Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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462 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTRescue from Fire.—Tie a wet h<strong>and</strong>kerchiefover your nose <strong>and</strong> mouth. If unable to breathewhen erect, crawl with head as low as possible. Ifthe clothing catches fire, lie down <strong>and</strong> roll overslowly, beating out the fire with the h<strong>and</strong>s orsmothering it with earth. When rescuing anotherperson whose clothing is aflame, throw him down<strong>and</strong> do the same, or wrap him as tightly as possiblein a blanket, coat, or the like, leaving only his headout. Woolens do not burn with a flame like cotton<strong>and</strong> linen.Frostbite^ Freezing.—In extreme cold, let eachmember of a party watch the others for the whitespots that denote frostbite. These should be rubbedwith a woolen mitten or glove, rather thansnow. If the freezing is severe, so that the tissuesare stiff, rough rubbing <strong>and</strong> twisting may breakthem. The return to warmth must be gradual, asa sudden reaction is dangerous to the vitality of theparts. Keep out in the cold, rub the frozen surfacegently with snow, or ice-water, until the naturalcolor of the skin isrestored.To toast frost-bitten fingers or toes before a firewould at least bring chilblains, <strong>and</strong> thawing outrapidly a badly frozen part would result in gangrene,making amputation necessary. When circulationis restored, rub with kerosene, whiskey, oralcohol <strong>and</strong> water. This will keep the skin frompeeling off. In case the frostbite Is old <strong>and</strong>blackened, or the skin has begun to slough off,treatit just as you would a burn.When In danger of freezing to death, <strong>com</strong>pelyourself to keep awake <strong>and</strong> moving. If there aretwo or more of you, beat each other unmercifullywith sticks. To sleep Is death. Do not drink liquor:the reaction from It Is likely to be fatal.In rescuing one who is almost insensible fromcold, take him Into a cold room. Rub his limbstoward the body to restore circulation, first wnthrough cloths wet In cold water, then In warmer an(iwarmer water, finally with alcohol <strong>and</strong> water.

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