Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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46oCAMPING AND WOODCRAFTpurpose. The front ends of the poles are then securelyfastened to the saddle of the animal. A breaststrap <strong>and</strong> traces should, if possible, be improvisedqnd fitted to the horse. On the march the bearersshould be ready to lift the rear end of the travoiswhen passing- over obstacles, crossing streams, orgoing up-hill." {U. S. A. Hospital Corps.)An emergency litter can be made of two coats <strong>and</strong>two strong poles. Turn the sleeves of the coatsinside out. Place the coats on the ground, endsreversed, bottom edges touching each other. Runthe poles through the sleeves on each side. Buttonup the coat, <strong>and</strong> turn the buttoned side down.Another way is to spread a blanket on theground with the two poles at the edges of its longsides. Then roll the edges on the poles till awidth of about 20 inches is left between them. Turnstretcher over before using it.An excellent litter is a big trojjgh of heavy bark,padded or lined with browse, <strong>and</strong> attached to aframe swung between two poles.Always test a stretcher before placing a patientupon it. Do not carry it upon the shoulders, exceptas the rear man does so in going up a steepplace. Keep it level. Carry the occupant feetforemost, unless going up-hill. The bearers shouldwalk out of step, to avoid a jolting motion.Two men can carry one, if he is conscious, very<strong>com</strong>fortably by forming a ''two-h<strong>and</strong>ed seat." NumberI grasps with his right h<strong>and</strong> the left wrist, <strong>and</strong>with his left h<strong>and</strong> the right shoulder, of the otherbearer. Number 2 grasps with his left h<strong>and</strong> theright wrist, <strong>and</strong> with his right h<strong>and</strong> the left shoulder,of No. I. The injured person is seated on his<strong>com</strong>rades' crossed fore-arms, <strong>and</strong> throws his ownarms over their shoulders.One man can carry another across his back,though the stricken one be insensible,even<strong>and</strong> a heavyweightat that. Turn the patient on his face.If he is conscious, tell him to relax (m.ake himselflimp). Step astride his body, facing toward his

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