Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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INDEX4.73Feet, Care of, 139To toughen. 139See also Chilblains,Corns.Toe-nailsFelons, 464Fire, Bivouac. 29. 31making withoutmatches, 32precautions, 29Rescue from, 462Fire-drill. 33Fireplace, 238, 245First-aid, 422for snake bite, 443kits. 103. 423materials. 423fish bait, 409bucket. Bark, 263skins. To mount, 326Fish-hook, To extract. 453Fishing for the pot. 408rod. Extemporized, 213Fits, 435Flavoring, See CondimentsFlour, Prepared, 107Fog. See LostFood bags. 107, 171Foods. Concentrated, 150,162Footwear, 139, 146Fording. 45Forest, Sameness of the,49travel, 43Foot -logs, 44Fractures, 458Freezing, 462Froe, Use of. 208Frogging. 415Frostbite. 462Fruits as food, 169Dehvdrated, 170Wild. 393Frying-pan. 102Furniture, Rustic, 250Furs, Preparation of, 298,304Glaze, 165Glue, To make, 327Gluts, To make, 202Going alone, 21. 147, 181light. 98, 109Graining knife, 311Great Smoky Mountains,13, 24. 51Ground sheet. Ill, 113Guideposts, Nature's, 49,53Guides. 16. 181Celestial. 48. 76, 78Gunshot wounds, 453H<strong>and</strong>cuff knot, 291Hardtack, 163Hatchet,. 32, 144Haversacks, 122Head, Skinning a. 298, 300Heat as first-aid treatment,428exhaustion, 434Height, To measure, 93,95Hernia, 455Hewing. See TimberHides, Preparation of,303Hiding. See Caches,Masked campsHiking, i'f^' Trips afootHitches. 271Hitching tie. 286Hobnails, 350Homing instinct, 50. 52Hominy mortar, 154Honey, Poisonous, 365,Wild, 364Hoops, 269Horn cup, 328Huntsman's, 329W^orking in, 328Hot-water bottle, 134, 135Hunter's equipment, 145,maxims 180

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