Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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—INDEX472Biscuits. See Hardtack,Meat biscuitsBites of animals, 446of insects, 448See also Snake biteBivouacs, 27, 32Blanket packs, 118roll, 118Blazes. 26, 35, 41, 60Age of, 61See also Line, FollowingaBleeding. 448Internal, 451Blisters, To prevent, 140Treatment of, 140^'Blow-downs," 44Blow-guns, 14Boards,See ClapboardsBoatswain's chair, 287, 352Boiling in bark kettle, 257in trough, 257Boils, 463Bones, Broken, 458Book-learning. 16Bough beds, 220Bouillon cubes, etc., 164Brain, Concussion of. 433Bread substitutes, 163, 371Brooms, 255Browse beds, 220To pick, 220Bruises. 454Brides, 44Buck ague, 185Buckets, Aluminum, 103Bark. 260, 263Buckskin, To make, 309To select, 309Bullets, Rifle, 180Bunks, 248, 250Burns, 460Burnt-woods, 44Bush marks, 41Butter, 166Cabin, Axeman's, 248i. building, 236Cabin. Continued.chimneys, 238, 245chinking, 248corners, 240fittings, 248floor, 244. 249joists, 242Materials for. 239Timber for. 240walls, 242, 249windows, 245, 250, 320See also RoofsCaches, 229Camp-fire, 149Smoke from, 31, 101See also Fire, BivouacCamp plan, 230Camps, Masked, 232C<strong>and</strong>les, To make, 333C<strong>and</strong>lesticks, 333Canebrakes. See LostCanned food. Objectionsto, 107, 162, 170Canteens, 133Cape, Waterproof, 99Cartridges for rifles, 180Catgut, To make, 317Cave districts, 339exploration, 337, 347measurements, 351"sign," 338Caves, how formed, 340Cavern, Lost in, 21Caverns, 337Cellar, 232, 239Cements, 327Chafing, 105, 140Chairs, 251Split-bottom, 252Cheesecloth, Uses of, 103Cherokee Indians, 13Chilblains, 463Chill, To avoid, 141Chimnej:, 238, 245Chocolate, 166Chopping, 189See also TimberCircle, Traveling in a, 35

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