Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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LIVING OFF THE COUNTRY 417animals that have them, before the meat is put inthe pot. Properly dressed, <strong>and</strong>, if necessary, parboiledin two or three waters, even muskrats, woodchucks,<strong>and</strong> fish-eating birds can be made palatable.(See Vol. I., pp. 281, 313, 316, 318.)Prairie-dog is as good as squirrel. The flesh ofthe porcupine is good, <strong>and</strong> that of the skunk isequal to roast pig. Beaver meat is very rich <strong>and</strong>•cloying, <strong>and</strong> in old animals is rank; but the boiledliver <strong>and</strong> tail are famous tid-bits wherever thebeaver is found. A man would have to be hardpressed to tackle any of the other fur-bearers asfood, excepting, of course, bear <strong>and</strong> 'possum.The flesh of all members of the cat tribe, wildcats,lynxes, <strong>and</strong> panthers, is excellent. DoctorHart Merriam declares that panther flesh is bettertlian any other kind of meat. The EnglishmanRuxton, who lived in the Far West in the time ofBridger <strong>and</strong> the Sublettes <strong>and</strong> Fitzpatrick, says:^'Throwing aside all the qualms <strong>and</strong> conscientiousscruples of a fastidious stomach, it must be confessedthat dog meat takes a high rank in the wonderfulvariety of cuisine afforded to the gsurm<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> the gourmet by the prolific mountains. Now,when the bill of fare offers such tempting vi<strong>and</strong>sas buffalo beef, venison, mountain mutton, turkey,grouse, wildfowl, hares, rabbits, beaver-tails, etc.,etc., the station assigned to dog as No. 2 in thelist can be w^ell appreciated—No. i, in delicacy offlavor, richness of meat, <strong>and</strong> other good qualities,being the flesh of panthers, w^hich surpasses everyother, <strong>and</strong> all put together."Lewis <strong>and</strong> Clark say of dog flesh:"The greaterpart of us have acquired a fondness for it. . . .While we subsisted on that food we were fatter,stronger, <strong>and</strong> in general enjoyed better health thanat any period since leaving the buffalo country."Again they say: "It is found to be a strong, healthydiet, preferable to lean deer or elk, <strong>and</strong> muchsuperior to horse flesh in any state." Many othertravelers <strong>and</strong> residents in the early West <strong>com</strong>mended

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