound to Park Street and switch to the green line inbound to CopleyGrocery Stores• The “Market” in the Square (60 Church Street, Cambridge, MA)• Shaw’s Grocery Store (Porter Square, Somerville, MA; take the red line outbound to Porter)• Broadway Marketplace (Broadway Street, Cambridge, MA)• 7‐11 (on the corner of JFK and Mt. Auburn Streets, Cambridge, MA)• CVS (Two located on JFK St., Cambridge, MA)Websites to Order Food• Check out: http://www.grubhub.com9

SHUTTLE SERVICEThe University Operations Services shuttle bus (617‐495‐0400) is designed to provide students and staffwith safe, convenient, and free transportation around the Cambridge and Allston campuses throughoutthe academic year, except during recesses and certain holidays. Please refer to the shuttle service Website <strong>for</strong> more in<strong>for</strong>mation:http://www.uos.harvard.edu/transportation/passenger_transport_services/#uos.In addition, The Evening Van Service is designed to transport faculty, staff and students safely about thecampus area as a supplement to the shuttle bus system. The service operates between 7 pm and 3:00am, 7 days a week throughout the academic year. No advance arrangements are needed. This can beparticularly useful if you happen to be coming from a relatively remote part of campus and need a rideback to the Cronkhite Center. However, the last call <strong>for</strong> a ride must be received by 2:30 a.m. For morein<strong>for</strong>mation, or to request a ride, please call 617‐495‐0400.You can also track the locations of shuttles from your computer or mobile device using Shuttle Trackerat http://www.shuttle.harvard.edu/.SMOKINGThe Cronkhite Center is entirely nonsmoking, including resident rooms. Any resident found to besmoking in the building will need to meet with the housing staff. Please use the Ash Street entrance ifyou wish to smoke.TELEPHONE SERVICETelephone service should be arranged by contacting PAETEC Communications. Each bedroom isequipped with a telephone jack, and students are responsible <strong>for</strong> providing their own ‐tone touchtelephones. For in<strong>for</strong>mation on PAETEC or to request telephone service, go to the <strong>Harvard</strong> StudentTelephone Office (HSTO) Web site at http://www.uis.harvard.edu/student_telecom/, or call PAETEC at1-800‐960‐6555.USEFUL INFORMATIONCronkhite Center HousingCronkhite Dining ServicesBrad Paraszczak , Housing Coordinator617-495-1252housing@radcliffe.eduSerie Demelo, Manager617‐496‐0874serie_demelo@harvard.edu<strong>Harvard</strong> University Police Department (HUPD) 617‐495‐1212Cambridge Fire Department 978‐456‐1212University Health Services (HUHS) 617‐495‐5711<strong>Harvard</strong> University Shuttle 617‐495‐0400Fire Alarm PolicyAt times there will be fire drills or even accidental fire alarms (especially when the weather is changing).An alarm will ring out in every person’s individual room and it is the resident’s responsibility to vacatethe dorm premises immediately.10

Medical and Security IssuesIn case of any medical or security emergency, please contact either HUHS or HUPD, as appropriate.Please be sure to in<strong>for</strong>m the housing staff or RA on duty as soon as possible.WORK REQUESTS/MAINTENANCE ISSUESWork RequestsWork requests are made to address maintenance issues in the Cronkhite Center. Work requests can bemade <strong>for</strong> repairs to resident rooms, <strong>for</strong> common areas of the Cronkhite Center, to fix appliances, or toaddress general concerns such as heat in the building.Emergency RequestsEmergency requests are made to address maintenance issues which threaten resident safety or buildingstructure. These issues include things like broken windows, water main leaks, and electricalmalfunctions. If you notice an emergency maintenance issue, please contact the housing staff (duringbusiness hours) or the RA on duty (outside of business hours) immediately. If they cannot be reached,please contact University Operations Services directly at (617) 495 ‐5560.Non‐Emergency RequestsNon‐emergency maintenance issues may range from minor to serious issues requiring urgent or regularaction, but their commonality is that they do not pose an immediate threat to resident safety or buildingstructure. To report these issues, email workrequest@radcliffe.edu with the relevant in<strong>for</strong>mation.Examples of Emergency vs. Non‐Emergency Work Requests(this list is not exhaustive; it is meant to offer guidance in determining the nature of your work request)EMERGENCYBroken windowpaneFloodingElectric short from outlet or ceiling lightBroken lock on unit doorBuilding/exterior doors not opening/closingproperly even with access card/keyNON-EMERGENCYLight bulb outWasher/dryer not workingPests (rodents, insects, etc.)Clogged toilet/sinkSink or showerhead dripsIf you are unsure as to whether your requests is an “emergency” or not, please speak with the housingstaff or the RA on duty.Room TemperatureDuring the winter months, you may find that your room is cooler than desirable. The procedure <strong>for</strong>testing whether additional heat can be pumped to your room is as follows: Contact the RA on duty. TheRA will take a temperature reading of your room after hours. If the temperature is below 68 degreesFahrenheit, the RA will contact the Operations Center. If the temperature is not below 68 degrees, theRA cannot contact the Operations Center.11

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