Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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—Woods, Close-grained, 199Compact, 197difficult to season, 198difficult to split, 196Durable, 198easily split, 196, 204easily wrought, 197Flat. Sec LostFlexible, 197for special purposes, 200Woods, Hard, 195Heavy, 200in wide boards, 198liable to check, 198liable to warp, 198Light, 200not liable to check, 197Perishable. 199Pliable, 197INDEX 479Woods. Continued.Qualities of. 194Resinous, 199Soft, 195Springy, 197Stiff, 196Strong, 195Tough, 196See also Trees"Woods sense," 52Woodsman't gait, 136Wounded, Transportationof, 459Wounds, 448Cleansing. 451Closing. 452Gunshot. 453Punctured, 453

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