Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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468 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTperature, is always cold to the face, <strong>and</strong> is liableto be broken." {Outing.)Insect in the Ear.— "Hold a brip;ht light tothe ear. The fascination which a bright light hasfor insects will often cause them to leave the ear<strong>and</strong> go to the light. If this fails, pour in warm oilfrom a teaspoon, <strong>and</strong> generally the intruder willbe driven out." (Pilcher.)Earache.—Let the patient hold his head toone side at a right angle. Heat a spoon, pour alcoholinto it, <strong>and</strong> hold close under the head sothat the fumes will enter the ear Or, heat oliveoil just hot enough not to burn, put a few dropsin the ear, <strong>and</strong> follow with a small plug of cotton.Earache often is relieved by a bag of hot salt, orthe like, as described below for toothache.The following is re<strong>com</strong>mended by H. W. Gibson:''Take the heart of an onion, heat it in anoven, <strong>and</strong> put it in the ear, but not so hot as toburn. This not only relieves the earache, buthelps to send the sufferer to sleep."Toothache.—If there is a cavity, clean it outwith cotton on the end of a toothpick ; then fillit with another small bit of cotton dipped in iodine,oil of cloves, or ammonia, or dusted with bakingsoda."Toothache, scourge of the wilderness, he curedin a novel way. With a thread <strong>and</strong> a sheet ofwriting paper he made a cornucopia, the open endof which he placed flat upon a dish ; he then setfire to the upper end of the cornucopia, whereuponthe burning paper generated a drop of yellow liquid.This liquid— it is extremely bitter—he applied, witha toothpick <strong>and</strong> cotton, to the cavity, <strong>and</strong> the toothacheperished amid the howls of the possessor ofthe tooth." {A, W. North.)Probably the yellow liquid is largely creosote. Ihave seen my partner treat his own tooth this way.If there is no cavity, but an abscess, it may sometimesbe checked by applying to the gum a counter-

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