Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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44+ CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTDo not twist the ligature up so tightly with astick as to bruise the flesh. Remember, its objectis not to <strong>com</strong>press an artery, but only the veins,all of which lie near the surface.(2). Make three parallel cuts, say an inch long<strong>and</strong> a quarter-inch deep, lengthwise of the limb<strong>and</strong> through the seat of the wound, then two crisscrossthrough the fang punctures (unless the bitebe on the wrist or top of foot, where you mightsever sinews). This is better than a simple X-cutbecause it makes the wound bleed more freely <strong>and</strong>opens it more thoroughly to receive the permanganate.Plenteous bleeding carries out a good dealof the poison by itself. Assist it by squeezing or"milking" the wound. The poison of North Americansnakes (not of the cobra) is harmless to thestomach, <strong>and</strong> so it may be sucked out, provided thatthe operator has no hollow tooth, nor scratch orabrasion of the mouth, through which it mightreach the circulation. It is useless to suck merelythe tiny fang punctures—you must first cut themopen.(3). Moisten, with saliva, enough of the permanganateto fill the wound (if it is in tablets,crush two or three of them in the palm of theh<strong>and</strong>) <strong>and</strong> rub it thoroughly into the cuts. It isextremely caustic ; but the emergency calls for heroictreatment.(4). If you have a <strong>com</strong>panion, send him atonce for the anti-venom kit, or for a doctor. If youare alone, <strong>and</strong> far from help, stay where you are.Moving about would only force circulation <strong>and</strong>aggravate the case. The chances are fine foryour recovery without any further treatment. If3'ou have strychnine, swallow 1-20 grain to stimulatethe heart <strong>and</strong> nerves, whenever you feel them "goingback on you." Or, if you have it, use whiskey orammonia.Whiskey is not an antidote; It has no effect atall on the venom ; Its service Is simply as a stimulantfor the murderously attacked heart <strong>and</strong> lungs, <strong>and</strong>

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