Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 433a brutality of ignorance) until he gets on his feet.But if there is none, give him red pepper tea (enoughcayenne steeped in hot water to make the stomachtingle). This braces his nerves <strong>and</strong> helps to avert"the horrors."If threatened with collapse, apply heat, <strong>and</strong> injectstrychnine.In delirium tremens, watch the patient carefully,that he may not injure himself or others, or <strong>com</strong>mitsuicide; but avoid physical restraint as far as possible.The serious sj'mptoms are due chiefly tosleeplessness, which is to be <strong>com</strong>batted with suchmeans as you have at h<strong>and</strong>. Try trional, veronal,or a bromide, if you can get them. An opiate is thelast resort. If the heart w^eakens, give ammonia orstrychnine.Fit or Convulsion.—Kneel by the patient's headplace one arm under it, <strong>and</strong> undo collar <strong>and</strong> belt.Insert in the mouth something that he cannot swallow,such as a stick, or a pocket-knife wrapped inh<strong>and</strong>kerchief, to prevent the tongue from being bitten.Get him away from anything against whichhe might strike <strong>and</strong> injure himself, but do not tryto open his h<strong>and</strong>s or restrain his movements. Whenthe attack has passed, do not rouse, but let himsleep, with warmth to the feet.Hysteria.—Do nothing. Appear quite indifferent.A show of sympathy will only make mattersworse.Ptomaine Poisoning.—The exciting cause iseating certain varieties of food that have partly putrefied,such as meat, sausage, fish, shellfish, cheese, <strong>and</strong>especially, in the case of campers, canned meats, etc.,that have spoiled.It isdistinguished from cholera morbus by markednervous symptoms (t\vitching of facial muscles,tingling sensations, dilated pupils, breathlessness,dizziness, perhaps convulsions) <strong>and</strong> usually a lowtemperature.

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