Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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ACCIDENTS AND EMERGENCIES 429harm than good. If it be a case of drowning orfreezing, you will know at once. Sunstroke ismarked by a hot, dry skin. Bleeding, bruises, <strong>and</strong>swelling speak for themselves. If, however, thereare none of these symptoms, examine the patientwith care.Observe, first, w^hether the face is pale or flushed.If pale, <strong>and</strong> the pupils of the eyes are natural, it isa simple case of fainting; if the pupils are dilated,the face pale, with cold sweat, the pulse weak <strong>and</strong>quick, probably there has been concussion of thebrain.On the other h<strong>and</strong>, a flushed <strong>and</strong> turgid face,respiration snoring, a slow <strong>and</strong> full pulse, are symptoms<strong>com</strong>mon to apoplexy, drunkenness, <strong>and</strong> opiumpoisoning. It is very important to distinguish betweenthese. Odor of liquor in the breath is notconclusive ; for a person struck down by apoplexymay have been drinking. A drunken man may havefallen <strong>and</strong> suffered concussion of the brain, thus<strong>com</strong>plicating the case.In apoplexy due to hemorrhage in the brain, oneside of the patient generally is paralyzed. He cannotbe aroused, even with ammonia to the nose.His eyeballs are not sensitive to touch. A m<strong>and</strong>runk or "doped" generally can be aroused for amoment by dashing cold water in his face. A bottleof liquor, laudanum, or morphine, is likely to befound on or near him. In alcoholic poisoning thepupils are dilated <strong>and</strong> equal; in opium poisoning,they are extremely contracted.Drowning.—Clean any mud or water from themouth with a h<strong>and</strong>kerchief on the finger, loosen alltight clothing, <strong>and</strong> expose the chest <strong>and</strong> waist. Slipyour h<strong>and</strong>s under the man's waist <strong>and</strong> lift him highenough for his head to hang down <strong>and</strong> drain thewater out of him. Give two or three quick, smartingslaps on his naked chest with the open h<strong>and</strong>.If this fails to restore breathing, then start at once

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