sn" - CG State Information Commission

sn" - CG State Information Commission

sn" - CG State Information Commission


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3/-Ieast seven clear days before the date of hearing. The appilllanUcomplainant has thtjdiscretion to be present in person or through his authorized representative at the time of hearingor not to be Present.Third Partv I nformation33. Third party in relation to the Act means a person other than the citizen who has maderequest for iniormation. The definition of third parg includes a public authority other than thepuUtic authority to whom the request has been made'Disglosure of Third Partv lnftrrmationg4. lnformation including commercial confidence, trade secrd.ts or intellectual property,-thedisclosure of which would harm the position of d tnlrd party,"otp"titir".isexempt fromdisclosure- Such information should not be disclosed unless the competent authority is s.atistieOthat larger public interest warrants the disctosure of such information':'-35.1n regard to a third pafi infonnation which the third party has treated as co-nfidential, thepublic lnformation Officer should follow the procedure as given in the chapter 'FOR PUBLICtNFoRMATtoN oFFiCERS'. The third parry'shoutd be givJn full opportunity to put his case fornon-disclosure if he desires that tlre infotmation should not be disclosed''':::**:.1,,i*':.-'."t

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