sn" - CG State Information Commission

sn" - CG State Information Commission

sn" - CG State Information Commission


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L'21'where the applicant-is asked to p?y-additionalthe dispatch fee,of the the periodiniiination intervening,;;yl;;y*,ent betweenbe br ru"excluded for ano r'"-p"u_y*"nttheofpurposefee try the appricantof calculating the sha'the maxirnum Gil; "oi rupry.time wrriihThe fcrirowingtrvtabreou i"[Jn?showsois[ose ofin" in.different "piii."tionssituations::---Sr.No.9geprSituationF'rlp,, ot inGmation ir itlorrce-tTn" riG-E;of a oerion9upptyot intor'.rv $'e 'rs4. ls"preceived after transfer from """tnJiprlri"authority:(a) ln normalcourse(b) ln case the information concerns the life orliberty of a person.S upply of intoffi ation-U11 organzationsTpecfftilin the Second Schedule:(a) lf information relates lo afiegations of violationof human rights.Ij (b) ln_ case. information relates to allegations ofsupplyror indilationT@and the third party has treatJit a" "tntij"ntial.Tirrre tirnruTor di;po;ing off05 days snail- Oe aOGO tothe time period indicated atSr. No. 1and2.(a) Within 30 days of thereceipt of the applicationby the concerned publicauthority.(b) Within 48 hours of receiptof the application by the. concerned public(a) 45 days from the receiptof application.Lrtz,-Should be provided- afierfollowing the proueduregiven in para 23 to 2B of thisof the document.fh." ' , period ., ilCryenffibetween 'informinglnnlinonfth;^ir^. .4- r r:r: - rfee ancj the -^;t;:;na.rr",o^iL..: atuv-r.re appltcanl snell beexclr_rded ,rar calculeti:rg ihenaria.l^t -^-t. -23' lnformation including commercial 9on{.{.ence,trade senrets. or.intellectuat proper{y, thedisclosure of which would ia G:Jompetitive pb"it-lo" -or " tniro party, is exempt fromdisclosure' such an information"t"ri'noin" di.!6;;l'unrqsg pe iomiietenr authority issatisfied that larger public lnteresJwarra"trin. o""i"i,liJlf lu"n information.?1.. lf an applicant seeks any information which relates t(partv and tnaiifii'Jpartv has t'L"ruo'in"t inrormation;"f#liffiiT:'Jffi|fl#J#iilll8 :-

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