Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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450 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTquet without any lump, <strong>and</strong> twist it very tight indeed.This can only be done for a short time, whileyou are preparing to ligate the artery ; if prolonged,it will kill the limb, <strong>and</strong> gangrene will ensue. Incase of a punctured wound, such as a bullet hole,it is better to push a plug of sterilized gauze hardaown in the wound itself, leaving the outer endprojecting so that a b<strong>and</strong>age will hold the plug firmlyon the artery. This must be done, anyway,wherever a tourniquet cannot be used.higating.—^The above expedients are only temporary;for a cut artery, if of any considerable size,must be ligated—that is to say, permanently closedby tying one or both of the severed ends. To dothis you must have at least a pair of sharp-pointedfcrceps or strong tweezers. Get hold of the endof the artery with this, draw it out, <strong>and</strong> have someone hold \\.. Then take a piece of strong threadthat has been sterilized in boiling salt water (supposingyou have no regular antiseptic) make a loopin it as for a reef knot, but pass the right h<strong>and</strong> endof the thread twice around theother, instead of once (Fig.193—surgeon's knot—it willnever slip). Slip this loopFig. 193.—Surgeon's ^^^^n over the forceps <strong>and</strong>knot around the end of the artery,<strong>and</strong> draw tight. If the vesselbleeds from both ends, ligate both. When anartery is merely ruptured, not severed, cut it cleanin two before operating; it will close better.Nosebleed.—If the nose does not stop bleedingof itself, hold against the nape of the neck a clothwrung out in cold water. Put a roll of paperbetween the upper lip <strong>and</strong> the gum. Do not blowthe nose nor remove the clots. Holding the armsabove the head will help. If the bleeding stillcontinues, dissolve a teaspoonful of salt in a cupof water, <strong>and</strong> snnii some of this brine up the nose.Should these measures fail, make a plug by rollingup part of a half-inch strip of gauze or soft cloth,

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