sn" - CG State Information Commission

sn" - CG State Information Commission

sn" - CG State Information Commission


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*ht'-respect of the part of the application which is so exempt may' be ri:jected and rest of 'lheinformation should be provided immediately or after receipt of additional fues, as the case maybe.15. Where a request for information is rejected, the Public lnf,crmation Officer shouldcommunicate to the person making the request-(i) the reasons for such rejection;iiil the perioJ within which an appeal against such rejection may be preferred; and(iii) ' the partiCulars of the authority to whom an appeal can be made.16. lf additional fee is required to be paid by the applicant as provided in the Fee and CostRules, the Public lnfogmation Officer should inform the applicant:(')(ii)(i'i)the details of further fees required to be paid; ,'.+.|g=...the calculations made to arrive at the amount of fees asked for;the fact that the applicant has a right to make appeal about the amount of fees sodemanded;(iv) the particulars of the authority to whom such an appeat can be made; and(v) the time limit within which the appeal can be made.Supplv of Part lnformation bv Severance17. Where a request is received for access to informalion which is exempt from disclosurebut a part of whbh is not exempt, and such part can be severed in such a way that the severedpart does not contain exempt information theri, access to that part of the information/record maybe.provid-ed to the applicant. Where access is granted to a pait of the record in such a way, th'ePublic lnformation Officer should inform the applicant that the information asked for is eiemptfrom disclosure and that only part of the recoid is being provided, after severance, which is notexempt from disclosure. While doing so, he should give the reasons for the decision, includingany findings on any materiat question of fact, referring to the material on which those findingiwere based. The Public lnfonnation Ofiicer should take the approval of appropriate authoritybefore supply of information in such a case and-should inform the name and designation of theperson giving the decision to the applicant also.::.t:t;.i t '_'''::':t':-!;Fii t--of lnformation: ::. - .,4-:publicThe Public lnformation Officers of the intelligence and security organisations specified inthe Second Schedule of the Act may re-ceive applications seeking information pertaining toallegations of conuplion and human rights violations. lnformation in respect of ailegations ofviolation of human rights, which is provided only after the approval of the Central lnformation<strong>Commission</strong>; should be provided within forty-five days trom tlie date of the recgipt of request.Time limit prescribed for supplying informalion in regard to allegations of corruption is the sameas in other cases.17

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