Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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CHAPTER XXIILIVING OFF THE COUNTRY—IN EXTREMISAs I said at the beginning, the supreme test of<strong>woodcraft</strong> <strong>com</strong>es when the equipment has beendestroyed by some disaster. Such misfortunes arenot un<strong>com</strong>mon; if we seldom hear of them it isbecause they happen in far-away, isolated places,<strong>and</strong> the survivors are not interviewed by the press.A man gets lost <strong>and</strong> has to w<strong>and</strong>er for a week,two weeks, or longer, before he meets a humanbeing. A canoe is smashed to bits in a rapid, ahundred miles from the nearest outpost, <strong>and</strong> themen get ashore with nothing but the clothes theyst<strong>and</strong> m <strong>and</strong> the contents of their pockets. Andworse has happened. Robinson Crusoe had a prenticejob <strong>com</strong>pared to the actual experiences ofhundreds of men <strong>and</strong> women whom fate has thrown,destitute of tools or weapons, far from the paths<strong>and</strong> courses of civilization.The pity is that such disasters befall, in so manycases, people who have no knowledge of how tomeet them. Helplessness breeds despair. Onewoodsman, at such a time, will rustle more foodthan a <strong>com</strong>pany of tenderfoots. At the worst hewill find something to keep him going—somethingthat the others, though starving, would pass bywithout knowing that it could give them energy.In this sort of emergency, needless to say, thereis but one law: self-preservation. Game laws <strong>and</strong>other rules of sportsmanship are, for the time, nonexistent.The sufferer will kill anything that canbe eaten, in any way that he can get it. If all403

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