Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com

Camping and woodcraft - Scoutmastercg.com


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,96 CAMPING AND WOODCRAFTSwamp Gooseberry. R. lacustre. July-Aug,Bailey's Grape. Vitis Baileyana.Blue Grape. Winter G. V. bicolor.Downy Grape. V. cinerea.Frost Grape. V. cordifolia. Oct.-Nov-Missouri Grape. F. pahjiata. Oct.Northern P'ox Grape. V. Labrusca. Aug.-Sep.Riverside Grape. Sweet-scented G. V. vulpina,July-Oct.S<strong>and</strong> Grape. Sugar G. V. rupestris. Aug.Southern Fox Grape. V. rotundifolia. Aug.-Sep.Summer Grape. V. aestivalis. Sep.-Oct:Ground Cherry. Physalis, several species.Hackberry. Celtis occidentalis. Sep.-Oct. Berriesdry but edible.Black: Haw. Viburnum prunifolium. Sep.-Oct.Scarlet Haw. Red H. Crataegus mollis. Sep.*OctṀay Apple.M<strong>and</strong>rake. Podophyllum peltatum.July.Passion-flower, Passiflora incarnata; also P.Fruit known as Maypops.lutea.Pawpaw. Asimina triloba. Fruit edible whenfrost-bitten.Persimmon. Diospyros Virginiana. Fruit edibleafter frost.Beach Plum. Prunus martima. Sep-Oct.Canada Plum. P. nigra. Aug.Chickasaw Plum. P. angustifolia. May-July.Low Plum. p. gracilis.Porter's Plum. P. Alleghaniensis. Aug.Watson's Plum. P. JVatsoni.Wild Goose Plum. P. hortulana. Sep"Oct.Wild Red Plum. Yellow P. P. Americana.Aug.-Oct.Ground Plum. Astragalus crassicarpus ; also A.Mfxicanus. Unripe fruit resembles green plums,<strong>and</strong> is eaten raw or cooked.Black Raspberry. Thimble-berry. Rubus occidentalis.July.Cloudberrv. R. Chamae?norus,

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