Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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;ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 443The first-aid for snake bite is very simple <strong>and</strong><strong>com</strong>pact. It consists merely of a little permanganateof potash (potassium permanganate) <strong>and</strong> a lancet ora sharp penknife blade, with belt or other article ofclothing that can be used like a tourniquet. Thepermanganate can be used either in crystals or intablet form. It must be carried in a waterproofcontainer of glass or rubber. A convenient arrangementis a hard rubber tube resembling a fountainpen, but only 2^2 inches long <strong>and</strong> weighing lessthan an ounce, which is sold for a dollar by someoutfitters. One of the capped ends contains somepermanganate, <strong>and</strong> the other a small spear-shapedlancet (to be honed keen before it is fit to use).Permanganate of potash merely neutralizes suchvenom as it <strong>com</strong>es in direct contact with ; it does notfollow up the poison <strong>and</strong> kill at a distance from thewound. Since snake venom diftuses rapidly throughthe system, it is absolutely necessary to use the peimanganatequickly. If more than three minuteshave elapsed before application, its value is doubtfulif more than five minutes or six minutes, it will dono good all.Treatment.— (i).When one has been struckby a venomous snake, he should waste no timechasing the creature to kill it. Within a minute,at most, he should have a ligature bound betweenthe wound <strong>and</strong> his body to cut off the return flowof blood <strong>and</strong> lymph to the heart. (It is assumedthat he has been struck in a limb, as generallyhappens.) The ligature may be a neckerchief,h<strong>and</strong>kerchief, or a strip of cloth torn from theshirt, twisted, <strong>and</strong> tied as tightly as possible aroundthe limb. A belt w4th tongueless buckle is excellentfor the purpose. A stout cord will do. Ifthe bite is an\^vhere below the knee, apply theligature just above the knee ; if below the elbow,then just above the elbow, because here there isonly one bone <strong>and</strong> <strong>com</strong>pression is more effective.Another may be tied closer to the wound if a footor h<strong>and</strong> has been bitten.

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