Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 465<strong>and</strong> pods. There are two varieties: one with asmooth-edged leaf, <strong>and</strong> the other (rarer) withtoothed edges. By some it is called poison vine;by others, poison oak. The latter name should bereserved for Rhus diversilobaj which does not groweast of the Rocky Mountains. All three of theseplants are really sumacs, notwithst<strong>and</strong>ing that the"ivy" creeps on the ground, or climbs trees, walls,or fences, like a true vine.When poison ivy is in bloom, the spores of itspollen are blown hither <strong>and</strong> yon by every breeze,<strong>and</strong> those minute spores bear some of the poisonousoil that makes the plant an enemy of the humanrace. That is why people who are particularlysusceptible may be poisoned if they go within tenfeet of the plant.The poison is of an acid nature; consequently ifone rubs his skin with an alkali (such as baking soda,weak ammonia, soap, or wood ashes) before h<strong>and</strong>lingthe plant, or immediately after doing so, hewill be uninjured. Usually one is not aware thathe has <strong>com</strong>e in contact with such a plant untilthe sj^mptoms of poisoning appear. As soon as hisskin reddens <strong>and</strong> begins to itch he should wash instrong soapsuds, <strong>and</strong> then with alcohol. Generallythis will suffice. It he lets the case go until littlewatery blisters appear between the fingers <strong>and</strong> inflammationsets in, he must use stronger measures.The druggist's prescription is: Add powderedsugar of lead (lead acetate) to weak alcohol (50%to 75%) until no more will dissolve; strain, <strong>and</strong>wash the affected parts with It several times a day.A camper is not likely to have this remedy at h<strong>and</strong>.It is a dangerous poison if swallowed.Common baking soda, so often mentioned In thisbook, is more likely to be available. Dissolve asmuch of It In warm water as the water will takeup, <strong>and</strong> apply. A similar solution of boric acidis even better. Aftenvard rub some reslnol orother good ointment over the affected narts.I have cured cases of Ivy poisoning that wet-e

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