Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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jprint,1 There\ wayI actsIforImasters,"ifaith;juvant,\Onej(thatACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 445as a bracer to the victim's nerves, thus helping himover the crisis. For this purpose some pretty stiffdrinks may be needed, if strychnine is not to behad ; but don't guzzle inordinately ; an excess, byits depressive reaction later, may weaken the systemalarmingly after the venom itself has been conquered.(5). In half an hour you should gradually loosenthe ligature, permitting some blood to flow backfrom the injured limb <strong>and</strong> fresh blood to enter it.Then tighten again. This admits only a little ofthe poison at a time to the heart. Repeat the alternatetightening <strong>and</strong> loosening at intervals for aconsiderable time, until the danger is over. Toleave the ligature unloosened for more than an hour,at the farthest, would put you in grave danger ofgangrene.Herbal Remedies.—Many species of w^ildplants are supposed to have the property of counteractingthe effects of the poison of serpents. In anybackwoods <strong>com</strong>munity you may find some one whoclaims to know some sovereign herb that will dothis. In the seventh edition of my Book of <strong>Camping</strong><strong>and</strong> Woodcraft (1915) I named many of theseplants <strong>and</strong> discussed them. This book is out ofbut may be consulted in public libraries byanyone curious in such matters. Scientists of todayhave no faith whatever in herbal "cures."are plants that will assist Nature in theof heart <strong>and</strong> nerve stimulants, or possibly byinducing copious sweating; but there is none thatas a real antidote against snake poisoning. Asthe backwoodsmen who use herbs as "snakeitwill be observed that they have firmin the efficacy of "lots o' whiskey" as an ad-if not as a panacea sine qua non.time I asked an old moonshiner, "Quill'*was his first name) "if a snake bit you, whenyou had no whiskey, what would you do?"\"And no liquor to be had?""Yes."

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