Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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AUCIUEJN lb AiSU IlMEKCjENCIES 451push the plug gently up the nose with a pencil,pack the rest of the strip tightly into the nostril,<strong>and</strong> let the end protude. If there is leakage backwardinto the mouth, pack the lower part of plugstill more tightly. Leave the plug in place severalhours; then loosen with warm water or oil, <strong>and</strong> removevery gently.Internal Bleeding.—This may be either fromthe stomach or from the lungs. In hemorrhagefrom the stomachy the blood is vomited. It is brownor "coffee-ground," <strong>and</strong> may be mixed with food.There is tenderness <strong>and</strong> pain in the region of thestomach.Bleeding from the lungs is preceded by a saltishtaste in the mouth. Blood rushes from the mouth<strong>and</strong> nose. It is bright red <strong>and</strong> frothy.Although the disease producing one or other ofthese symptoms may be grave, yet the attack ofbleeding itself is not likely to result seriously. Ineither case the first-aid treatment is absolute restin bed, <strong>and</strong> cold cloths over the affected part. Ifthe bleeding is from the stomach, the patient's headshould be kept low; if from the lungs, the head<strong>and</strong> shoulders should be propped up, unless therebe a tendency to faintness.Cleansing Wounds.—All inflammation ofwounds, suppuration, abscesses, erysipelas, *'bloodpoisoning,"gangrene, <strong>and</strong> lockjaw, are due to livinggerms <strong>and</strong> nothing else. These germs are notWeborn in the wound, but enter from the outside.may as well say they are present everywhere, exceptIn the air (pus germs do not float in air).To prevent their entrance is much easier than tokill them once they have gained foothold.The only guarantee of a wound healing nicely isto make <strong>and</strong> keep it surgically clean. Sterilizeeverything that is to be used about a wound : h<strong>and</strong>s,instruments, <strong>and</strong> the dressing. Do not trust anythingto be germ-free merely because it looks clean.The micro-organisms that cause inflammation of awound, fever, putrefaction, inay kirk anv where.

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