Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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400 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTfrom the leaves of chicory, ginseng, dittany, thr.sweet goldenrod {Solidago odora), <strong>and</strong> cinquefoil.Other plants used for the purpose are Labrador tea,Oswego tea, <strong>and</strong> (inferior) New Jersey tea. Ourpioneers also made decoctions of chips of the arbor-vitae(white cedar) <strong>and</strong> of sycamore, the driedIcuves of black birch, <strong>and</strong> the tips of hemlock boughs,sweetening them with maple sugar ; but here we approachthe list of medicinal teas, which is well-nighendless. The Indians made a really good "mapletea" by boiling sassafras-root bark for a short timein maple sap.Agreeable summer drinks can be made by infusingthe sour fruit of the mountain ash {PyrusAmericana)^ from sumac berries (dwarf <strong>and</strong> stag"-horn), <strong>and</strong> from the fruit of the red mulberry.The sweet sap of both hard <strong>and</strong> soft maples, boxelder, <strong>and</strong> the birches (except red birch) is potable.Small beer can be made from the sap of black birch,from the pulp of honey locust pods, the fruit ofthe persimmon, shoots <strong>and</strong> root-bark of sassafras,<strong>and</strong> the twigs of black <strong>and</strong> red spruce. Ciderhas been made from the fruit of crab-apples <strong>and</strong>service-berries.CONDIMENTSVinegar can be made from ma2le or birch sap, orfrom fruit juices, by diluting with water <strong>and</strong> addin}?:a little yeast. The very sour berries of sumac turncider into vinegar, or they may be used alone.Our fields <strong>and</strong> forests afford many pleasant condimentsfor flavoring. Sassafras, oil of birch, wintergreen,peppermint <strong>and</strong> spearmint will occur to everyone. Balm, sweet marjoram, summer savory <strong>and</strong>tansy are sometimes found in wild places, wherethey have escaped from cultivation. The rootstockof sweet cicely has a spicy taste, with a strong odorof anise, <strong>and</strong> is edible. Sweet gale gives a pleasantflavor to soups <strong>and</strong> dressings. The seeds of tansymustard were used by the Indians in flavoring dishes.Wild garlic ("ramps"), wild onions, peppergrass,snowberry <strong>and</strong> spicewood may be used for similarpurposes.Perhaps the greatest privation that a civilized manBuflfers. next to having no meat, is to lack salt anH

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