Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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SoCAAlriNG AND WOODCRAFXTHE ROYCE TENT." Several seasons ago, desiring a very light tent forside trips, or, in fact, anywhere that a <strong>com</strong>fortable shelterwas needed under conditions which would not permit ofusing a wall tent, one was designed which so well metall requirements <strong>and</strong> aroused so much interest amongthe outing brotherhood as to warrant presenting a detaileddescription of it.Keeping away from the idea of a mere shelter tocrawl under, <strong>and</strong> insisting on having something really<strong>com</strong>fortable in the event of several stormy days or nights^<strong>and</strong> with a spirit of <strong>com</strong>radeship that finds more funin an outing shared by one or two friends, rather thanalone, a tent was designed to afford room for two orthree <strong>and</strong> high enough to sit, dress, or st<strong>and</strong> in.This sounds like something too big for the ruck-sack,or a minor corner of a pack-basket, without crowding theother essentials of going light. However, it was ac<strong>com</strong>plishedat a weight of four pounds, making a packageabout 6 inches in diameter <strong>and</strong> 12 inches long for carrying;erected, it covers 56 square feet, as a closed halfpyramid 7 feet 9 inches high <strong>and</strong> y^^^ feet square (Fig.45). But this is not all, for it is extensible to a pyramid7^2x13 feet, still 7 feet 9 inches high, but open at one; or it may be extended at theend to the peak (Fig. 47)front of the half pyramid in a triangle the width of thetent, 73^x2^ feet, closing <strong>com</strong>pletely <strong>and</strong> increasing thelength of the tent to lo feet (Fig. 46). The objection isimmediately presented that this is too large a tent for goingeven moderately light, but one may reasonably ask^ovv much smaller package or lighter can you take, <strong>and</strong>get room for st<strong>and</strong>ing, sitting, <strong>and</strong> sleeping.''Considering this, first, as a half pyramid tent, 7^ xiVz <strong>and</strong> 7^^ feet high; no form gives so much groundopace with headroom from so little material as a pyramid;none sheds water better, nor resists wind so well, <strong>and</strong>none is simpler or quicker to erect.The objections to a pyramid, of scant headroom <strong>and</strong>lost space on ground by rapidly sloping roofs; of presenceof pole in the center, <strong>and</strong> of possible rain leak anywhereon the entrance side from peak to ground, arelargely over<strong>com</strong>e by carrying the peak to 7^ feet, givingmore headroom <strong>and</strong> nearer perpendicular roofs; <strong>and</strong> bymaking the peak over the center of one side, instead of inthe middle of the tent, giving a perpendicular entranceopening <strong>and</strong> no pole in the ground space. This gives betlerthan a 45-degree pitch to the back roof <strong>and</strong> about65-degree pitch to the side roofs: sheds rain well.

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