Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 437who know nothing about other rattlers than thelittle prairie rattlesnake are not <strong>com</strong>petent to expressan opinion on the subject.A bite from any venomous snake is dangerous, inproportion to the size of the snake, <strong>and</strong> to the amountof venom that enters the circulation. A bite thatdoes not pierce an important blood vessel is seldomfatal, even if no treatment is given, unless the snakebe quite large.The rattlesnake, copperhead, <strong>and</strong> cottonmouth areeasily distinguished from all other snakes, as allnostrilFig. 192.—Head of rattlesnake (after Stejneger)three of them bear a peculiar mark, or rather a pairof marks, that no other animal possesses.The markis the pit, which is a deep cavity on each side of theface between the nostril <strong>and</strong> the eye, sinking intothe upper jawbone. Its position is shown in theac<strong>com</strong>panying cut (Fig. 192). All of them have anupright elliptical,instead of round, pupil in the eye.All venomous snakes have fangs, <strong>and</strong> no harmlessones have them. The fangs are in the upper jawonly. In the coral snakes they are permanentlyerect, but in the other venomous snakes here namedthey lie flat against the roof of the mouth, when notin use, pointing backward, <strong>and</strong> are erected by thereptile in striking. They are long, slender, sharplypointed, perforated like a hypodermic needle, <strong>and</strong>connected by a duct with the venom gl<strong>and</strong>s which liebehind the e^-es. Auxiliary fangs lie in a sac underneaththe regular fang on each side, <strong>and</strong>, in case

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