Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 433If one has fainted, take him into the fresh air<strong>and</strong> lay him on his back, with feet higher than head(unless the face is flushed or blue). Loosen theclothing. Spatter the face <strong>and</strong> chest with coldwater. Rub limbs toward the heart. Apply ammoniato the nose. When consciousness has returned,give a stimulant, or put the patient to bed<strong>and</strong> apply heat.Never raise a fainting person to a sitting posture.Shock.—In case of collapse following an accident,operation, or fright: treat firstas for fainting.Then w^rap the person in blankets, apply heat, <strong>and</strong>rub his limbs toward the body, keeping him w^ell^rrapped up the while. If he is conscious, <strong>and</strong> notbleeding externally or internally, give him hot teaor coffee, or just one good drink of liquor, or ammonia.But if the shock is from an injury <strong>and</strong>to checkattended by bleeding, the first thing to do isthe flow of blood.Stunning (Concussion of the Brain).—Lay theman on his back with head somewhat raised. Hotwater poured on hishead will help to arouse him.Apply heat as for shock, but keep the head coolwith cold wet cloths. Rub his limbs. Ammoniamay be held under the nose, but do not give anystimulant: that would drive the blood to the brain^where it is not wanted. Keep the patient quiet.Light diet <strong>and</strong> laxatives.Lightning Stroke.—If the heart has stopped,the case is fatal. If not, but breathing is suspended,practice artificial respiration for at least half anhour, <strong>and</strong> other treatment as for drowning. Electricburns are treated like any other.Sunstroke.—Observe the difference betweenthis <strong>and</strong> heat exhaustion (see below). In sunstrokeproper the face is red, the skin very hot <strong>and</strong> dry,<strong>and</strong> the subject is quite unconscious. Lay him ina cool place ;position same as for stunning. Removeas much of his clothing as practicable. Hold a vesselor hatful of cold water four or five feet above

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