Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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;430 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTto perform artificial respiration. The best wayfor an inexperienced person, or for one who has towork alone, is what is called the ''prone-pressuremethod," as follows:Turn the patient face downward on the ground,arms extended above the head, face to one side. Ifhis tongue does not fall forward, grasp it with ah<strong>and</strong>kerchief <strong>and</strong> pull it out, so that air may enter.Kneel astride of him, <strong>and</strong> grasp him firmly onboth sides of the chest, just above lower margin ofribs. Press steadily <strong>and</strong> heavily downward <strong>and</strong>forward, for three seconds^ to expel the air from thelungs. Then, gradually (two seconds) release thepressure. The elasticity of the chest makes it exp<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> draw air into the lungs. Repeat this operationwith a regular rhythm of 12 to 15 to theminute. You will conserve your own strength byswinging your body forward <strong>and</strong> backward so asto let your weight fall vertically upon the wrists<strong>and</strong> then be released.While you are doing this, if there is an assistant,have him remove the patient's wet clothing, dry himwithout rubbing, <strong>and</strong> cover him with a dry blanketor articles of clothing; but do not let this interruptyour own work for a singje moment. Do not rubnor apply heat to restore circulation until naturalbreathing has been established ; to do so might befatal.Continue this treatment until the subject showssigns of life ; then, with more gentle pressure, untilthe breath <strong>com</strong>es naturally. There must be no letup. Two or more helpers can work in relays,changing about without losing the "stroke." Inmost cases the patient revives within thirty minutesbut it may take an hour or two of continuous workto restore life. Do not be discouraged.As soon as natural breathing has been restored,rub the person's limbs <strong>and</strong> body with firm pressuretoward the heart, to bring back circulation. Now

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