Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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8- CAMPING AND WOODCRAFl'may be violent, there Is nothing better than a pyrzvmidal or ''miner's" tent (Fig. 40). It requiresonly one pole, <strong>and</strong> but few pegs. It has more availableground space than a conical tent of equal cubiccapacity. It Is economical of cloth. Next to thecone. It Is the most stable form of tent, <strong>and</strong> it shedsrain <strong>and</strong> snow better than any other. One man,without assistance, can set it up In a trice. It setswell on uneven ground, <strong>and</strong> is easy to trench.Pyramidal tents may be had with walls; but theyare not nearly so easy to erect as one without a wall,Fig. 40.— Miner's Tent<strong>and</strong> many more pegs must be carried.This shape isat its best in the plain miner's form of a size suitablefor two or three men : namely, a 7x7x7 or a9/^ X 93/2 x8^ ft., weighing, In different materials,from 534 to 14 lbs. A jointed pole of ash willweigh about 4^ lbs. In 7-ft., or 5 lbs. in 8^ ft.length, <strong>and</strong> a dozen 9-Inch steel tent pins about 2 lbs.Since the only head-room in such a tent is directlyunder the peak, a center pole Is constantly in theway. If a little extra weight is not prohibited, it isbetter to carry a pair of jointed shear poles that setup inside the tent, one on either side, like two legs

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