Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 457When there Is only a bone out of joint, It may bereplaced by pulling strongly upon the h<strong>and</strong>.Elbow.—Leave this dislocation tor a surgeon,if practicable. Otherwise, have the patient sit ona chair or log, <strong>and</strong> plant your foot against it. Placeyour knee against the front of his upper arm justabove the bend of the elbow. Then, grasping thebone of the upper arm with your right h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong>the wrist with your left, forcibly bend the forearm,using your knee as a fulcrum. If the dislocationIs forward, however, pull upon the forearmwhile the upper arm Is fixed. Your thumb canassist In pressing the head of the bone in the desireddirection. Put the arm in a sling (h<strong>and</strong>higher than elbow) <strong>and</strong> b<strong>and</strong>age it in place toprevent movement.Shoulder.—About one-half of all cases of dislocationare of the shoulder joint. Have the manlie down flat on his back, <strong>and</strong> seat yourself by hisside, facing him. Remove your shoe, put your footin his arm-pit, grasp the dislocated arm In bothh<strong>and</strong>s, push outward <strong>and</strong> upward with the heel,<strong>and</strong> at the same time pull the w^rlst downward <strong>and</strong>outward, then suddenly bring It against the patient'ship. When a snap Is heard or felt, the jointis In place. B<strong>and</strong>age the upper arm to the side,with a thick pad under the arm-pit, forearm carriedacross chest, <strong>and</strong> h<strong>and</strong> on opposite shoulder.Lower Jaw.—This dislocation must be reducedImmediately. It looks serious, <strong>and</strong> alarms the patient,but in realitv Is very simple to reduce. Wrapboth of your thumbs In several thicknesses of cloth,to protect them. Place them upon the patient'slower back teeth, <strong>and</strong> press forcibly downward <strong>and</strong>backward, while the fingers force the chin upward.As soon as the jaw starts Into place, slip yourthumbs off the teeth Into the cheeks, to avoid beingseverely bitten. Put a jaw b<strong>and</strong>age on the patient.Hip.—To reduce this dislocation Is a job fornobody but a good surgeon.

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