Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 431wrap him in warm blankets <strong>and</strong> apply hot stonesor other dry heat, as described early in this chapter.When he can swallow, give him hot stimulants, alittle at a time. Then let him sleep.Rescue of the Drowning.—In case you mustswim for the drowning person, then, if possible atthe moment, take with you a float of some sort forhim to cling to. It takes only a small buoyantobject to support a man's head above water. Castoff at least your shoes before striking out.When you get near,shout cheerily that you willget him out all right if he does not struggle. Buta drowning person is likely to get frantic, as soonas water enters his lungs, <strong>and</strong> grasp desperately ata rescuer. So be cool <strong>and</strong> w^arj^ You must manoeuvrefor position, lest he drown you both. If hesinks once or twice, little harm will be done—it mayeven be for the best. The first two sinkings arevery slow, <strong>and</strong> he does not go down deep.Get at him from behindj if possible. If he turnson you <strong>and</strong> tries to seize you, reach your left armforward <strong>and</strong> push him away with your h<strong>and</strong>against his lower jaw. He may succeed in grippingyour arm: in that case, turn so as to get your footunder his chest, <strong>and</strong> push him away with a powerfulkick. If he should be strong enough, however, tohold you in a grip that you cannot loosen, then takea good breath <strong>and</strong> sink with him. You can st<strong>and</strong>it longer than he can; his hold will relax beforeyour own- air gives out. The "death grip" thatnever loosens is <strong>com</strong>mon in fiction, but rarely, ifever, in fact. In the unlikely event that he shouldhold out longer than you consider safe, strike himin the face <strong>and</strong> break loose. This sounds brutal,but itmay be the only way to save him, <strong>and</strong> yourself,too.If the person is tractable, or has w^eakened untilno longer dangerous, get him by the hair,or by aninside hold on the collar, <strong>and</strong>. swimming ahead ai

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