Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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410 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTlong on the hook.In sunny weather, <strong>and</strong> for clear,still water, chubs <strong>and</strong> other tough species are preferred,being moie active <strong>and</strong> enduring. Almostany small fish will do in a pinch. Young yellowperch make excellent bait if the dorsal spine isclipped off. On the Potomac <strong>and</strong> the Susquehannarivers a favorite bass bait is what they call a madtom,which is nothing but a small yellow catfish(stone cat) with its spines cut off. To keep a tomfrom running under a rock <strong>and</strong> anchoring himselfthere, they peel a bit of skin off the back of hishead: one bump on that tender spot cures him!For bass, pickerel, <strong>and</strong> mascalonge (spell it tosuit yourself—here in the Carolina mountains thenatives call it the "jack fish"— yes, we have thereal mascalonge) don't use minnows under threeinches, if you can get better ones. A half-poundbass will get away with a five-inch minnow.When fishing with a short line <strong>and</strong> no reel, hookyour minnow through the back, instead of themouth, just behind the dorsal fin,being careful notto injure the backbone. The reason is that youhave no chance to let your bass run <strong>and</strong> turn theminnow for swallowing—you must strike quick,while he is holding it by the middle. (Now don'tget your own back up, Mr. Angler, this wholechapter is for men in extremity, <strong>and</strong> sportsmanshiphas nothing to do with it.)Frogs often are good bait in still fishing (theonly method we are considering), although mostfavored by bait casters. Use none but small ones;the big fellows are of no account except for yourown eating. The young of the <strong>com</strong>mon leopardfrog is best. Hook him through both lips, fromthe bottom up, but to one side, so as to miss theartery In the center of the upper jaw. Let thehook <strong>com</strong>e out near one eye ; then the frog willwriggle around in trying to right himself. Keephim in motion a good deal, <strong>and</strong> bring him up now<strong>and</strong> then for a breathing-spell, or he will drown.Young frogs are to be found from June to August

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