Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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436 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTCause repeated vomiting by giving three or fourglasses of warm water, each containing salt or mustard.Then give stimulants to support the heart<strong>and</strong> nerve force. Put the victim to bed, with headlow, <strong>and</strong> apply dry heat. If a syringe can be procured,empty the lower bowel with an injection ofsoapsuds <strong>and</strong> water. After a thorough cleaning out,give an intestinal antiseptic.Poisoning from Mushrooms (or from unknownplants)—Treat as for ptomaine poisoning. Incase of mushroom poisoning, if the patient can swallow,get some charcoal from the camp-fire, powder<strong>and</strong> administer it. This may absorb much of the poison.Castor oil is the best purgative, to be followedby a soapsuds enema. Atropine by injection, if youhave it; otherwise, unless you can get a physicianwithin two or three hours, the chance of recovery isslight; but do your best.Snake Bite.—The only dangerous snakes in theUnited States are the rattlesnake, the copperhead,<strong>and</strong> the cottonmouth moccasin. The small coralsnake (harlequin, bead snake) of the Gulf states,<strong>and</strong> the Sonoran coral snake of New Mexico <strong>and</strong>Arizona, are somewhat venomous, but their bite isnot fatal to a healthy adult. The Gila monster ofthe Southwest is a dangerous lizard—the only onethat is venomous—but can scarcely be provoked tobite.All other snakes <strong>and</strong> lizards of our country <strong>and</strong>Canada are harmless—their bite is no more to befeared than that of a mouse. The notion that thebite of our so-called ''puff-adder, " "spreading adder,"''blowing viper," must be dangerous, because thesnake puff's up its neck <strong>and</strong> hisses like a goose, or thatthe <strong>com</strong>mon watersnake is a moccasin <strong>and</strong> consequentlyvenomous, is all moonshine, like the storyof the hoop-snake <strong>and</strong> the snake with a poisonoussting in its tail.However, that other notion that a rattlesnake'sbite is not a serious matter is moonshine, too. Men

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